Evaluation of Thriller Opening Sequence

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Evaluation of Thriller Opening

By James schneider
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of real media products?

• I believe my opening sequence sticks to many of the codes and conventions which many films of the thriller genre
stick to such as:

• .Dark settings
• .Low lighting
• .Formal clothing
• .Mystery
• .Unease
• .And many more.

• The sequence opens as a zoom out of a confidential paper, to display the first
‘mysterious’ character, the identity of the character is not visible at first, but from the
paper on the desk we know that he has great significance in the scene. The
shadowed, low key lighting adds to suspense, emphasizing that the character is
‘mysterious’, a shady role, stereotypical of the genre. While highlighting something,
and having a phone conversation shows him to be quite secretive.
• Lighting is used to add to the tension throughout the scene, the low key lighting with
the contrast of the darkness of the night time, an affect used to show that the
character is deserted, alone emphasising the hopelessness the character is in.

The long shot of the character, shows that he's lonely; making a journey by himself.
The mise-en-scene of the character; dressed in a suit emphasises the importance of the
character, conventions used within a common thriller.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• characters represented social groups of men in the age range of 16-20,

young teenagers, who show dominance; power. In our product we have
two different groups, the respected; powerful and the fearless; who are
discriminated against to be weak.

• men illustrate negative representation, portraying them as defiant and

aggressive throughout.
• This image illustrates the defiance of men, and the dominance they
have, before committing a sinful act.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and
•The media institution The opening
I believe that might sequence is
distribute our media based in
opening sequence, London, with
necessarily being British
verve films, working characters and
title, BBC films, British director,
something that so the opening
associates with a low sequence will
budget British thriller, attract British
a British independent viewers, male
corporation. Bullet or female, from
boy a low British urban areas
thriller distributed by who can
verve pictures> associate with
this Genre, for
example kidult
Who would be the audience for your media product?

• Our opening sequence, targets males and females from the age range of 16-35,
mainly people who can associate with the generic conventions of the thriller genre.
main land London, in urban areas. Even though there are no women featuring in our
opening sequence, we chose to discriminate against them, we featured the name
Lisa wrights, a female director who helped out when making our opening sequence.
Who ever maintains a close eye on what's going on in London, like America e.g.
would associate themselves with our audience.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

I have learnt that the technologies used in constructing this type of

product takes time to master and even understand.
The shot must stay always be in a 180 degree radius from where the
beginning of the scene was first shot. Furthermore using the correct
lighting so that the shot doesn’t come out grainy, but clear.

The digital editing of the film is hard to understand if you are

not aware of the software being used,

. We found some difficulties when editing using the

Mac, but after time we found out that, that using “fade”,
“dissolves” were actually easy and not complicated, all
in all our opening sequence was created successfully.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt

in the progression from it to the full product?

• Looking back at our preliminary task, I feel that I have learnt in the progression to the full
product, the use of technology, editing and how to film an accurate opening sequence.

• From our preliminary task we've learnt the importance of different types of shots e.g.
shot, reverse shot which allows you to acknowledge the point of view of two people and
having a conversation. master specific shots, like close ups and pans. In the
progression to making the full scale opening sequence, from the previous slide, the use
of tripods, I Macs, cameras.
• examples of a shot reverse shot, switching two different point of view shots of the
characters having a conversation.

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