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  Prepared by:
  Kiran Qasim
Farah Yaqoob
  Javeria Fatima
  Maria Fatima
Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Early Development of Environmental
 Challenges of Environmental Ethics

 Business and Environmental Ethics

 Environmental Disagreement and

Resulting Inactions
 Shades of green

 Q/As

"We need a new system of values, a system of the
organic unity between humankind and nature and the
ethic of global responsibility." 
Mikhail Gorbachev

Environmental Ethics
 Environmental ethics is the part of environmental
philosophy which considers extending the traditional boundaries
of ethics from solely including humans to including the non-
human world.

 Environmental ethics explores the moral values and ethical

relationship between human beings and the environment in which
they live.

 It exerts influence on a large range of disciplines including

law, sociology, theology, economics, ecology 
and geography.

The Early Development of Environmental
 The inspiration for environmental ethics was
the first Earth Day in 1970 when
environmentalists started urging philosophers
who were involved with environmental groups
to do something about environmental ethics.
 The academic field of environmental ethics
grew up in response to the work of scientists
such as Rachel Carson.

 The questioning and rethinking of the

relationship of human beings with the natural
environment started when the late twentieth
century faced a “population time bomb” and
a serious environmental crisis. 5
The Challenge of Environmental Ethics

 Is it morally acceptable for farmers in non-industrial countries to

practice slash and burn techniques to clear areas for agriculture?

 Does the company have a moral obligation to restore the landform

and surface ecology?

 And what is the value of a humanly restored environment compared

with the originally natural environment?

 It is often said to be morally wrong for human beings to pollute and

destroy parts of the natural environment and to consume a huge
proportion of the planet's natural resources.

Business and Environmental Ethics

 Today’s challenge to business leadership

is ensuring profitability while doing the
right thing using environmentally
sustainable methods.

 Environmentalists and business leaders

have traditionally seen themselves at

 It is more useful to ask, “How is it

possible to put business and
environmental ethics ideas together?”

Environmental Disagreement and Resulting

Shades of green


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