The Human Life Cycle Web

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The Human Life


Chapter 16-3
The Zygote
• Zygote- fertilized egg no bigger than .
• Zygote develops first into an embryo
and then into a fetus
• After the sperm and egg join, the
zygote moves toward the uterus and
begins to divide.
• The large cell group attaches to the
lining of the uterus
• For 8 wks, the developing human is
called an embryo
The Development of the
• After the embryo attaches to the uterus, new
membranes form
• One membrane surrounds the embryo and
develops into a fluid-filled sac (amniotic sac)
• Amniotic fluid cushions and protects the
developing baby
• Placenta- another membrane that forms and
links the developing embryo and the mother
• Embryo’s blood vessels flow next to the
mother’s, but does not mix
• The embryo receives nutrients, oxygen, and
other substances from the mother
• Umbilical cord- ropelike structure that forms
between the embryo and the placenta
• Small molecules such as chemicals in tobacco
smoke, alcohol, and drugs can easily pass
through the barrier to the embryo
The Development of the
• From the 9th week until
birth, the embryo is
called a fetus
• Many internal organs
have formed
• Fetus begins to move
& kick
• Brain and lungs
become developed
Birth- Labor
• Birth occurs in 3
stages- labor,
delivery, and
• Labor- Muscles in
the uterus contract
strongly causing the
cervix to enlarge to
allow the baby to fit
Birth- Delivery
• During delivery, the baby
is pushed completely out
of the uterus through the
vagina, and out of the
mother’s body
• Head usually comes out
• After delivery, the
umbilical cord is
clamped & cut
Birth- Afterbirth Contractions put

pressure on placenta
• Contractions push and umbilical cord,
the placenta and briefly cutting off baby’s
other membranes oxygen
out of the uterus • In response, baby’s
• This is complete is endocrine system
less than an hour releases adrenaline
• Birth process is and heart rate
stressful for both increases
baby and mother • Baby begins to
breathing and crying
Multiple Births
• Multiple birth- the delivery
of more than one baby
from a single pregnancy
• Identical twins develop
from a single fertilized
• Fraternal twins- develop
when two eggs are
released from the ovary
and fertilized by two
different sperm
• Baby’s shape and size change
greatly during infancy
• Newborns cannot lift their heads
• Around 7 months infants begin to
• After 10 months, infants begin to
• Infants communicate in ways other
than speech- crying, cooing,
babbling, spitting
• By the end of infancy, children
understand simple directions, feed
themselves, and play with toys
• Childhood begins at about 2 years
of age until 13.
• Children continue to grow and
become taller and heavier as their
bones and muscles increase in size
• Coordination increases
• Baby teeth fall out and are replaced
• Toward the end of childhood, the
bones begin to grow faster
• Children show a growing curiosity
and increasing mental abilities
• Language skills improve rapidly
• Adolescence- the stage of development when children
become adults physically and mentally
• Puberty- the period of sexual development in which
the body becomes able to reproduce
• Physical changes of puberty are controlled by
• In girls, sex organs develop, hips widen, and skin
begins to produce more oils, menstruation and
ovulation begins
• In boys, hormones from the testes govern changes,
sex organs develop, sperm production begins, skin
oils are produced, body odor increases, voices drop
Mental and Social Changes
• Many important mental and social
changes take place in adolescence
• Teenagers gradually begin to think
and reason like an adult
• Teenagers begin to consider
consequences of their action
• Memory and problem-solving skills
• Peer pressure- consists of pressure
from friends and classmates to
behave in certain ways
Life as an Adult
• Physical changes continue to occur throughout
• After 30, the process of aging begins
• Aging becomes more noticeable between 40
and 65
• Skin becomes wrinkled, eyes lose their ability to
focus, hair may lose its color
• After age 65, aging intensified leading to less
efficient heart and lung action
• Aging can be slowed by a sensible diet and
• What three steps of development does a fertilized egg go through
before birth?

• Briefly describe what happens during each of the 3 stages of


• Describe 3 physical changes that occur in boys and girls during

puberty. Name 2 mental changes and one social change that
adolescents experience.

• What behaviors can adults practice to slow down the effects of


• Why is it dangerous for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol or to


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