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SEC 320 Mart Education Expert/s


SEC 320 Entire Course (UOP)

SEC 320 Proprietary Versus Contract Security Paper
SEC 320 Vulnerable Area of Industrial Security Operatio
SEC 320 The Effect of Employee Theft and Pilferage on R
etail Business Paper
SEC 320 Future Security Paper
SEC 320 The Effect of Employee Theft and Pilferage on R
etail Business Presentation
SEC 320 Event Ris

SEC 320 Event Risk Assessment (UOP)

Present the following scenario:
Imagine you are part of a security team for the Departm
ent of Homeland Security that is responsible for securit
y at the Olympics. You have been tasked with conductin
g a risk assessment for the event.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint prese
ntation that will be presented to senior Department of
Homeland Security officials. The presentation must iden
tify and summarize potential threats, and it must define
countermeasures you would employ for the three most

SEC 320 The Effect of Employee Theft an

d Pilferage on Retail Business Presentati
on (UOP)
Select a retail organization, with facilitator approval.

Describe your selected organization, including its produ
cts, size, locations, and any other pertinent information
necessary for your prevention and response policy.

Consider variables such as employee and customer thef
t, penalties and prosecution thresholds, and appropriat
e security measures when creating the policy.

SEC 320 Week 1 Proprietary Versus Cont

ract Security Paper (UOP)
Present the following scenario: Security managers must
make recommendations for the security of the compan
y for which they are responsible. Imagine you are the se
curity manager of a medium-sized company that manuf
actures high-tech components for an international auto
mobile manufacturer. You are tasked with adding new p
ersonnel to ensure company security measures are met
. Write a 700- to 1,400-word recommendation for using
contract or proprietary security to meet the security ne
eds and goals of the company. Include the following in
your recommendation: Comparison of proprietary and
contract security Issues considered in choosing the ap

SEC 320 Week 2 Vulnerable Area of Indu

strial Security Operations (UOP)
Select a company from the texts or a company of your c
hoice with facilitator approval.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing areas in i
ndustrial security where there are vulnerabilities in rela
tion to the company you have chosen and suggest coun
termeasures to those vulnerabilities.

SEC 320 Week 3 The Effect of Employee

Theft and Pilferage on Retail Business P
aper (UOP)
Select a retail organization, with facilitator approval.

Describe your selected organization, including its produ
cts, size, locations, and any other pertinent information
necessary for your prevention and response policy.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word employe

SEC 320 Week 5 Future Security Paper

Select an organization where a team member is employ
ed or one with which you are familiar.

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that includes the foll
Emerging security trends that may affect the organizati
Possible steps to protect the organization, its customer
s, and its employees
The role of risk and cost-benefit analyses in making se
curity decisions

SEC 320 Week 5 Future Security Present

ation (UOP)
Select an organization where a team member is employ
ed or one with which you are familiar.
Emerging security trends that may affect the organizati
Possible steps to protect the organization, its customer
s, and its employees
The role of risk and cost-benefit analyses in making sec
urity decisions
Prepare a 7- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint prese
ntation summarizing your findings.
Format your paper and presentation consistent with AP
A guidelines.

SEC 320 Mart Education Expert/s


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