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Digital Control


A system is a combination or an arrangement

of different physical components which act

together as an entire unit to achieve certain

Control System

control system is an arrangement of

different physical elements connected in such
a manner so as to regulate, direct or
command itself or some other system.

What is control system?

A control system is a system that is designed

to control some physical quantity

(temperature, pressure, speed, airplane
heading, etc.)

What does a control system do?

In order to control a physical quantity, and

control system must sense (measure) that

physical quantity (controlled variable, output
of the system, etc.).

What is in a control

control system will have some sort

ofsensoror measuring device that is used to
measure the value of whatever it is you are
trying to control.
After measuring the controlled variable, the
system needs to determine how well the
system is performing at that instant of time.
the system computes acontrol effort(If you
are controlling the speed of your car, the
control effort is the throttle setting.) that is
applied to the system to control the output.

What is Digital Control

Using digital computers within a control loop

Open Loop System

A system in which output is dependent on

input but controlling action or input is totally

independent of the output or changes in
output of the system, is called an open loop

Such systems are simple in construction
Very much convenient to measure the output.
No problem of stability.
Simple to design and economical.

Such systems are inaccurate and unreliable.
They cannot sense environmental changes.
They cannot sense internal disturbances in

the system.

An electric switch
Automatic washing machine
Automatic toaster system
Traffic Light Controller

Temperature control

if you are trying to control a

temperature, you need to know what the
temperature is.
Thus, the first thing you have to do to control a

quantity (temperature) is to measure that

quantity to see what value it has.

Secondly, after you measure the temperature,


temperature with the temperature you want to

have - otherwise known as the desired
Is it too high? Is it too low? How much higher
(lower) is it compared to what you want?

Finally, after you have compared where you are

at (i.e. measured the temperature) and

compared it with what you want (i.e. the
desired temperature) you should take control
There are numerous ways you can control a

Closed Loop Control

A system in which the controlling action or

input is dependent on the output or changes

in output is called closed loop system.

Advantages of Closed loop system:

Accuracy is very high.
It senses environmental changes as well as
internal disturbances.
Reduced effect of distortions.
Such systems are complicated and time
consuming to design and hence costlier.
Tendency to overcorrect the error may cause
oscillations without bound.
Stability problems are more.

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