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 Ameya Bhat 02
 Ankita Pote 05
 Bhagyashri Patil 08
 Dhananjay Morey 11
 Rachana Bhavsar 25
 Vrushali Patil 39
 Pallavi More 49

 Decentralization of authority means dispersal

of decision-making power to the lower levels
of the organization
 Company may be highly decentralized even
though all physical facilities and employees
are located in a single building
 Decentralized organization is one in which
even the lowest-level managers and
employees are empowered to make decisions
Objectives of Decentralization

 Relive the burden of work

 Develop the managerial faculties
 Motivation and satisfaction of workers
 Quick and appropriate decision
 Smooth communication at all levels
Principles of Decentralization

 Co-ordination in decision-making
 Competent and capable subordinates
 Responsibilities with authorities
 Mutual understanding
 Collective decisions

Administrative decentralization

Fiscal decentralization
Delegation Deconcentration Devolution
Factors determining the Decentralization

 Size of the operation

 High costs of decision
 Higher differentiated product lines
 Availability of managerial manpower
 Top management philosophy
 Environmental influences
Indicators of Decentralization

 Hiring and fixing of employees

 Approval of increase in pay (wages, salaries)
 Promotion of officers
 Purchase and sale of capital equipment
 Approval of price quotation
 Acceptance of sales orders
 Approval of travel expenses
Advantages of Decentralization

 It reduce the burden of top executives

 It makes diversification effective
 It helps in the development of managerial
 It is very important for production and
marketing activity
 It creates perfect atmosphere and
development of morals
Disadvantages of Decentralization

 It increases the administrative expenses

 It requires the product lines of the concerns to be
 If finds problems in bringing co-ordination among
the various units
 It brings about inconsistencies and uncertainties in
the company
 It is not possible because of external factors
 Establishment of appropriate centralization

 Development of manager

 Provision for communication and cooperation

 Establishing adequate controls

Guidelines for Introducing

 Capable managers at all levels

 Adequate controls at all levels

 Effective communication and co-ordination

 Dispersion of location of plants

When to Decentralize ?????

 Relief to Top Executives

 Diversification
 Emphasis on Product and Market
 Management Development
 Higher Motivation
 Break-through Strategy (BTS)
Centralization vs. Decentralization

Centralization Decentralization
The degree to which decision The degree to which decisions are
making is concentrated at a single made by lower-level employees
point in the organization
Top-level managers make decisions Distinct trend toward decentralized
with little input from subordinates decision making
in a centralized organization
Organization is facing crisis or the Corporate culture is open to allowing
risk of company failure managers to have a say in what
Centralization vs. Decentralization

Top managers hold most
decision-making authority

Lower level managers hold
significant decision-making
Case deals with “Whether Management should be
Centralized or Decentralized”
Example of CML Group

 Charles M. Leighton - Professor of

management at Harvard business school set
up his own unit
 He want to start his own business and test
management theories
 Operate a business with courage and

 He got his capital from capitalist who agreed

with his style of business management
 In the three years they expanded their sales
and acquired 11 companies
 Top management of the companies and end
up to interfering with acquired business

 The various heads of subsidiary companies

they set their own product line without
internal differences
 Each manager measure his own performance
against goals set in a strategic plan
 They adopted MBO and management by
 The company management strategy believed
in decentralization

 This case is indicated that a manager must
share the decision making responsibilities if
the environment is favourable
 For effective decentralization, it is necessary
to have a favourable environment of group of
subordinates is capable

 Decentralization implies more delegation of

 In large and complex organization higher
decentralization is always preferable
 In the 21st century, knowledge workers will
always prefer higher decentralization and

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