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Nationalism Triumphs in


German & Italian Unification


Section 1
Building a German Nation

Taking Initial Steps Toward Unity

 Napoleon Raids German Lands
 Economic Changes Promote Unity
Bismarck Unites Germany
 Master of Realpolitik
 Strengthening the Army
 Prussia Declares War with Denmark and Austria
 France Declares War on Prussia
Birth of the German Empire

 The highest official of a monarch
 Realistic politics based on the needs of the state
 To take control of
 emperor

Otto von Bismarck

 Came from Prussia’s Junker class, made up of conservative
land nobles. Served as first served Prussia as a diplomat in
Russia and France
Section 2
Germany Strengthens

Germany Becomes an Industrial Giant

 Making Economic Progress
 Promoting Scientific and Economic Development
The Iron Chancellor
 Campaign Against the Church
 Campaign Against the Socialist
Kaiser Williams II

social walfare
 Programs to help certain groups of people
 “Battle for civilization”

William II
 In 1888, he succeeded his grandfather as Kaiser, the new
emperor was supremely confident in his abilities and wished to
put his own stamp on Germany
 In 1890, he socked Europe by asking the dominating Bismarck
to resign
Section 3
Unifying Italy

Obstacles to Italian Unity

 Mazzini Establishes Young Italy
 Nationalism Takes Root
The Struggle for Italy
 Cavour Becomes Prime Minister
 Intrigue With France
 Garibaldi’s “Red Shirts”
 Unity at Last
Challenges Facing the New Nation
 Divisions
 Turmoil
 Economic Progress

 People who wants to abolish all government
 Movement away from their homeland

Giuseppe Garibaldi
 A longtime nationalist and an ally of Mazzini
Count Camillo Cavour
 German unification was brought about by the efforts of a
strong state and furthered by a shrewd, ruthless politician
Section 4
Nationalism Threatens Old Empires

The Hapsburg Empire Declines

 Austria Faces Change
 A multinational Empire
 Francis Joseph Grants Limited Reforms
Formation of the Dual Monarchy
 The Austria-Hungary Government
 Nationalist Unrest Increases
The Ottoman Empire Collapses
 Balkan Nationalism Erupts
 European Powers Divide Up the Ottoman Empire
 War in the Balkans

Dual Monarchy
 The monarchy of Austria-Hungary

Ferenc Deak
 A monderate Hungarian leader
Francis Joseph
 18-year old, who inherited the Hapsburg throne
Section 5
Russia: Reform and Reaction

Conditions in Russia
 Russia’s Social Structure
 Ruling With Absolute Power
Emancipation and Stirrings of Revolution
 Freeing the Serfs
 Introducing Other Reforms
 Revolutionary Currents
 Crackdown
 Persecution and Pogroms
Section 5
Russia: Reform and Reaction

 The Drive to Industrialize

 Turning Point: Crisis and Revolution

 Bloody Sunday
 The Revolution of 1905
 Results of the Revolution

 Or Giant
 Freeing of the serfs
 Elected assemblies
 Violent mob attacks on Jewish people
 People who flee their homeland to seek safety elsewhere
 Elected national legislature

Alexander II
 Came to the throne in 1855 during the Crimean War. His reign
represents the pattern of reform and repression used by his
father and grandfather, Alexander I and Nicholas I
Peter Stolypin
 New prime minister f Russia, who sought to restore order

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