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CGD 318 Course Career Path

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CGD 318 Entire Course

CGD 318 Week 1 DQ 1 What is Public Relations
CGD 318 Week 1 DQ 2 Public Relations and Crisis Manag
CGD 318 Week 1 Quiz
CGD 318 Week 2 DQ 1 Public Relations Research
CGD 318 Week 2 DQ 2 Publics & Public Opinion
CGD 318 Week 2 Assignment To Accept or Reject a Clien

CGD 318 Week 1 DQ 1 What i

s Public Relations
What is Public Relations? Assess a minimum of two d
efinitions of public relations from the course materials
and your own research. Compare and contrast the majo
r differences and interrelationships between public rela
tions and journalism. Has public relations influenced yo
ur buyer behavior? Synthesize the course materials and
other research to support your response. Respond subs
tantively to at least two of your classmates postings.

CGD 318 Week 1 DQ 2 Public

Relations and Crisis Manage

Public Relations and Crisis Management. Review the

video, Jack Welch on Toyota's PR Disaster. How does Dr.
Welch assess Toyotas performance? Based on the cours
e materials and the video and other research, synthesiz
e the concepts and give an illustration of how Toyota mi
ght have changed public perception using PR in respond
ing to this crisis. Respond substantively to at least two o
f your classmates postings.

CGD 318 Week 1 Quiz

When steps are taken to repair damage from the
crisis and to prevent it from happening again, it is what
type of strategy?
According to the text, clients often criticize public
relations firms for all of the following EXCEPT:
What is not a contingency factor that public relat
ions professionals must take into account in managing
a conflict with its public?
Environmental activist John Muir used public rela
tions tactics to:

CGD 318 Week 2 Assignment

To Accept or Reject a Client
To Accept or Reject a Client. A well-known profession
al baseball player is suspected of having used steroids a
nd other performance-enhancing drugs. He has not bee
n charged. His agent asks you to advise and assist him i
n handling the intense media interest in the case. He wa
nts you to try to place favorable stories about the baseb
all star in the media and create a positive environment f
or him. If formally accused, it could mean irreparable d
amage to his baseball career.

CGD 318 Week 2 DQ 1 Public

Relations Research
Public Relations Research. Identify a minimum of five
ways research is used in public relations. Discuss the rol
e of public relations research in setting organizational s
hort-term and long-term goals within an organization. A
ssess the manner in which public relations research can
help professionals build and shape PR campaigns. Resp
ond substantively to at least two of your classmates po

CGD 318 Week 2 DQ 2 Public

s & Public Opinion
Publics & Public Opinion. Choose an organization and
identify its key audiences, or publics. Assess how these
publics can have their opinion shaped. Compare and co
ntrast the influence of the different types of opinion lea
ders and their influence on shaping public opinion. Res
pond substantively to at least two of your classmates p

CGD 318 Week 2 Quiz

Any false statement about a person or organizati
on that creates public contempt, hatred, ridicule, or infli
cts injury on reputation is known as:
Motivational objectives are more difficult to acco
mplish because:
What persuasive tactic is being used when a polit
ical candidate begins to use the issue of employment if
the poll indicates that unemployment is a key issue?
Which is not an aspect of timing in a public relati
ons program?

CGD 318 Week 3 Assignment

News Release
News Release. Review the section entitled The Format
of a News Release in the beginning of Chapter 10. Cho
ose an existing product or a made up product and write
a one to two page news release (not including title and r
eference pages) announcing the introduction of the new
product using the provided format.
Include at least one scholarly resource in addition to th
e course text.

CGD 318 Week 3 DQ 1 The Au

The Audience. Select and discuss one of the following
questions. Conduct research using the text and the Univ
ersitys Online Library to support the position you take.
Respond substantively to at least two of your classmate
s postings.
a. Assess the public relations implications of the senior
market in the United States. Identify a specific senior au
dience. Is this an influential audience? Why or why not?

CGD 318 Week 3 DQ 2 Public

Relations Tactics
Public Relations Tactics. Review the public relations c
ommunications instruments in Chapter 10, such as new
s releases, brochures, and broadcast media. Select an o
rganization, and compare and contrast the strengths an
d limitations of two instruments used by the organizatio
n. Which tactic is least effective and why? Which tactic is
most effective and why? Synthesize the course material
s and other research to support your response. Respon
d substantively to at least two of your classmates posti

CGD 318 Week 3 Quiz

This form of news delivery to television stations
must be carefully considered because of the cost.
The most widely used document issued by practi
tioners to news media is the
Which is a good public relations tech tool of inter
nal communication with employees?
What is the principal media impact and attractio
n of American Idol?

CGD 318 Week 4 DQ 1 Global

Impact of Public Relations
Global Impact of Public Relations. Select an organiza
tion from the United States that conducts business in co
untries other than the U. S., and assess the impact of gl
obal public relations on buyer behavior (hint: Coca-Cola,
Disney, McDonalds, etc.). Respond substantively to at le
ast two of your classmates postings.

CGD 318 Week 4 DQ 2 Busine

ss, Sports, Tourism, and Ente

Business, Sports, Tourism, and Entertainment. Synt

hesize the course materials and evaluate how the public
relations professional educates the media using a specif
ic example either from a corporation, a sports celebrity,
tourism (for a state, for example), or for an entertainer.
Respond substantively to at least two of your classmate
s postings

CGD 318 Week 4 Quiz

Which is NOT a Hofstedes cultural dimension th
at addresses a cultural difference?
The pinnacle of corporate sponsorships is
The refusal to buy the products or services of a c
ompany is called
News releases in Malaysia should be distributed
to avoid confusion and enhance understanding is:
About one-third of U.S. corporate profits are gen
erated through
Diversity in the workforce impacts all the followi

CGD 318 Week 5 DQ 1 Public

Relations & Non-Profit Organ

Public Relations & Non-Profit Organizations. Select

a non-profit organization (American Red Cross, Salvatio
n Army, etc.) and assess the role of public relations in th
at non-profit organization. Compare and contrast at lea
st two characteristics between a for-profit organization
and a non-profit organization. Respond substantively to
at least two of your classmates postings.

CGD 318 Week 5 DQ 2 Public

Relations in the 21st Century
Public Relations in the 21st Century. Select an organi
zation from the United States and assess the methods w
ith which this organization uses communication instrum
ents such as traditional or social media for its public rel
ations campaign. To what extent has this company incor
porated newer media into its public relations strategy?
Use the course materials and other research data to su
pport your position. Respond substantively to at least t
wo of your classmates postings.

CGD 318 Week 5 Final Paper

(Public Relations of Starbuck

For the Final Paper, you will be evaluating the public rel
ations practices at an organization based on all the chap
ters in the course text.
Develop a paper that answers the following questions b
ased on the organization of your choice. You may pick a
ny organization as long as your choice has information
available to answer the following questions.
1. Analyze how the organization used public relations to
create a brand and influence public opinion.
2. How is your selected organization adapting to the soc
ial media sites and other venues in the 21st century?
3. Identify a crisis that the organization has faced or is f
acing and analyze how it was or is being handled

CGD 318 Course Career Path

Begins /cgd318dotcom

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