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Live on Top

Course Outlines

Introduction to mobile communication

CDMA principles
Transmission problems
CDMA network architecture
CDMA network interfaces
CDMA air interface
CDMA key technologies

Effects on Radio Communication

Signal degradation can be classified by type :

Path Loss
during distance covered by the radio signal, it is called Free space
path loss , it can be calculated by
LFS = 32.44 + 20 log F (MHz) +20 log d (Km)

Signal attenuation
Resulting from shadowing effects introduced by the obstacles between
transmitter and receiver

Fading of the signal

Caused by numerous effects all of which are related to the Radio
propagation phenomenon

Effects on Radio Communication

the Radio propagation phenomenon


Propagating wave impinges on an object which is large compared to

E.g., the surface of the Earth, buildings, walls, etc.



Radio path between transmitter and receiver obstructed by

surface with sharp irregular edge
Waves bend around the obstacle, even when LOS does not exist
Objects smaller than the wavelength of the propagating wave
E.g., foliage, street signs, lamp posts

Fading Problems


Shadowing (Normal fading):

The reason for shadowing is the presence of obstacles like large hills or
buildings in the path between the site and the mobile.
The signal strength received fluctuates around a mean value while changing
the mobile position resulting in undesirable beats in the speech signal.

Rayleigh Fading (Multi-path Fading):

The received signal is coming from different paths due to a series of

reflection on many obstacles. The difference in paths leads to a difference
in paths of the received components.

Effects on Radio Communication

Fading Problems

Fading Problems Solutions


Increase the fading Margin

Fading Problems Solutions

2. Antenna diversity (Space Diversity)

The cell transceiver will use two receiving antennas instead of one. They
will be separated by a distance of about (10* ) , and they will receive
radio signals independently, so they will be affected differently by the
fading dips and the better signal received will then be selected.

Received Signal Strength


Fading Problems Solutions

Space diversity

That means we can use two antennas for receiving instead of one
antenna to avoid the fading of the signal at a certain receiving point

The RAKE Receivers

To avoid the multi-path effect there are several RAKE Receivers
in the mobile station and the base station where the signals which
arrives at mobile station at different time will be demodulated
separately and will be given a different time delay so as to keep
them in phase and the Mobile station will perform vector adding
of these signals

Rake Receiver





Raker combination

The Principle of RAKE Receiver

Correlator 1
Correlator 2


Receive set

The combined

Correlator 3
Calculate the
time delay and
signal strength

Searcher correlator



The RAKE technology can overcome the multi-path fading and enhance
the receive performance of the system.

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