Islamic Ideologies Concept in Morals Knowledge

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Islamic ideologies concept

in morals knowledge

Group 3
Nazilatun Nimah (13630044)
Hanifah Hasna F (13630063)
Eva Rahmawati (136300

Understanding of Science Morals

Knowledge probation in al-Wasit Mu'jamul
Science is science object moral discussion is about values
related to human actions can be deemed good or bad.
Knowledge probation in The Encyclopaedia of Islam
It is the science of virtues and the way how to acquire them,
of vices and the way how to quard against them.
Science morals in the dictionary Al-Kawthar
Moral Science is defined as the science of manners. So,
Morals science is science that seeks to identify human
behavior and then give to the law or act that it is good or
bad according to the norms of morality and ethics.
Knowledge Da'iratul character in the book Maarif
Science is the science of moral priorities and how to follow it
up and filled with about cons and how to avoid them to

Understanding of Science Morals

From some of the above can be

formulated that Science Morals is the
science which deals with human
behavior and teach good deeds to be
done and evil deeds which should be
avoided in interaction with God, man
and creature (nature) around him in
his daily life according to the values

Morals in Islam
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ya'qub
(Ibn Maskawaih 170-241 H)
Some experts think the Islamic view on
The description of the character outlined in his
book Ibn Maskawaih Tahdzibul Akhlaq, the
things you'll enjoy the human soul has three
levels, namely:
a. Annafsul Bahimiyah, bad
b. Annafsus Saburayah, which are
c. Annafsun nathiqah, which is good in its

Ikhwanusshafa (922 - 1012 AD)

Ikhwanusshafa is thought to belong to the group of experts
in the tenth century AD in Basrah. As the trees their
thoughts about morals are as follows:

The tendency to attribute piety and spirituality


Man to be good when acting in accordance with the

original character of the act arising from the
contemplation of the mind and thoughts.


The feeling of love is the most sublime morality,

especially the love of God.


The essence of man is his soul, even so, people also

need to pay attention to his body in order to make

Imam Al-Ghazali
In his famous Ihya 'Ulumuddin, his views on morality are as
a. Probation means the life and properties of bad to good
b. Good manners can hold the balance between the power
of the mind, the power of lust, anger and strength.
c. Morality is a habit people are still there in man that can
foster actions and human behavior.
d. The behavior of a person is his painting.
e. The human personality can basically receive a
formation, but more inclined to the welfare of the crime.
f. The soul can be trained, controlled, and transformed
into a noble and admirable.

In his book, Al-Fadilah ra'yu Member Madinatil moral views are
described as follows:
a. State the main (Madinatil Fadhilah) is a land of prosperity and
happiness of citizens fighting for his country.
b. For the sake of it, must be guided by the example of the irregular
relationship between God and the universe and the nature of the
content with others.
c. The emergence of three kinds of people:
1. Because of the strength of a strong
2. Because of the similarities descendant or blood ties between
3. Because the marital relationship between the families.
d. Classification society into a society perfect and imperfect society.
e. Each situation contains elements of conflict. An example can be
seen in the life, which is that the strong oppressing the weak,
weak demand justice.

Ibn Bayah

Spiritual factor that drives people to do good

deeds and bad.
Most human behavior is the same as moral
animals, such as bold leopard nature,
arrogant peacock, greed, shame and
compliance of various animals. People who
do not heed the perfection of nature
(intellect) means only providing for himself
on the properties of the animal and its
priorities be lost.

Flow-Flow view Islam About Doing Good

and Bad
According Asy'ariyah, humans will not be able to
recognize good and bad thing when there is no
indication of God revealed in the form of
When people act according to the rule of God
found in the Quran, it is immoral. When not in
conformity with the rule of God, it can be
considered immoral.
Mutazilis held that reason had been the norm of
good and bad, not Islam as opinion of the Sunnis.

Maturidiyyah believes that everything can be judged
good or bad based on the substance. Human reason
can reach most of what is good or bad. According to
them, everything is categorized into three things,
a. something which can be reached by human reason
independently about his deeds.
b. something that can be reached sense of the value
of its ugliness.
c. something that the value of goodness or badness
vague and can not be known unless the judgment
of Personality.

This stream is said that in matters of good and
bad deeds of man, man has freedom and
liberty in determining the course of his life
and they reject their qada 'and Qadr.
According to the flow of extreme human
jabariyah no part at all in determining his
actions, all determined by God. In addition to
this there is understood the group understand
Jabariyah that is considered moderate.

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