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SAP ASE evaluation

Understanding SAP ASE
Managing the Databases
Managing the Database parameters
Backup and restore

SAP ASE evaluation

SAP Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) which is commonly known as ASE or just Sybase DB,
is a relational model database server product for businesses developed by Sybase Corporation which
became part of SAP AG. ASE is predominantly used on the Unix platform, but is also available for
Microsoft Windows.

Originally for Unix platforms in 1987, Sybase Corporation's primary relational database management
system product was initially marketed under the name Sybase SQL Server. In 1988, SQL Server for
OS/2 was co-developed for the PC by Sybase, Microsoft, and Ashton-Tate. Ashton-Tate divested its
interest and Microsoft became the lead partner after porting SQL Server to Windows NT. Microsoft
and Sybase sold and supported the product through version 4.2.1.

Sybase released SQL Server 4.2 in 1992. later Microsoft is separated from Sybase, and they started
developing MS SQL server versions
Latest name of Sybase ASE is SAP ASE

Sybase system databases

There are five required system databases in Sybase ASE

master DB

model DB

temp DB

sybsystemprocs DB


System databases

master DB : contain metadata and brain of Sybase ASE. Its first DB which come online after

model DB : template DB. Whenever new DB is created , a copy of model DB is copied.

temp DB : temporary database. Used during sorting and other temporary work.

sybsystemprocs DB : store all system procedure info.

sybsystemdb : used for distributed transaction management system.

Additional databases

sybmgmt DB : stores job schedule information.

User databases

User Defined Databases <SID> is SAP database &

sap tools (Dbaockpit History database )
These databases created by SAP installer in SAP ASE.

SAP ASE file system in SAP

File System/logical volume

SAP ASE software ($SYBASE) Size: at least 4 GB


Location for devices

Size: at least 1 GB
Location for device tempdb, Size: at least 3 GB
Location for device saptempdb; Size: at least 3 GB


Location for devices containing the database saptools

Size: at least 3 GB


Location for devices containing data

Location for devices containing logs
Location for devices containing the database sybsecurity
Size: at least 1 GB

Database user roles

System Administrator
by default the system administrator (the sa)
has the following role


Managing disk storage

Backuping and loading databases

granting permissions to adaptive server users

Database user

List of database users

1. SA
3. Sapsso
We can list the user by using stored procedure
>sp_helpuser database name
For adding database user sp_addlogin username, password, database name
for adding a user , you execute with sso_role user

Connecting to database

Isql Usapsa S<SID> -D<SID> -X

U iusername
S server name
D Database name
X- Network authentication

Sybase central control

Sybase Central control

Sybase Central is the primary tool for working with database objects on windowing systems.

You can use Sybase Central to manage servers, databases, and dbspaces. It lets you create, modify,
and delete all kinds of database objects, including tables, procedures, views, indexes, users, and
groups. To use Sybase Central on multiplex servers, see Using Sybase IQ Multiplex.

This chapter is concerned with the SQL statements for working with database objects. If you use
Sybase Central, these SQL statements are generated for you. The primary source of information
about Sybase Central is the Sybase Central online help. This chapter gives only brief pointers for
tasks that you can carry out using Sybase Central

List of process run at OS level

SAP ASE list of Process run at background


SAP ASE supports

SAP ASE supports EHp2 For SAP Netweaver 7.0 onwards

It's support's operating systems both for UNIX systems and windows systems
UNIX: AIX7.1 & HP-UNIX 11.31 & Solaris 10 & 11
LInux: Redhat enterprise linux 6 & 7 and suse enterprise linux 10 & 11
Windows server 2008 onwards
Cluster edition SAP ASE15.7 130

Managing databases space

1) Adding the datafile to database device

use master
disk init name='sybmgmtdb2', physname='E:\sybase\DEV\sybsystem\sybmgmtdb2.dat', size='1.5G
i) Assigning the created database device space to database
alter database sybmgmtdb on sybmgmtdb2 = 1000M

(mention in mbs )

Note : Here sybmgmtdb2 is the device name and sybmgmtdb is the database
2) Resizing the database device
disk resize name = "sybmgmtdb2", size = "4M
Note : sybmgmtdb2 is the database device name

Managing databases space

1)Adding space to log file

alter database saptools log on saptools_log_001 = 1024
2) Shrinking log file , if unused space is available
alter database SID log off SID_log_001.dat = "19456M"


We can monitor database space.

DB02 (Data space Administration)

We can also extend database space using dbacockpit by selecting the Sybase Database


Extending database size

Enter the database name and type of file


Extending database size

Enter the database name and type of file


Extending database size

Enter the database name and type of file


Mandatory backups: database (usually system id), database transaction logs (usually
system id) daily
Optional backups: Master, sybmgmtdb, sap tools at weekly once
Recommended Cycle for 28 days
Daily Full online backup of sap system DB
Frequent Daily Transaction Logs of SAP system DB
Weekly once full offline sap system DB (in Sunday)
Weekly once optional database backups : master, sybmgmtdb, saptools
Weekly once operating system level backup is recommended
Taking the database Backup
C:\Users\bwdadm>isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1> dump database BWD to "E:\backup\BWD_DB_08_04_2014.dmp"
2> go
1> dump transaction BWD to "E:\backup\BWD_DB_08_04_2014.trn1"
dump database saptools to "E:\backup\BWD_DB_08_04_2014.trn1"

Restoring database using latest Backup
Stopsap and start only database services
C:\Users\bwdadm>isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1>use master
3>load database BWD from E:\BACKUP\BWD_OFF_04_11_2014.dmp
5>load transaction BWD from E:\BACKUP\BWD_TRANS_04_11_2014.trn
7>online database BWD
Updating statics for table manually
Isql Usapsa -SPRD - DPRD -X
1>use PRD
3>set quoted_identifier on
5>update index statistics SAPSR3."REPOSRC"

How to start and stop database services manually

1. Starting Sybase database service
Login to syb<sid >user
Cd /sybase/<SID>/ASE-16_0/install
Startserver f RUN_<SID>
2. Stopping Sybase database service
Login to syb<sid >user
isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
2> go
3. Starting Sybase backup service
Login to syb<sid >user
Cd /sybase/<SID>/ASE-16_0/install
Startserver f RUN_<SID>_BS

4. To start and stop database job scheduler (JSAGENT)

1.Starting database job scheduler
Login to syb<SID>
isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1>use sybmgmtdb
2> go
3>exec sp_sjobcontrol @name =NULL, @option=start_js
2.Stopping database job scheduler
Login to syb<SID>
isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1>use sybmgmtdb
2> go
3>exec sp_sjobcontrol @name =NULL, @option=stop_js

Monitoring the database error messages

Login to syb<SID>
Cd /sybase/ESD/ASE-16_0/install
For database error logs <SID>.log
For database backup logs <SID>_BS.log
For JS agent logs <SID>_JSAGENT.log
Monitoring tools in Sybase
1> monitoring the Sybase database parameters utilization
isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1>sp_monitorconfig all
2> monitoring Sybase database performance in last two mins
1> sp_sysmon '00:02:00'
2> go

Monitoring the database space utilization by query

isql -Usapsa -SBWD -DBWD -X
1> SELECT "Database" = CONVERT(char(20), db_name(D.dbid)), "Data Size" =
STR(SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap != 4 THEN U.size*(@@maxpagesize/1024)/1024
END),10,1), "Used Data" = STR(SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap != 4 THEN size curunreservedpgs(U.dbid, U.lstart,
U.unreservedpgs)END)*(@@maxpagesize/1024)/1024,10,1),"Data Full%" = STR(100 *
(1 - 1.0 * SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap != 4 THEN curunreservedpgs(U.dbid, U.lstart,
U.unreservedpgs) END)/SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap != 4 THEN U.size END)),9,1) +
"%", "Log Size" = STR(SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap = 4 THEN
U.size*(@@maxpagesize/1024)/1024 END),10,1),"Free Log" =
"Log Full%" = STR(100 * (1 - 1.0 * lct_admin("logsegment_freepages",D.dbid) /
SUM(CASE WHEN U.segmap = 4 THEN U.size END)),8,1) + "%" FROM
master..sysdatabases D, master..sysusages U WHERE U.dbid = D.dbid AND ((D.dbid
> 3) AND (D.dbid < 31513) AND (D.status != 256)) GROUP BY D.dbid ORDER BY
2> go

For reference tuning the Sybase database

Please follow the document

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