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Postural drainage

Positions for draining different areas of lungs
After care
Special considerations

Postural drainage

Postural drainage is the
gravitational clearance of
secretions from specific
bronchial segments by
using one or more of
different positions.

Postural drainage
Articles required
Same as chest physiotherapy

Postural drainage
Positions for draining
different area of lung
Left and right upper lobes
anterior apical bronchi
Patient sit in a chair
leaning back
Left and right upper lobes
posterior apical bronchi
Patient sit in a chair
leaning forward on
pillow or cardiac table

Postural drainage
Positions for draining different area of
Right and left anterior upper lobe
Patient lie flat on back with small
pillow under knees and Percuss &
vibrate just below the clavicle on
either side of sternum
Left upper lobe lingular bronchus
Patient should lie on his right side
with arm over head in
Trendelenburg position with foot of
bed raised 30 cm. place pillow
behind back and roll patient 1/4th on
to pillow. Percuss and vibrate lateral
to left nipple area below axilla.

Postural drainage
Positions for draining different area
of lung
Right middle lobe bronchus
Patient should lie on his left side with
arm over head in Trendelenburg
position with foot of bed raised 30
cm. place pillow behind back and
roll patient 1/4th on to pillow.
Percuss and vibrate lateral to right
nipple area below axilla.
Left and right anterior lower lobe
Patient should lie on back in
Trendelenburg position with foot of
bed elevated 45-50 cm. knees
should be bent on pillow. Percuss
and vibrate over lower anterior ribs
on both sides.

Postural drainage
Positions for draining different
area of lung
Right lower lobe lateral bronchus
Patient should lie on left side in
Trendelenburg position with foot
of bed raised to 45-50 cm.
Percuss and vibrate on right
side of the chest below scapula
posterior to mid Axillary line.
Left lower lobe lateral bronchus
Patient should lie on right side in
Trendelenburg position with foot
of bed raised to 45-50 cm.
Percuss and vibrate on left side
of the chest below scapula
posterior to mid Axillary line.

Postural drainage
Positions for draining different area
of lung
Right and left lower lobe superior
Patient should lie flat on his
abdomen with pillow under
abdomen. Percuss and vibrate
below scapula on either side of
Right and left posterior basal
Patient should lie on his abdomen in
Trendelenburg position with foot
of bed elevated 45-50 cm.
Percuss and vibrate over posterior
ribs on either side of spine.

Postural drainage

With the mentioned

positioning of postural
drainage follow the
procedure of chest
physiotherapy i.e.

Postural drainage
After care
Special consideration
Same as chest physiotherapy

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