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Chapter 7:



is the effort exerted on something that will change

its energy.
is the product of the net force (how STRONG?)
by how much distance is covered (how FAR?).

Scalar quantity

In equation form:
Work Net force distance covered


Two things occur whenever work is done:

application of force
movement of something by
that force
If there is no distance covered,
is work still done on an object?

a weightlifter raising a barbell from
the floor does work on the barbell.

Unit of work:
The unit of work is newton-meters
(Nm), or also known as joules (J).

named after English scientist

James Prescott Joule.

How does the work bringing a single load two stories
high compare to the work in raising two of the same
loads but just one story high?

the SAME!


is the measure of how fast

work is
is equal to the amount of work
per time it takes to do it.
In equation form:
work done
Power =
time interval

Unit of power

A joule per second is called the watt after

James Watt, developer of the steam engine

1 joule/second 1 watt

1 kilowatt 1000 watts

1 kilowatt hour unit of energy

1 kWh = 1,000 watt-hours

= 3.6 megajoules [!]

walking vs. running up the stairs
drag racing

'mover of substances'
is a property of a system that enables it to do work.
it can be observed when it is being TRANSFERED or
just like momentum, it is also a CONSERVED quantity.
unlike momentum, it is a scalar quantity no direction.
Unit of energy:
1 Nm = 1 Joule
The same SI unit for Work!

Some other types of energy:
Mechanical energy (Potential &
Thermal energy (Heat, Friction)
Chemical energy
Nuclear energy
Solar energy
Wind energy
Geothermal energy
Any others you can think of?

Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy is due to position or to motion,
or both.
There are two forms of mechanical energy:
1. Potential energy
2. Kinetic energy
Mechanical energy is equal to the sum of potential

energy and kinetic energy of a system, or

M.E. = P.E. + K.E.

Potential Energy
Potential energy is stored energy held in
readiness with a potential for doing work.

Potential Energy Gravitational

Gravitational Potential energy is due to elevated
position from the ground.
water in an elevated reservoir
raised ram of a pile driver

Potential Energy Gravitational

equal to the work done (force required to

move it upward the vertical distance moved
against gravity) in lifting it.
In equation form:
Potential energy

mass acceleration due to gravity height


PE mgh

Potential Energy Gravitational

The potential energy is the SAME no matter
what path is taken to reach the same height.

Potential Energy Gravitational

The potential energy of 10-N ball is the same in all 3
cases because work done in elevating it is the same.

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion
depends on the mass of the object and square
of its speed.
include the proportional constant 1/2 besides
the mass and the speed.
Kinetic energy 1/2 mass speed speed

KE = mv2

If an objects speed is doubled, its kinetic

energy is quadrupled.

Potential Kinetic Energy, and vice

Potential energy can be converted entirely into
kinetic energy, like in a swinging pendulum, and
back to potential energy, and back & forth.

Conservation of Energy
The Law of Conservation of Energy:

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed;

may be transformed from one form into another,
but the total amount of energy never changes.

Conservation of Energy
Energy transforms without net
loss or net gain in the
operation of a pile driver.
The GPE is transformed into
When the weight hits the
driver, KE is used to do work.

Conservation of Energy

More Examples of the

Conservation of Energy

Work-Energy Theorem
Work-energy theorem:

Work equals the change in kinetic energy.

Gain or reduction of energy is the result of work.

In equation form:
Work change in Kinetic Energy
Fd mv2)

Work-Energy Theorem

It also applies to decreasing speed:

reducing the speed of a faster object or

bringing it to a halt requires MORE work.

Example: Applying the

brakes to slow a moving car,

work is done on it (the friction
force supplied by the brakes
Kinetic energy (KE) is also equal to the work required to bring
an object either from rest to a certain speed, or the work
the object does from a certain speed all the way to rest.

Kinetic Energy and Momentum


Both are properties of moving things.

Both are directly related to mass [inertia].


Momentum is a vector quantity and therefore is

directional and can be canceled.
Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity and can never be

Kinetic Energy and Momentum

Differences [continued]:

Momentum is a linear equation; KE is quadratic.

Velocity/Speed dependence:

Momentum depends on velocity.

Kinetic energy depends on the square of the speed.

An object moving with twice the velocity of another with the
same mass, has twice the momentum but four times the
kinetic energy.

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