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Non-Newtonian Fluids

Textbook Reference
Fluid Flow for Chemical Engineers, second edition, F. A.
Holland and R. Bragg, Edward Arnold, London, 1995.
Available online at:

Velocity Profiles for Power Law Fluids

The velocity profile for steady, fully developed, laminar flow
in a pipe can be determined easily by using the equation of
a power law fluid instead of Newtons law of viscosity.
For a Power Law fluid:
By combining these, obtain a differential equation for the
velocity gradient, which can be solved gives velocity
profiles for various values of .

Velocity Profiles for Power Law Fluids

Behaviour of
real fluids
lies in the

Slope of the velocity profile at the wall is

dependent of the power law index, n

Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Pipes

We already know: Wall shear stress
Equation 1

Now what about, Shear rate at the wall ().

Shear rate = Gradient of the velocity profile.
Shear rate at the wall = Gradient of the velocity profile
at the wall.
Shape of the velocity profile is different for different
types of fluid.

Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Pipes

Easy for Newtonian fluids: We know the velocity profile
Differentiate with respect to and substitute , because we
need the shear rate at the wall ().
The quantity () is known as the Flow Characteristic.
Can be calculated for any fluid But Newtonian laminar
flow equal to the magnitude of the shear rate at the wall.

Rabinowitsch-Mooney Equation
The solution to the problem of determining the wall
shear rate for a Non-Newtonian fluid in laminar flow in a
Derivation is not given: Refer the text book cited
The relevant equations are:
Equation 2

Rabinowitsch-Mooney Equation
The wall shear rate for a non-Newtonian fluid can be
calculated from the value for a Newtonian fluid having the
same flow rate in the same pipe, the correction factor being
the quantity in the square brackets.
Clearly the flow characteristic (or the rate of shear at the
wall) for a non-Newtonian fluid in laminar flow is not equal
to the magnitude of the shear rate at the wall.
Now the flow curve against can be determined.

Rabinowitsch-Mooney Equation
1) Measure at various values of .
2) Calculate from the pressure drop measurements using
equation 1 and the corresponding values of the flow
characteristic () from the flow rate measurements.
3) Plot against and measure the gradient (i.e. derivative) at
various points on the curve.
4) Calculate the true wall shear rate from equation (2) with
the derivative determined in step 3. In general, the plot of
against will not be a straight line and the gradient must be
evaluated at the appropriate points on the curve.

Rabinowitsch-Mooney Equation


Rabinowitsch-Mooney Equation
Figure shows
typical plots of
and obtained
by following
the procedure


Example 1
For a Newtonian fluid compare the following plots:
against and


Example 1
Discuss the same plots for a Non-Newtonian fluid:
against and


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