Judit Hornyak: How I Dropped Intotenegen

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How I dropped into Tenegen?

Hungary - Lake Balaton

The course was started in the autumn of 2009 and
participants came from several parts of Hungary.
We were all teachers – from totally different

I’m not going to represent my classmates

opinion, only mine: I knew one thing about
this course that at the end my computer skills
will be better, I will be able to create learning
materials with my PC, and this whole stuff will
Hungary - Pécs
When I logged into the portal at the first time, and saw
the e-learning frame system, I was shocked. It was a
totally new learning environment with thousands of
information that I’ve only heard about or even the
concepts were absolutely unknown.

Hungary - Martonvásár
I have to mention that I had a very basic IT knowledge
and no experience; I was only an Internet-user, nothing
But it was visible from the beginning that instructors
that are standing „behind the course” were really
helpful. I saw the vivid life on forums, where they were
discussing the questions. Never happened, that they
would miss to answer to me helpfully, even in private

Hungary - Lake Balaton

found what I was searching for by myself, I
learned how can I use the new tools and
what are they good for, how can I send my
completed tasks – and however these tasks
have strict deadlines, if it happens that I can
fulfill it I do not receive „punishment” like in
an average school. I think that was the most
extreme case I had to get used to – it was
new for me!

Hungary - Gödöllő
All of our previous studies were in the same concept-
system: material –study – report. With strict deadlines,
and at the end, a mark (as evaluation). It was weird –
also till today – that in this new system it was much
more relaxed.
Hungary - Gyula
There are obligatory tasks and optional tasks,
and there are also those kind of tasks, that we
have to solve with the collaborative groupwork –
everybody had to add his/her own solution. I
think that was a really inspiring task, because the
topic was so interesting for everybody.

Existence of the net generation was obvious for
everyone. But it was not known whether this concept is
the same in Hungary and in other countries, and are
there any Hungarian specialities, and if yes what are
This task was maybe the biggest one, but I enjoyed
every minute of the work. I learned a lot from my
students, about the age group and its habits.

Hungary - Budapest
I think I like to be a „tenegenist” because
everything what we have learned is not for itself
– as it is in common studies. Almost everything is
completely usable in our everyday practice in the

I know that it’s not easy also for them

and also for us. Even they are easily
can follow the development of the IT,
the Internet – which is hard to study
for my group age. During the course
by completing the tasks I could reach
their way of thinking, and I was proud
of myself that I could use many
applications that I never thought. I
teach some of them to my students
Hungary - Budapest
and I also use them to create my own
When we were coming to know the concepts like net
generation, digital indigenous, digital immigrants – I
created a new concept on myself: digital dinosaur. Who
read a lot about Web 2.0, but the conception behind it is
a bit mystified. But as time goes by, I recognize how
widespread the field where I can use them is.

Hungary - Budapest
Video tutorials gave me a lot of
support. They showed me a step-
by-step guide, how to use web2
and other useful applications, for
example: Mahara, Delicious or
Bodrog corner
PowerPoint, etc.
One of the first tasks was to create a personal blog. Everybody
had to made his own, and some other tasks had to be completed
by publishing in the blog. I don’t really know the genre, I used to
read some blogs, but to create a new one – I was never thinking
about that. But with time I started to enjoy it. At the moment I
have a „hybrid” blog where I put my completed tasks, my
attempts on the lessons, and there are also some private posts.
Hungary - Budapest
I have read the others’ blogs of course; I think there are
a lot excellent materials there. Some of them are
scientific, others are funny, but all of them reflects on
the author.
So from that time I call myself as an official „blog
consumer”, because I read not only my classmate’s
blogs, but also many others’. In teachers’ blog there are
Hungary -many
Szerencs experiences, and also in students’ blog we can
I made my first e-portfolio in my life! It was such a
hard work, totally new user interface and anyway:
what should I present here? In my life I wrote some
CVs, but e-portfolio is much more! When I can use it
more assertively I will show it to my students for sure.

Hungary - Sárospatak
What I like the most is the huge amount
of materials, articles, resources that I
can find on Tenegen Portal, and most of
the time I print them out, because I still
prefer to read a paper rather then
monitor. I would not able to find all
Hungary - Eger
For today my own personal
connections have been
created – we wear the same
shoes and we help each
other. This had never
happened with me in a
traditional educational
system – but it’s really a good
Hungary - Szentendre
I don’t say that I’m an expert in every topic, but I
can say that I try to use all these opportunities, my
students enjoy my attempts, and they prefer this
kind of teaching-learning method.
Hungary - Sopron
To sum up: I don’t feel any regret
that I started this course – I can
study in my own pace, in my spare
time, and it’s ideal for me. It’s a kind
of intellectual challenge where one
helps to the others to close up.
Hungary – Fertőd
I was thinking about whether if it’s a learning process
without teacher? My answer is: no. No, however we don’t
call it as a teacher but they exist in a different manner. I
would call them tutor or mentor, as if I think about them.
But it won’t work without them. And this concept is a bit
far from the course: but I think that teacher will be
always needed, only the frames will change.

Hungary – Lillafüred

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