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Geophysical And Hydrochemical

In Mediterranean
Semi Arid Zones. Case Of The
Korba Coastal Aquifer (Cap-bon,

Intrusi air laut ke akuifer daerah pesisir
menimbulkan berbagai masalah lingkungan. Intrusi
air laut di wilayah pesisir dipengaruhi oleh formasi
geologi, gradien hidrolik, jumlah penggunaan air
tanah dan laju pengisian kembali (Freeze and
cherry, 1979).
Studi geofisika dilakukan untuk menginvestigasi
menyediakan data geometri dan karateristik dari
akuifer (boughriba Et al., 2006; guasmia, 2008;
mhamdi et al., 2006). Penelitian ini menggunakan
28 titik pengukuran resistivitas di daerah pesisir
dari akuifer Korba. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
mempelajari akuifer dangkal dan menentukan
model hidrologi dari akuifer Korba


penelitian mencakup 430
yang terletak di sebelah timurlaut
Tunisia sepanjang pesisir Cap-Bon.
Akuifer di wilayah ini dibatasi di

selatan oleh Oued

Boulidine, di utara dibatasi
Oued Lebna, di barat dibatasi
oleh Jebel Abderrahmane dan
di timur dibatasi Laut

One shallow well in the Korba coastal aquifer
has yielded ground water having abnormally
high total dissolved solids TDS (Total Dissolved
Salt) of 5166 ppm and chloride content of 2844
ppm. The presence of high TDS has prompted
geophysical investigations to be taken up in
the Korba coastal aquifer to delineate the
saline water contaminated regions, the saline
fresh water interface as well as to ascertain the
nature of subsurface geological formations.
Another important objective was to demarcate
areas for groundwater development without
the risk of further saline water intrusion in the
inland aquifer system. The large resistivity
contrast between the saltwater-saturated
formation and the freshwatersaturated ones


Apparent iso-resistivities map in line length

AB = 30 m
The map for AB = 30 m indicates the
apparent iso-resistivity to a depth of
approximately 10 m. It shows resistivities
varying between 10 and 800Ohm m. The
low values of resistivity (10 and 40 Ohm
m) appear in the north-east at the coast
and in the extreme South of diar el hajjej.
The high apparent resistivity values were
Found in the south-east at the coast and
in the wadi chiba south (800Ohm m).
This strong resistivity corresponds to the
dry limestone Tyrrhenian deposits.

Apparent iso-resistivity maps in length of

line AB = 150 m
The apparent iso-resistivity maps in length of
line AB = 150 m corresponds to a depth
approximately from 50 m. It shows Resistivities
varying between 5 and 105 Ohm m. The low
resistivities Values are detected along the study
zone coast and in the diar el Hajjej north. These
values increase in the continent direction. The
strong resistivities values appear in the diar el
hajjej south and the Tafelloune South-east (up to
105 Ohm m). The values lower than 10 Ohm m
correspond to the deposits saturated with salty
to brackish water of the aquifer. Whereas, the
highest values, correspond to the aquifer
grounds saturated with more or less freshwater.

Apparent iso-resistivity map in length of line

AB = 300 m
The apparent iso-resistivity map in length of
line AB = 300 m interests a ground section of
depth approximately from 100 m. It reveals
resistivities reaching 28 Ohm m. The values
lower than 10 Ohm m are situated along the
coast and in the diar el hajjej North. The low
values correspond to the deposits saturated
with Salty to brackish water.

Pseudosection P3

The pseudosection according to the profile P3 is of WE direction. It shows the presence of the surface resistant
anomalies (>100 Ohm m) throughout this profile. This indicates the presence of dry Tyrrhenian limestone levels.
In the west of this profile, the resistant anomaly does not outcrop on the surface. In the top of this zone, we note
the presence of more conducting levels indicating the contribution of the coastal consolidated dunes to the
aquifer recharge. The resistant anomalies are continued in-depth, then they disappear and are replaced by
increasingly conducting levels (<100 Ohmm). These layers correspond to the sandy pliocene. In the pliocene, we
note the succession of levels saturated with freshwater and levels saturated with brackish water and finally
layers saturated with more or less salty water. In fact, the resistivity continues to drop according to the depth
until reaching conductive strata characterized by resistivities lower than 5Ohmm. These layers can correspond to
the impermeable miocene substratum or to levels saturated with salty water.

Pseudosection P12

The pseudosection according to the profile P12 is of S N direction and is parallel to the
coast. This pseudosection shows the presence of two surface resistant anomalies. These
anomalies correspond to dry Tyrrhenian limestone outcropping in this level. Between these
two anomalies, more conductive strata are present (between 100 and 30 Ohmm). These
zones correspond to the limestone more or less saturated with freshwater. These levels are
recharged by the Chiba Wadi. In this level, the resistivity decreases with the depth. We note
the rise of the substratum at this place. This discontinuity can be explained by the presence
of a fault that ruptured the Tyrrhenian limestone and raised the substratum rise.

Hydrochemical study
The determination of the groundwater
salinity origin was based on a spatial
evolution of the total dissolved salt
(TDS) and the major elements
illustrates three chemical facies : Na
Cl facies, CaMgCl facies and SO4mixed facies

Vertical electric soundings were used to map the korba coastal aquifer. High
apparent resistivities were measured near to the surface, the highest values
corresponding to dry sandylimestone tyrrhenian deposits. The resistivities
decreased with depth. Inland, the deeper strata are saturated with fresh water.
The water becomes more brackish towards the coast. The invasion of seawater
is detected near the coast, penetrating 1 km inland at sebkhet lebna, 1.5 km in
the chiba wadi south, and 3 km in the diar el hajjej south. An horizon saturated
with salty water approaches the surface near sebkhet lebna and in the lebna
wadi south.

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