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Basic pig knowledge

Things you must know

Entrance room
 Changing room
 The only entrance into the pig house.
 You have to change all your cloth.
 Always remember to wash your hands before
entering the stables.
 Remember quarantine rules. 12 hours
Picture of entrance room
 Look at the picture at page 29 in your book
 If you have been in another pig house, less
than 12 hours ago.
 Been out of Denmark less then 24 hours ago.
 Shows or excibitions with pigs 12 hours.
 Feed and working tools also have quarantine.
Outer defence
 Truckdrivers and others must respect
quarantine rules.
 All delivery of sale animals must happen
away from the pig house, at least 50 m.
 No strangers in the pig house, without an
appointment. Always remember to lock the
front door.
 Feed and other equipments must be
delivered in a separated storage facility.
Inner defence
 No or as little as possible infections between
the stable units.
 One set of boots and tools for each stable
 Wash your hands between the stableunits.
 When you work in the stables, always go from
youngest to oldest pig.
 Keep clean I all aspects.
Farmer Words

What is the name

Age groups
 Newborn pigs = smågrise
0 kg.
 Piglets = smågrise
0-5 kg
 Weaners = fravænningsgrise
7-30 kg
 Growing Pigs = Ungsvin
30- 60 kg
 Finishing pigs/ slaughter pigs = slagtesvin
60- 100 kg
 Sows = Søer
 Gilt = polt
A female pig which has been selected to become a sow (6-8 months old)
 First parity sow = gylt
A female pig which has been insiminated for the first time, but not given birth
Stable units

What are they called

Mating and service unit
 In danish løbeafdelingen.
 This is the stable where the mating takes
 The boars and the gilt are also in this unit.
 The gilt come to this unit when they weigh
about 120 kg, to be stimulated by the boars,
and then get into heat.
Mating and service unit
Gestation unit
 In danish drægtighedsstalden. Pregnancy
 This is the unit where the sows is stabled
after being serviced or inseminated.
 Gilts and first parity sows is also stabled here.
 The pregnant sows is stabled in this unit for
about 100 days.
Gestation unit
Farrowing unit
 In danish farestalden.
 This is the unit where the farrowing takes
 The sow must in the farrowing unit for 4
weeks, with her piglets. (danish law)
Farrowing unit
Weaner unit
 In danish klimastalden/ smågrisestalden.
 This is the unit where where the weaners is
stabled, after they have been weaned from
the sow.
 The weaners will be in this unit for 8 weeks.
Weaner unit
Young pig and finishing unit.
 In danish slagtesvinestalden.
 This is the unit where the finishing pigs is
stabled. 30 -100 kg
Young and finishing unit
Others units
 Gilt unit = poltestald
 Hospital = sygestald
 Quarantine unit = karantænestald
The unit where you keep bought animals for 8
weeks, to minimize the risk of infection.
Study hour
 Read chapter no. 1
 Groups of two-three persons.
 Write down all word you do not understand
(make your own dictionary from english to
your local language).
 Make questions to the discussing-hour.
After the coffee break
 Chapter 4 and 5
 2 assignments for next Friday

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