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David Whitt – Business Development James Moore – Vice President

Todays Agenda

 National Corporation – Overview

 Current State of Lending Industry – Small
 Services Explained

 Moving Forward/ Wrap -up

National corporation overview

 Formed in 2009 – Purchased Initial Underwriting Group

for core processes developed over 8 years.
 National Corporation grew out of the financial side of
working with small business owners. Our staff and
executive team come from a background of debt
settlement, debt restructuring, financial planning and
 We realized that the average small business
owner knows little about business credit and
often makes the mistake of mixing their
personal credit/debt with their business
 Making the leap to helping business owners was logical
and bound to happen over time.
National Corporation - Services

 Core Services
 Business Credit Building
 Business Credit Financing
 Business Plan Development
 Includes 24 month financial projections
 Additional Services
 Business Identity Services
 Logo Design, Website design, Business Cards,
 Near Term Future Services…

Money In 2010 for Small Businesses

 Most funding continues to be provided

by personal finances or personal
loans i.e. SBA, Personal Credit Cards,
 Current Money Markets are Tight
 Banks have pulled back credit lines
 Personal credit scores are deteriorating
 Jan 2010 - During State of Union
Address, President Obama proposes
$30B bill for small business to get
access to credit from banks
Will Business Credit Financing Help?

 Transfers Financial Risk to Business

 Personal Credit/ Debt Throttles Growth
of Business
 Healthy D&B Profile Creates
Confidence with Suppliers / Banks
 Better terms and conditions for
business transactions
 Business Debt using SSN Limits
Personal Choices

How to Build Business Credit

 Must Form a Corporate Entity.

 LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp
 (Consult Tax Attorney or CPA)
 Dun & Bradstreet
 Revolving Credit is KEY!
 Currently we work with over 60 Trade Tape Vendors
 Current Bank Acceptance Criteria
 $15K Unsecured Business Credit
 Minimum of 6 revolving credit type vendors
 PAYDEX score 80
 No negative or derogatory comments

Applying For the Credit Line

 Along with acceptable D&B Profile customer

will need to provide the following documents
 Current Business Plan
 24 Month Projections
 Articles of Incorporation
 Tax ID Certificate
 Inventory List (Current & Future)
 2 Years of Federal Tax Returns
 Quotations for any equipment purchases
What Happens Next?

 Credit Lines Get Issued in Stages

 Initial
Stage Qualifies for $30 - $35k
 Second Stage ~ $50k
 Third Stage ~ $75k
 Fourth Stage $100k+
 Qualifying Criteria Increases Per Stage
 Advantages of Shelf Corporation

What Again Is a Credit Line

 Credit line is revolving credit

 Available to make minimum monthly
 Interest rates vary at time of
 Customer does not pay interest when
not using
 Transfer personal or business debt to
credit line when issued.
 Access credit line using
 Cash only available to those with very
good personal credit and who sign
personal guarantee.
How Much Does It Cost?

 Concierge Services
 One Time Setup Fee
 Qualify for $499, $999, or
 Monthly Concierge Fee -
 DIY Program
 $199 – Step by Step Basic
Guide in PDF format
 $499 – Step by Step
Premiere Guide in PDF
 $49 – Monthly Coaching
Services Fee
Getting Started Is Easy…

 Contact David Whitt

 Office: (614) 231-
 Cell: (614) 342-

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