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COM 310 Course Career Path

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COM 310 Entire Course

COM 310 Week 1 Individual Assignment Communicatio
n Introduction Worksheet
COM 310 Week 1 DQ 1
COM 310 Week 1 DQ 2
COM 310 Week 1 DQ 3
COM 310 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Communic
ation Theories Matrix
COM 310 Week 2 DQ 1
COM 310 Week 2 DQ 2
COM 310 Week 2 DQ 3
COM 310 Week 2 DQ4
COM 310 Week 3 Learning Team Script Project Action Pl

COM 310 Week 1 DQ 1

Please study the syllabus to familiarize yourself with the
objectives we will be covering in this course. What arey
ourexpectations of this class? Do you have any preconc
eived notions when you hear the term "Communication

COM 310 Week 1 DQ 2

Your text discusses the concept of individual "fields of e
xperience". How does a person's field of experience infl
uence a communication event? Can you think of a com
munication experience or relationship you have had tha
t was significantly influenced by differing fields of exper
ience? (Remember, this doesn't necessarily refer to a "fi
eld of experience" as in work experience!)

COM 310 Week 1 DQ 3

I realize this is the last day of Week 1, but I wanted to p
ost this anyway, just to highlight another theory from th
e Week 1 reading. It is perfectly fine for this discussion t
o carry into the first few days of Week 2.)
Chapter 8 of your text discusses the Expectancy Violatio
ns Theory. One major premise of this theory is that peo
ple have expectations about the behaviors (both verbal
and nonverbal) of others. Can you provide an example f
rom your own life that relates to the Expectancy Violatio
ns Theory? Does understanding this theory help you ma
ke sense of that communication situation?

COM 310 Week 1 Individual A

ssignment Communication In
troduction Worksheet

Communication Introduction Worksheet (Individual).

Complete the University of Phoenix Material Communi
cation Introduction Worksheet located in Week One of
the COM310 ecampus page. Instructions and details of t
he assignment are included.

COM 310 Week 2 DQ 1

Chapter 9 of your text discusses the Uncertainty Reducti
on Theory which is the only communication theory devo
ted to initial interactions. There are seven axioms of UR
T. Please choose one axiom and discuss howyouhave e
xperienced this axiom of URT in a past communication
exchange. Do you think your knowledge of the URT will i
nfluence your future initial interactions?

COM 310 Week 2 DQ 2

Chapter 10 of your text discusses the Social Penetration
Theory which involves self-disclosure. What are the con
sequences of poorly planned or inappropriate self-discl
osure? Can you think of examples from your own life w
here self-disclosure caused a problem? Conversely, wha
t are the benefits of self-disclosure?

COM 310 Week 2 DQ 3

Chapter 13 of your text discusses the Communication P
rivacy Management Theory, which is a practical theory d
esigned to explain the everyday issue of whether or not
to tell someone something. Many of our interactions (p
ersonal, school, work) in today's world occur in an onlin
e environment. How does the Communication Privacy
Management Theory apply to online relationships? Is th
ere more or less disclosure in online relationships?

COM 310 Week 2 DQ 4

Chapter 11 of your text discusses the Social Exchange T
heory which is based on the notion that people review a
nd weigh their relationships in terms of costs and rewar
ds. Does applying this theory to your current or past rel
ationships help you understand those relationships? (Th
ese can be personal relationships or work-related relati
onships.) Explain your answer.

COM 310 Week 2 Learning Te

am Assignment Communicati
on Theories

Communication Theories Matrix (Learning Team)

Complete theUniversity of Phoenix MaterialCommuni
cation Theories Matrix located in Week One of the COM
310 ecampus page. Instructions and details of the assig
nment are included. Please complete the peer evaluatio
n form after this assignment is completed.

COM 310 Week 3 DQ 1

Chapter 14 of your text discusses the concept of Groupt
hink. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associa
ted with having a high level of cohesiveness among me
mbers of a group. Have you ever been in a group where
Groupthink was an issue? If so, what could have been d
one to avoid Groupthink? If not, what has been done th
at has allowed you to avoid Groupthink in a group situat

COM 310 Week 3 DQ 2

Chapter 15 of your text discusses the Adaptive Structura
tion Theory. This theory has three main components: Ag
ency and reflexivity, duality of structure, and social inte
gration. Please choose one of these elements of the Ada
ptive Structuration Theory and discuss your experiences
with that element. Do you think the Adaptive Structurati
on Theory is useful in providing an understanding of ho
w structures that are created in groups influence comm
unication and decisions?

COM 310 Week 3 DQ 3

Chapter 17 discusses the Organizational Information Th
eory and the associated concept of "equivocality". Recall
an organization in which you were or are a member (wo
rkplace, sports team, volunteer organization, communit
y group, etc.). Can you remember an incident when you
or the organization received ambiguous information? If
so, what "rules" did you or the organization use in deali
ng with this equivocality?

COM 310 Week 3 DQ 4

Chapter 16 of your text discusses the Organizational Cul
ture Theory. In the introduction to the chapter there is
a story about Fran Callahan and her job with Jewelry Plu
s. How do you think employees like Fran Callahan can s
uccessfully ease into a new organizational culture? Base
d on the information you read about the Organizational
Culture Theory, what advice would you give Fran as she
begins her "new" job with Jewelry Plus? Have you ever b
een in a position like the one Fran finds herself in now?
(And I don't mean as a jewelry salesperson!) Please use

COM 310 Week 3 Individual A

ssignment Assessing Your Or

Write a 900- to 1,200-word paper in which you analyze t

he values of the organization for which you work. Obser
ve and analyze the corporate or business culture. Includ
e the structure of the organization and information shar
ing practices. In the introduction to your paper, explain
and provide the relevant background of your organizati
on. Answer the following questions.

COM 310 Week 3 Learning Te

am Script Project Action Plan
Learning Team Script Project: Action Plan (Learning Tea
Complete the Week Three section of the University of P
hoenix Material Final Learning Team Script Project loc
ated in Week Two of the COM310 ecampus page. Instru
ctions and details of the assignment are included. Pleas
e complete the peer evaluation form after this assignme
nt is completed. As a note, your action plan should be c
ompleted in proper APA format (with a cover page) and
should outline the steps your team will go through (and
the responsibilities)

COM 310 Week 4 DQ 1

Chapter 18 of your text discussesAristotle and his Rheto
ric.Aristotle spent a great deal of time considering thec
ontentof a public speech but also indicates that it is cru
cial for a speaker to considerdeliveryas well. In your o
pinion of public speaking, which element is more impor
tant- content or delivery? Explain your response by incl
uding an example from a presentation you have witness
ed or delivered. Also, try to incorporate some of Aristotl
e's way of thinking about this issue by quoting and refer
encing your text.

COM 310 Week 4 DQ 2

Chapter 22 of your text discusses George Gerbner and t
he concept of Cultivation Analysis. For this discussion q
uestion please discuss reality TV (such as:Survivor, Jer
sey Shore, Real World) and the extent to which Cultivati
on theorists would analyze these shows. What features
of reality television are opportunistic to study? In your o
pinion, what would Gerbner say about this television pr
ogramming? (Try to reference your text here to strength
en your opinion.)

COM 310 Week 4 DQ 3

Chapter 24 of your text discusses the Spiral of Silence T
heory (SST) which rests on public opinion. One of the as
sertions of the SST is that people "seek out the media to
confirm or disconfirm their observations and then inter
pret their own observations through the media" (p.414).
Considering that the Internet has become a powerful m
edia outlet, what kind of influence do you think the Inte
rnet has onpublic opinion?

COM 310 Week 4 DQ 4

Chapter 23 of your text discusses the Uses and Gratifica
tions Theory. What feature of Uses and Gratifications Th
eory is most appealing or most applicable to you? Why?
Please incorporate examples and text references into y
our response.

COM 310 Week 4 Individual A

ssignment Communication T
heories Paper

Communication Theories Paper (Individual)

Write a 1,900 to 2,700-word paper that applies three of
the communication theories you have studied so far to
your personal and/or professional life. Please make sur
e your paper is written in proper APA format.
First, start off by describing each theorys primary tenet
For the theory, provide at least one example as to how t
his theory connects to your life (for instance, you may d
escribe a situation or experience you had that illustrate
s the theory). Make sure to connect the material in your
example back to the primary tenets of the theory
You may use any theory that you like from the class rea

COM 310 Week 4 Learning Te

am Script Project Appendices
Learning Team Script Project: Appendixes (Learning Tea
Complete the Week Four section of the University of Ph
oenix MaterialFinal Learning Team Script Project locat
ed in Week Two of the COM310 ecampus page. Instructi
ons and details of the assignment are included. Please c
omplete the peer evaluation form after this assignment
is completed.

COM 310 Week 5 DQ 1

Chapter 27 of your text discusses the Standpoint Theory
, which includes the concept that there are multiple trut
hs to any given situation and therefore communication i
s based on subjectivity. If all truths are understood as c
oming from some subjective standpoint, how is it possi
ble for people to communicate? How do we reach agree
ment among people with different viewpoints

COM 310 Week 5 DQ 2

Chapter 29 of your text introduces the Communication
Accommodation Theory which defines accommodation
as the ability to (typically unconsciously) "adjust, modify
, or regulate one's behavior in response to another" (p.4
95). Why is it useful to engage in communication accom
modation when interacting with other groups? What are
the potential disadvantages of employing communicatio
n accommodation? How does communication accommo
dation influence your perception of others?

COM 310 Week 5 Individual A

ssignment Television News P
rogram Analysis Assignment

Watch television news coverage of the same story on th

ree different TV networks to address the following three
questions. Write an analysis of your findings in a 1,400to 1,750-word paper. Include how the three different fo
rms of coverage of the same news story are portrayed a
nd how the segments are framed with regard to present
ation and bias. Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources
other than your textbook.

COM 310 Week 5 Learning Te

am Project Final Scripts
Complete the Week Five section of the University of Pho
enix Material Final Learning Team Script Project locate
d in Week Two of the COM/310 student website. Instruc
tions and details of the assignment are included.

COM 310 Week 5 Summary

Write a 350-500 words summary of the course

COM 310 Course Career Path

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