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COM 425 Course Career Path

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COM 425 Entire Course

COM 425 Week 1 DQ 1 Formal vs. Informal Communicat
COM 425 Week 1 DQ 2 Putting Theory into Practice
COM 425 Week 1 Article Critique Does Communication
Matter in All Fields
COM 425 Week 2 DQ 1 Self-Assessment of Organization
al Communication Skills
COM 425 Week 2 DQ 2 Using Active Listening
COM 425 Week 2 Article Critique Dealing with Annoyin
g Co-Workers
COM 425 Week 3 DQ 1 Your Culture Creates Organizatio
nal Culture
COM 425 Week 3 DQ 2 Effective Conflict Resolution
COM 425 Week 3 Final Paper Outline (New Communicat

COM 425 Week 1 Article Criti

que Does Communication Ma
tter in All Fields

Article Critique Does Communication Matter in AL

L Fields? Read the article, A tool kit for the real world. I
n this article, the author discusses the importance of co
mmunication skills within a field that many people may
not believe strong communication skills are necessary.
Write a paper about your thoughts on this article. In yo
ur paper, be sure to also address the following:
a. Do you believe that strong communication skills are n
ecessary in every type of organization?

COM 425 Week 1 DQ 1 Forma

l vs. Informal Communicatio

Formal vs. Informal Communication. Organizational

communication can flow in many different directions an
d can take on various ways of being communicated thro
ugh formal or informal channels. To illustrate this furth
er, Chapter One of your textbook discusses formal and i
nformal channels of communication. Provide an exampl
e of formal communication and an example of informal
communication. Which type of communication do your
prefer in a work environment? Why?

COM 425 Week 1 DQ 2 Puttin

g Theory into Practice
Putting Theory into Practice. In Chapter Two of your t
extbook, the author discusses four different communica
tion principles. Choose one principle and briefly explain
it in your own words. Summarize what the principle is a
bout and share an example from your own life that illus
trates it. How do you believe this communication princi
ple can help us understand organizational communicati

COM 425 Week 2 Article Criti

que Dealing with Annoying

Article Critique Dealing with Annoying Co-Worker

s. Read the article entitled, How to deal with annoying c
o-workers. Write a paper about your thoughts on this ar
ticle. Additionally, in your paper, be sure to address the
a. Share a time when you have encountered one of the
six types of people described in the article
b. Describe the situation and how you dealt with him or

COM 425 Week 2 DQ 1 Self-A

ssessment of Organizational
Communication Skills

Self-Assessment of Organizational Communication

Skills. Many people believe that organizational commu
nication skills should come naturally and are not difficul
t to obtain. However, this weeks readings might have gi
ven you a different perception. Effective organizational
communication skills actually require a lot of time and
practice. Complete a self-assessment of your organizati
onal communication skills by answering the following q

COM 425 Week 2 DQ 2 Using

Active Listening
Using Active Listening. One of the most effective ways
that we can improve our communication within the org
anizational context is through adapting the language th
at we use. A simple, yet effective way to do this is throu
gh the method that your textbook describes as active li
stening. This strategy is explained in Chapter Four of yo
ur textbook. Describe a time when you were trying to co
mmunicate with another person and active listening wo
uld have been helpful. What was the situation? How did
he/she respond? How did you respond? What could you
have done to improve the communication?

COM 425 Week 3 DQ 1 Your C

ulture Creates Organizational

Your Culture Creates Organizational Culture. Some s

tudents think that they do not have much of a culture at
their organization. The truth is that every organization
has a culture! Your organizational culture can be related
to the way that employees dress, the way that they com
municate, or even how they decorate their work environ
ment. An organizational culture is often formed through
the many different people that make up the company.

COM 425 Week 3 DQ 2 Effecti

ve Conflict Resolution
Effective Conflict Resolution. For this multi-media ass
ignment, watch the Tim Scudder Interview. Write a disc
ussion response about a specific conflict you have expe
rienced with someone else. Although preferred, the con
flict does not have to be work-related. Discuss why the c
onflict was not handled effectively and what could have
been done differently.

COM 425 Week 3 Final Paper

Outline (New Communication

Final Paper Outline. Read the Assignment Instructions

for the Final Paper. Write a full sentence outline of your
final paper (12 point font, Times New Roman font, doub
le spaced). In your outline, create at least one section fo
r each of the five concepts that you will use in your final
paper. Be sure to include a bibliography with at least tw
o of the sources that you will use for your final paper. Pl
ease make sure that the sources that you use are listed
in the APA format.

COM 425 Week 4 Article Criti

que Email Etiquette
Article Critique Email Etiquette. Chapter Eight discu
sses the role of mediated communication in the workpl
ace. Read the article entitled, Email etiquette: Tips for pr
ofessional email, then write a paper about your thought
s on this article. In your paper, be sure to also address t
he following:
a. Do you find these tips to be helpful or do you think th
at they are too obvious and should be common sense?
b. Were there any tips that made you disagree with the
c. Which tips will you adapt into your computer-mediate
d communication?

COM 425 Week 4 DQ 1 Barrie

rs to Organizational Develop

Barriers to Organizational Development. In Chapter

Nine of your textbook, the author discusses the concept
of organizational development. Although organizational
development can be an effective way for companies to r
emain competitive, only about two-thirds of change effo
rts are actually successful. Why do you believe organizat
ional development is so difficult?

COM 425 Week 4 DQ 2 Media

ted Communication in Organ

Mediated Communication in Organizations. Mediate

d communication and social media (e.g., email, blogs, F
acebook, Skype, and Twitter) have played a major role i
n changing the way that organizations engage in comm
unication with their customers and with employees inte
rnally. As we have learned this week, communicating th
rough electronic media is referred to as mediated com
munication. There are pros and cons to using mediated

COM 425 Week 5 DQ 1 Stabili

ty and Innovation
Stability and Innovation. Describe the concepts of org
anizational stability and organizational innovation. Provi
de a real-life example of how an organization has maint
ained stability and promoted innovation. You can use a
n example from your personal experiences in the workp
lace or an example that is discussed in Chapter Nine of
your textbook.

COM 425 Week 5 DQ 2 Ethica

l Organizational Communicat

Ethical Organizational Communication. Explain each

of the three principles of ethical organizational commu
nication, as outlined in Chapter Ten of your textbook. Th
en, describe how these principles are important during
external organizational communication, such as lobbyin
g, marketing or advertising.

COM 425 Week 5 Final Paper

(New Communication Structu

The purpose of the COM 425 Final Paper is to provide y

ou with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge
of the organizational communication concepts and skill
s that you have learned throughout this course.
Imagine that you are proposing a new communication s
tructure for an organization. Write a formal proposal in
which you discuss at least five concepts that you feel ar
e most important for successful communication within
an organizational setting. Address why these concepts a
re necessary for successful communication and how be
st to implement them within an organization.

COM 425 Course Career Path

Begins /com425dotcom

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