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Amity Center for e-Learning

Behavioral and Allied


Ms. Snigdha Malhotra

Amity Center for e-Learning

MODULE : Stress and

Coping Strategies
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“….stress is the nonspecific
response of the body to
any demand, whether it is
caused by, or results in
pleasant or unpleasant
Stress Amity Center for e-Learning

“…a sociopsychophysiological phenomenon. It is a

composite of intellectual, behavioral, metabolic,
immune, and other physiological responses to a
stressor (or stressors) of endogenous or
exogenous origins. The stressors may involve
thoughts and feelings or may be a perceived
threat or some other condition such as cold. The
response generally serves a protective, adaptive
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“…a reaction in your mind and
body to an event in the outside
world that alarms or arouses
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• Stress is defined as a physical, mental or

emotional response to events which cause
mental or physical tension.
• Stress is a part of every one’s life. But it
should not be greater than an individual’s
capacity to handle stress.
• In such a case, it will cause mental and
physical imbalance in the person. Stress should
work as a productive power and not as a
restriction which can cause physical and
mental imbalance.
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Types of Stressors Amity Center for e-Learning

Injury Pressures


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• Types of Stress Stress can be:

1) Physical - This happens when the body suffers due
to stressful situation.
Symptoms of physical stress are Headaches Tension
in the neck, forehead and shoulder muscles
Long periods of stress can lead to Digestive problems
Ulcers Insomnia (lack of sleep) Fatigue (tiredness )
High blood pressure Nervousness Heart problems
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• Emotional - These happens when stress affects the mind.

• Symptoms of emotional stress are Anxiety, Anger,

Depression, Frustration, Over reaction to problems, Memory
loss, Lack of concentration
Anxiety is response to loss, failure, or fear of the unknown.
Anger is response to frustration or social stress.
Depression is the response to upsetting events like death of
a loved one, illness or failure.
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• Psychological Stress - for a long period of time may

cause psychological problems in some individuals.
• Symptoms of psychological stress are Social
isolation, Phobias, Compulsive behavior, Eating
disorders, Night terrors.
Stress is classifiedAmityinto two
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• Positive stress (Eustress)
A low level of stress can be handled by the body with the
help of use of resources and it includes positive emotions,
like, enjoyment, satisfaction, excitement, etc.
This beneficial part of stress is defined by Selye (1974) as
Eustress (EU means good).
• Negative stress (Distress)
Excessive stress for long period of time may first cause an
unpleasant feeling and then it may cause physical damage,
fatigue and in extreme cases, death of an individual. This
bad part of stress is defined by Selye as distress
Potential Sources of
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1) Environmental Factors
• The uncertainty in environment affects stress level
of employees in an organization.
• Changes in the business cycle cause economic
• Political uncertainties may also cause stress.
• Technological uncertainty may also cause stress
because an employee’s skills and experience may
become outdated due to new innovations.
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Organizational factors
• Pressure to avoid errors or complete tasks within a fixed time,
work overload, a demanding boss may cause stress.
• Job related factors like job design, working conditions and
physical work layout may be causes of stress.
• Pressure on an individual due to his role in the organization is
also a cause of stress.
• Role conflict create expectations that may not be satisfied. Role
overload, i.e., working more than permitted time.
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• Role ambiguity is created when role

expectations are not clearly understood.
• The pressure created by other employees
leads to stress.
• Organizational structure is also a cause of
• Excessive rules and lack of participation in
decisions are sources of stress.
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Individual Factors
• These are factors in employee’s personal life. These include
family issues, personal economic problems, and an
individual’s personality.
• Broken families and marriages and other family issues may
cause stress at the workplace.
• Economic problems faced by individuals also leads to stress.
• A person’s basic nature also affects stress.
• Over suspicious, anger, enmity, mistrust increases a person’s
stress and risk for heart diseases.
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An event occurs
of neutral value
or meaning

The individual
After a period of rest, appraises whether
the individual is able to the event is a threat
prepare for and meet a or a challenge
new threat or challenge

Bio-chemicals are
Fatigue follows released to enhance
the depletion of the ability of one’s
bio-chemicals mind and body to respond
from the exertion

The bio-chemicals are The individual responds

depleted through the to the threat or challenge
exertion to meet the through fight or flight
threat or challenge
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Mind Body Integration


Mind Body Mind

Body Chocolate

Mind Body
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Why Stress Management?
Stress Related Disorders & Chemical

– lost productivity
– increased health care expenses
– increased absenteeism
– increased accidents
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98.6 98.6
pH 7.4 pH 7.4
Oxygen 99% Oxygen
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Autonomic Nervous System

• Sympathetic • Parasympathetic
– Increased HR, BP, RR – Normalizes HR, BP, RR
– Muscles relax
– Muscles tense – Energy storage
– Brain becomes more – Promotes growth
alert – Mediates calm
– Pupils constrict
– Liver increases blood
glucose level
– Digestion inhibited
– Pupils dilate
How Can the Stress Response Amity Center for e-Learning

Make Us Sick?
• Chronically elevated BP
– atherosclerosis
– myocardial ischemia
• Constantly using stored energy
– tire more easily
• Blocked insulin secretion
– higher risk of diabetes
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Why Stress Management?
Researchers indicate 2/3 of medical visits
are for stress related illnesses
• Stress response contributes to:
– coronary artery disease
– cancer
– respiratory disorders
– unintentional injuries
– cirrhosis
– suicide
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Physiologic Signs of Stress

• Immediate Changes
– Decreased gastric motility
– Increased cardiac
– Hyperalertness
output – Increased blood sugar
– Increased circulation – Use of blood glucose
– Increased BP, RR – Decreased stored energy
– Increased fatty acids
– Increased sweating – Increased metabolism
– Piloerection
– Pupil dilatation
– Decreased salivation
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Physiologic Sign of Stress
• Long Term Effects
– Decreased immune response
– Increased breakdown of
– Increased fluid volume
protein – Increased sodium & fluid
– Increased blood glucose retention in kidneys
– Increased vascular
– Decreased inflammatory
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Emotional Signs of Stress

• Denial • Hopelessness
• Fear • Helplessness
• Depression • Feeling lost
• Grief • Wishing to hide
• Anger • Anxiety
• Worry • Panic
• Uncertainty • Inappropriate
Cognitive Signs
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• Difficulty Making Decisions
• Confusion
• Difficulty Naming Familiar
• Poor Concentration
• Blaming Others
• Memory Problems
• Replaying Events Over & Over
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Behavioral Signs of Stress

• Withdrawal
• Suspiciousness
• Excessive Humor or Silence
• Increased Smoking, Alcohol or Food
• Change in Activity Level
• Angry Outbursts
• Crying Spells
Negative Self-Talk Amity Center for e-Learning

• The Worrier Voice - “What if…..?”

– Make a plan then get it out of your head.
• The Critic Voice - “How stupid…..”
– Recognize what is really true.
• The Victim Voice - “I’ll never be able to…..”
– There is always something to do to work toward a
• The Perfectionist - “I should……”
– Assess your unrealistic expectations of yourself.
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Feeling “on edge”

Vague sense of future doom
Fear losing control
Racing thoughts
Detached from self
Decreased ability to learn
Physical Symptoms
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• Increased Muscle Tension
• Dizziness
• Rapid Heartbeat
• Shortness of Breath
• Queasy Stomach
• Dry Mouth
• Increased Perspiration
• Problems with Sleep
Coping Skills to Manage
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• Relaxation Techniques
• Exercise
• Examine Self Talk
• Develop Action Plan
• Avoid Stimulants
– caffeine, nicotine, sugar
• Counseling
• Drug Therapy
Anger Amity Center for e-Learning
Physical Symptoms
• Increased HR, BP
• Increased Muscle Tension &
• Restlessness
• Emotional Symptoms
• Shattered Beliefs in a Just World
• Wronged
• Ready to Fight
• Defensive
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Anger Management
• Anger Intensifying • Cooling Off Habits
– Yelling – Abdominal Breathing
– Count to Ten
– Sulking – Non-Competitive Exercise
– Pouting – Distraction
– Hitting – Humor
– Empathy for Other Person
– Other Violence
– Competitive Games
– Accusations
– Arguing
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Workaholic Behaviors
A person whose desire to work long
and hard is intrinsic, and whose
work habits always exceed the job
description and expectation of
Personality Traits of a
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• Detail oriented
• Perfectionistic
• High personal
• Action oriented

• Easily bored
• Highly dedicated
• Task oriented
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Workaholic Behaviors
• Impaired • Contented
– Family accepts work habits
– No pleasure in
– Autonomy & variety in
leisure workplace
– Distressed when – Good match between
not working personality & job skills
– Good health
– Isolated lifestyle
– Family in distress
Suggested Behaviors Amity Center for e-Learning

• Don’t ruminate over problems

• Respond to signs of fatigue
• Don’t self medicate
• ie. alcohol/drug abuse
• Take scheduled time off
• Stabilize domestic situations
• Develop/maintain friendships
• Engage in regular exercise
• Foster sense of humor
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• Mild
• Moderate
• Severe
– Always requires professional help.
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Garbage In = Garbage Out

Heart Disease
Cumulative Hypertension
Stress Arthritis
Ugly Headache
Health Stroke Irritable
Habits Bowel
Cancer Diabetes
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Healthy Habits
• Nutrition
• Attention to
• Exercise
• Sleep
• Recreation
• Stretching
• Social Support Balance is
the Key
• Humor
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Increase Quality of Sleep
• Do
– Exercise (early in day)
– Avoid Caffeine
– Avoid Alcohol
– Don’t Self Medicate for Sleep
(some sedatives interfere with
deep sleep)
– Relaxation Techniques Before Sleep
– Warm Bath
– Avoid Rich Foods Before Sleep
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“A person without a
sense of humor is like a
wagon without springs
--- jolted by every
pebble in the road.”
-Henry Ward Beecher, American
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• Causes Deep Abdominal Breathing

• Increases Circulation
• Releases Endorphins & Enkyins
• Relieves Tension
• Puts Life into Perspective
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“Laughter and tears are both responses

to frustration and exhaustion . . .I
myself prefer to laugh, since there is
less cleaning up to do afterward.”
-Kurt Vonnegut
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Relaxation Techniques
• Abdominal Breathing
• Active Progressive Muscle Relaxation
• Visualization
• Self-Hypnosis
• Meditation
• Music
• Stretching
• Exercise
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– Stress in and of itself is neither
positive nor negative.

– It is our perception of that stimulus

which determines whether a situation
is stressful.

– Some event that is exciting and

pleasurable to one person may be
painfully stressful to another.
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• Our goal is not to eliminate stress but to

learn how to manage it.
• Begin with educating yourself.

• Remember:
“ Knowledge is power!”
• The ability to control a matter lies in
understanding it.
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Basic Stages
of Stress ARE:

ALARM Amity Center for e-Learning

• The body’s initial physical

reaction for fight or flight.
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• The body tries to cope and adapt to the continued stress
and begins the process of repairing any damage caused by
the stress.

• If the stress can be overcome the body repairs the damage

and the physical signs disappear.

• Resistance to stress is increased each time it’s dealt with

leaving us stronger than before.
EXHAUSTION Amity Center for e-Learning

• If there is no relief from the

stress, the body and mind cannot
repair the damage.
• This can result in emotional,
mental, and physical problems.
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Work related stress has a way of creeping into our lives, sometimes without our even
realizing it. Some of the symptoms are minor, while others are more serious and even
hazardous to your health. You may be stressed out if you…

Have a hard time making decisions

Have trouble meeting important deadlines
Experience feelings of fatigue or sleepiness
even with enough sleep
Have low self-esteem
Feel that there just aren’t enough hours in the day
to get the job done
Tend to criticize and be argumentative
Experience moodiness or depression
Are forgetful
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• Get the constant feeling that something is wrong or

• Have a change in appetite so that you eat more or less
than usual
• Find yourself smoking, drinking, or using drugs to cope
with your job
• Experience rapid, irregular heartbeats or heart pounding
• Experience rapid breathing or hyperventilation
• Get muscle aches, headaches, or migraines
• Have high blood pressure
• Break out in skin rashes
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• Give yourself credit for being human; intentional self-

care is crucial.
• Recognize that your mind is not fully functioning. DO
NOT make any major life changes or life decisions until
things calm down.
• Know that this too shall pass.
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S TRe s………………….z z z z z z z
s s s s………………….z zz zz zzz z
Take deep breaths
Take a walk; escape from
your environment
Say no to what you don’t
have time for or what
isn’t interesting
Leave work early (or at
least on time)
Relax your demands on
yourself a bit; most of us
expect to much
5 MORE Amity
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Let yourself ask questions, and communicate
with co-workers.
Do unpleasant tasks in the morning to get
them over with.
Simplify things whenever possible. Look at
large, overwhelming projects as a series of
steps you complete one at a time.
Let yourself laugh, especially when you feel
Live in the present—don’t spend time
worrying about how much better things were
in the past or what might happens in the
future. Most people who are able to manage
stress have perfected the art of living in the
Amity Center for e-Learning

Other Remedial Measures

•Adoption of Good Working Habits
•Management Commitment
•Employee Cooperation
•Psychological Workshops
•Implementing Quality Systems
•Regular and Periodic Medical Check-ups
MAIN GOAL Amity Center for e-Learning

• Act, don’t react. Plan ahead,

including having a Plan B.

• If there is a pattern of setting

yourself up for problems or if
the baggage from your past is
interfering too much with the
present, “GET HELP!” e.g.,
adults abused as children;
adult children of alcoholics.

05/13/10 61
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As a general rule, actions to reduce job stress should give top

priority to organizational change to improve working

But even the most conscientious efforts to improve working

conditions are unlikely to eliminate stress completely for all

For this reason, a combination of organizational change and

stress management is often the most useful approach for
preventing stress at work.
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Thank You

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