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Computer Networking

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An interconnected set of two or more computers
may be could a computer network.
It is a inter connecting of various computer system
located at the sence/different places.
The inter connection is done by a cable so that they
can exchange information.
When a computer is turned on an disable to asses the
net work the computer is said to the on line.when
the computer is unable to access the network it is of

Use of computer networks:Before going to technical issues lets discuss why people are interested in computer
a>Network for companies:I>Resource sharing: The goal is to make all programs and especially data available to any one on the
network without regard to the physical location of the resources and the user.
Ii>High reliability: All data can be replicated on two or three machines, so if one of them is
unavailable then other two copies could be used.
Iii>Saving money: A typical Clint-server model server stores and process data where as Clint
model only displays results rather to provide each one a personal computer.
Iv>Communication medium: -

b>Networks for people:-

It is listed before three most exciting points why people use computer netwo
I>Access to report information: -Managing bank accounts
-Pay bills.
-Handles invesyents e.g. share market.
-Newspaper online.
Ii>Person-to-person communication: -Email
-Video conference
Iii>Interactive entertainment: -Video on demand
-Live telecast
-Movies and songs, ets.

C>Social issues:

-Employee fights versus employer rights.

Student rights helps in studying.

Online help for technical employes.

PERFORMANCE:-Performance can be measure in many ways, including

trains time and response time.
Trains if time is the elapsed time between an inquiry
and a response.
The performance of a network depends on the
number of factors.


They are as follows: 1> Number of users: Having a large number of concurrent users can show
response time in a network.
2> Types of transmission medium: The speed at which data travels in the medium.
3>Hardware: The type of hardware include in a network affected both
the speed and capacity of transmission.
4> Software: The software used to process data at the sender
receiver and intermediate modes also expect. The network

Reliability: -Network reliability is measured by frequency of

failure the time it takes a link to recover from a
1.frequence of failure.
2.recover of time of a network after a failure.
Network must the protected from cataolphorir
events such as fine, earth quake or the ff.

Network application:
Marketing and sales.
Financial service
Electronic massaging.
Directory services.
Information service.
Tale conforecencing.
Cellular telephone.
Cable television.

Components required for networking: Whenever we talk about network it includes the
hardware and software that made up the network. Some
of the typical components of network are as fallows.
1>Nodes workstations:
The term nodes refer to the computers that are attached to a
network and are seeking to share the resources of the network.

2.Server: A computer that facilitates the sharing of data, software and

hardware resources (ex. - printers, modems) on the network is
tournedos server.

3.Network interface unit (NIU):

It is a device that is attached to each of the
workstations, the server and helps the workstation
establishes the all-important connections with the

4.Communication channel: The medium that

connects two or more workstations in the
communication channel.

5.Terminal access point (TAP):

It is another name of NIU.
It is a device that connects dissimilar network.

Protocol and standards:

In data communication, a protocol is a set of
rules (connections) that governs all aspects of
information communication.
The key elements of protocols are syntax
semantics and timing.
Syntax: -Syntax refers to the structure or format of
data meaning the order in which they are

Semantics: Semantics refers to the meaning of each

selection of bits .how particular patron to be
interpreted and what action is to be taken leased on
that interpretation.
Timing refers to two characteristics. When data
should be sent and how test they can be sent.
A standard provides a model for development
that makes it possible for a product to work
regardless of the individual manufacture.

Network topology:

A networking of different sites in the system can

be connected physically in various ways having
different configuration so the structure of
networking is other wise called as network topology.

The basic configurations are: -

1>basic cost.

2>-communication cost.


Mesh topology:- In a mesh topology, every device has a dedicated

point-to-point link to every other device. The term
dedicated means that the link carries traffic only
between the two devices it connects

Mesh topology:--

Star topology : In this case one of the sites connected to

any other sites are connected to any other.
There is a central site, which is acting as a
server. Controls all other sites (clients). If
the central site tails the network is
completely pertained or destroyed.

Star topology :-

Tree topology: In this case the sites are organized as a tree

structure. Individual offer link to local main
offer then main offer to regional offer and
regional to co-operate head offer. In this
case each sites expect the root has a unique
parental condition.

Tree topology:-

Bus topology: - In a multi-access bus network there is a

single shared link or the bus . all the sites in
the system are directly connected to that
link which may be organized as a straight
liner a ring bus respectively
So the communication between the each
process is done through each of this link.

Bus topology: --

Ring network: 1.single ring/link network or unidirectional.

2.double ring /link network or bi-directional.

In single ring network each side is physically

connected to exactly two sides. In this network
architecture a site can transmit data in only one
direction to one of the neighbor but in case of bidirectional a site can transmit information to both of
its neighbor.

Ring network:-

Hybrid topology:
A network combines several
topologies as sub networks linked together
in larger topology. For instance, one
department of a business may have decided
to use a bus topology while another
department has a ring .the two can be
connected to each other via a central
controller in a star topology

Hybrid topology:

Categories of Networks:

Local area network (LAN): - LAN is a type of network having the differentiation from WAN
based on geographical distribution.

LAN is distributed over small geographical area like single

building or number of adjacent building. This difference imply
major variation in the field of speed reliability of the
Network and reflection over the distributed operating system.

LAN was emerged in the year is a substitute for

large mainframe computer system .the most common links
in LAN are: -

1>twisted pair or.

2>fiber optics cablings

In LAN the speed ranges from 1mb/sec to 1gb/sec .the
taken ring concept is used for the distribution in this LAN

Advantage: It is more economical to have a number of small

It gives full compliment of peripheral devices.
It has a higher speed and lower error rate in
comparison to WAN.

Disadvantage: Cables are expensive due to high duality.

There is a problem /prohibition in the exclusive use
of this fiber optics and tasted pair cables.
The most configurations in LAN are multi-access
STAR, RING and BUS network topologies.

Local area network (LAN): --

Metropolitan area network (MAN): - A metropolitan area network is designed to extend

over an entire city. It may be a single network as a
cable television network or it pay be a means of
connecting a number of WANs in all of its offers
throughout a city .a MAN may be wholly owned
and operated by a private company or it may be a
service provided by a public company such as a
local telephone company.

Metropolitan area network (MAN): -

Wide area network (WAN):

A wide area network provides long distance
transition of data, voice, image and video
information over large geographical area that may
compare a country, or even the whole world.

Advantage: -
Communication to a large area using the
concept of network.


Communication link is slower and unreliable.

WAN are generally slower than LAN.

Internet works:- When two or more networks are connected they become an
inter network or Internet.

Internet means the network of networking. The

www comes to the picture with the help of Internet and vice
versa. Then www the World Wide Web is an architectural
framework for accessing link documents spread all over
thousands of machines with the help of Internet.

Its innocuous popularity states from the fact that it is

a colorful graphical interface that is easy for beginner to use
and it provides enormous wealth information on almost or all
about every subject. This is known as www. Which was
given is 1989 are (ERN)(European center for nuclear

Conclusion:-According to our
requirements, we have to decide which
topology is useful in forming a
network connection.


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