Typical British Dishes

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Eseguito da: Davide Ottoveggio

Scotch eggs
Scotch eggs are hard cooked eggs with a sausage crust, served
with a creamy butter sauce with a little Dijon mustard.

Sono uova sode con salsiccia, impanate e fritte, servite con una
salsa al pomodoro e insalata.
• Cock-a-leekie soup is a Scottish soup dish of leeks and chicken stock
and barley.

• Piatto scozzese composto da una zuppa di gallina bollita e

disossata, orzo e porri.
Clear ox-tail soup
• Semplicemente una coda di bue in brodo.
• An oxtail stock.
• Haggis is a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with
onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally
simmered in the animal's stomach.

• Complesso piatto scozzese fatto con grasso e frattaglie di pecora cotte con la
cipolla dentro allo stomaco della pecora.
Irish stew
• Irish stew is a traditional Irish stew made from lamb, beef or mutton, as well as
potatoes, carrots, onions.

• Piatto irlandese, uno spezzatino di agnello con patate.

Roast-beef con Yorkshire pudding
• This is a traditional British main meal, consisting of roasted meat, roast potato with
Yorkshire pudding. Yorkshire pudding is made from flour, eggs, butter, milk and
seasoning into a preheated greased baking tin containing very hot fat .
• Lombata di manzo con osso, arrostita e servita con un pudding a base di latte, uova
e farina, cotto in una teglia unta col grasso di cottura dell'arrosto.
Steack and kidney pie
• The steak and kidney pie is a typical British dish with beef, lamb's or pig's
kidneys and onion. It is often, but not always, a one-crust pie, which means that
the filling is covered but not completely enclosed by the pastry.
• Manzo e rognone cotti con la cipolla, messi in una tortiera rivestita con pasta
brisée e cotto in forno.
Apple pie
• The Apple Pie, with its two rounds of pastry enclosing slices of cinnamon
sugared apples and peel lemon.
• Torta composta da due strati di pasta brisée riempiti da mele condite con
zucchero, cannella, noce moscata e scorza di limone.
Plum pudding
• Christmas pudding is a steamed pudding, heavy with dried fruit and nuts, and
usually made with suet.
• Dolce natalizio composto da prugne secche condito con mandorle, canditi,
spezie, uova, rhum, birra scura e grasso di rognone.
• Shortbread is a type of biscuit (cookie) which is traditionally made from one
part white sugar, two parts butter, and three parts oatmeal flour.
• Una specie di biscotto di pasta frolla cotta a lungo a fuoco dolce.
Sherry Trifle
• A trifle is a dessert dish made from thick custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice or,
more recently, gelatin, and whipped cream.
• Torta con pan di Spagna,fragole,lamponi e panna

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