Matchingtypeandsupplytypeitems 130902054650 Phpapp01

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Matching Type and Supply Type


The matching type items may be

considered as modified multiple choice type
items where the choices progressively
reduce as one successfully matches the
items on the left with the items on the left
with the items on the right.

Example: Match the items in column A with

the items in column B.

__ 1. Magellan
__ 2. Rizal
__ 3. Aguinaldo

a. First President of the
b. National Hero
c. Discovered the Philippines
d. Brain of Katipunan

A variant of the matching type items is the

data sufficiency and comparison type of test
illustrated below.

Example: Write G if the item on the left is greater

than the item on the right; L if the item on the left
is less than the item on the right; E if the item on
the left equals the item on the right and D if the
relationship cannot be determined.

1. Square root of 9
2. Square of 25
3. 36 inches


a. -3
b. 615
c. 3 meters

Like the multiple choice test, the items in this

kind of test consist of a stem and a blank where
the students would write the correct answer.

Example: The study of life and living organisms

called ________.
Example: Write an appropriate synonym for
each of the following. Each blank corresponds to a

Metamorphose: _ _ _ _ _ _
Flourish: _ _ _ _


Essays, classified as non-objective tests,

allow for the assessment of higher order
thinking skills. Such tests require students to
organize their thoughts on a subject matter in
coherent sentences in order to inform an

14 types of abilities that can be

measured by essay items.


Comparisons between two or more things

The development and defense of an opinion
Questions of cause and effect
Explanations of meanings
Summarizing of information in a designated area
Knowledge of relationships
Illustrations of rules, principles, procedures, and
9. Applications of rules, laws, and principles to new
10. Criticisms of the adequacy, relevance, or
correctness of a concept, idea, or information
11. Formulation of new questions and problems
12. Reorganization of facts
13. Discriminations between objects, concepts, or
14. Inferential thinking

Rules of thumb which facilitate the scoring


Rule1: Phase the direction in such a way that

students are guided on the key concepts
be included.
Example: Write an essay on the topic, Plant
Photosynthesis using the following keywords
and phrases: chlorophyll, sunlight, water,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, by-product, stomata.

Rule 2: Inform the students on the criteria to be

used for grading their essays. This rule allows the
students to focus on relevant and substantive
materials rather than on peripheral and
unnecessary facts and bits of information.
Example: Write an essay on the topic Plant
Photosynthesis using the keywords indicated.
You will be graded according to the following
criteria. (a) coherence, (b) accuracy of statements
(c) use of keywords, (d) clarity and (e) extra points
for innovative presentation of ideas.

Rule 3: Put a time on the essay test.

Rule 4: Decide on your essay grading system
prior to getting the essays of your students.
Rule 5: Evaluate all of the students answers to
one questions before proceeding to the next
Rule 6: Evaluate answers to essay questions
without knowing the identity of the writer.
Rule 7: Whenever possible, have two or more
persons grade each answer.

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