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What is Etiquette?
Etiquette relates to a code of
behavior among people
within an organization,
group or society

But have you ever wondered how it all

Who made these rules??
Are they really that important???

We have an
expert who will
guide you
through this
journey of
finesse and


As the story goes, Louis XIVs gardener at Versailles was faced with a
serious problem he could not stop members of the nobility from
trampling about it in delicate areas of the kings garden. He finally
attempted to dissuade their unwanted behaviour by posting signs
called etiquets which warned them to Keep off the grass.
When this course of action failed, the king himself had to issue an
official decree that no one could go beyond the bounds of the signs.
Later, the name etiquette evolved and the name was given to a ticket
for court functions that included rules regarding where to stand and
what to do.

So what does Etiquette involve?

Knowing/ respecting peoples customs and traditions
Observing certain behaviour and actions when in a
group of people
Observing appropriate manners

Always Remember:
Your behaviour and manners should consistently correspond
with your well groomed image

These are some common slip-ups which we

often make
Poor listening skills
Disregard of shared property and others space
Embarrassing others
Poor table manners
Inappropriate praise of others

And some more of them

Inappropriate language
Disregard of others time
Inappropriate dress and grooming
Misuse of telephone
Failure to greet someone appropriately

There are various aspects to Social Etiquette.

Our first module will focus on

Dining Etiquette
Here are some useful tips for you on:
Table setting
Seating arrangement
Types of menu

A quick glance at the table setting

A quick glance at the seating arrangement

Meal Management

Types of Menu: (Click to find out)

Table dhote
A la carte

Meal Management

Table dhote is literally translated as Table of the host.

This term indicates a set meal, usually with 3 or 4 courses,
with at least one choice in each course
non-vegetarian and vegetarian

Meal Management

A la Carte is literally translated as From the card.

This is the type of menu we are most familiar with. There is a
list of items for each course, each one separately priced.
You order item-wise. There is a waiting period before
your order arrives at the table.
Remember, you have to pay for each dish you ask for

Meal Management

Buffet is a display of a selection of items.

There is a charge for the meal
(as opposed to separate items) and you help yourself to
whatever you wish, with as many returns/ helpings as you like

Time for a quick Etiquette test.

Lets find out how you fare on the

Meal Management
Q: Should I spoon soup away
from myself?
A: Yes, you spoon soup
away from you.

Meal Management

Q: Is it correct to say, I have

eaten my soup?
A: Yes, soup is eaten; it is
inappropriate to use drink
when referring to soup, no
matter how clear the soup
might be.

Meal Management
Q: Should I sip from the edge of the
soup spoon?

A: Yes, you should sip from

the edge of the soup spoon.

Meal Management
Q: Can I blow on the soup
while having it?
A: No, you should not
blow on the soup while
having it.

Meal Management
Q: As I reach the last part of
my soup, in which direction
must I tilt the soup bowl/cup?
A: On reaching the lower
part of the bowl, tip the
bowl away from you and get
the soup into your spoon
with an in-to-out motion.

Meal Management

Q: To show that I am not yet

through with my soup, where
should I place my soup spoon?
A: In the soup bowl.

Meal Management
Q: Where should I place the
spoon after finishing my
A: Never leave your
spoon in the soup cup
or bowl; place it on the

Meal Management
Q: Is it all right if I slurp
or make noises when eating
my soup?
A: No, it is inappropriate
to slurp or make noises
when eating your soup.

Meal Management
Q: Should I use a spoon to eat
my salad?
A: No, you should use a fork
and not a spoon to eat your

Meal Management

Q: How do I manage buttering

my bun?
A: Break the bun into small
bite-sized pieces and butter
each piece as needed.

Meal Management

Q: Is it correct to ask for black

tea? If not, what is the correct
A: Tea is never termed black
the appropriate
terminology is with milk,
without milk or with
lemon. When coffee is had
without milk, it may be
termed black.

Meal Management
Q: Where should I place the
teaspoon after stirring?
A: You should place the
teaspoon on the saucer
after stirring.

Meal Management


Q: Can I pour tea into the saucer?
A: Never pour tea into a saucer
to drink.

Meal Management
Q: Is it all right if I slurp, blow
into the tea cup or make
noise when drinking?
A: No, it is not
appropriate to slurp, blow
into the tea cup or make
noise when drinking.

That must have provided some REAL

Check your scores:
If 0-5: Time to take action!
5-10: A little more effort, and you shall see the
Above 10: Keep up the good work!

OK, here are some more tips to keep

in mind when dining out
Sit straight with both feet on the floor, legs together
Elbows never on the table
Speak softly to those nearest to you
Thank the waiter only once or twice
Tip well

Enquire from the host/ hostess about

dress code for the function invited
Abide by local customs/ religious
practices of host/ hostess
Men should assist ladies to be seated by pulling
out the chair

You should avoid this while dining

Placing your handbag/ purse on the table
Gesturing with your knife or spoon
Putting food into your mouth with a knife
Chomping your food
Talking with your mouth full
Wiping your mouth with your hand when holding a knife/ fork

You should avoid this while dining

Reaching across people to get a dish. Instead ask for it to be
passed to you
Playing with the cutlery around you
Wiping your face with the napkin
Applying lipstick at the table
Smoking (unless the host gives the lead)

Now, lets look at some of the dilemmas that

we often face
Find answers to your doubts here!

When in doubt, ask Eti!


Is it considered rude to take a sip of my drink while

still chewing?
It is considered good manners to wait until you have finished
chewing and have swallowed your food before taking a sip of
your beverage.

Q. What is the correct position for a coffee cup in a formal place

A: The coffee cup and saucer is placed to the right of the place
setting, to the right of the farthest utensil. Since most people
are right-handed, the handle should face to the right.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. After the completion of a formal dinner, where do I place
the utensils?
A. Place the knife and fork parallel to one another across
the plate with the knife blade facing inward toward the plate.

Q. How should I fold a large napkin before placing it on

my lap? Do I wait for the food to arrive before picking up the napkin from
the table?
A. Large dinner napkins should be folded in half after
opening and before placing on ones lap. It is appropriate
to pick up the napkin as soon as you are seated, unfold it
and place it on your lap.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. Where should I put my napkin at the completion
of the meal?
A. Once you are done eating, carefully place the napkin
at the right of your place setting or if the plates have been
cleared, place the napkin in the center without actually
refolding to original state.
Q. If I want to be excused from the table for a few minutes
but have not yet finished my meal, where should I leave
my napkin?
A. When briefly leaving the table mid-meal, place your napkin
on the chair to indicate to the server that you will be
returning soon.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. When should the host/hostess of a dinner party be served?
A. The host/hostess of a dinner party should be the last one
served. If the meal is getting cold, the host/hostess may state something to
the effect, Please begin while the food is
still warm.
Q. At a formal dinner party, how do I properly serve and remove
the dishes and glasses?
A. When entertaining formally, dishes are presented or served
at guests left and removed from the right side. Glasses are filled
from the right.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. What direction should food be passed at the table?
A. Food should be passed to the right or counter-clockwise.
Q. Is it wrong to stand when a lady excuses herself from the table?
What is the proper etiquette when the lady excuses herself and
A. In a social setting, it is always appropriate for a gentleman to
stand when a lady is taking her leave. However, in
a business setting, it is not always necessary for a gentleman
to rise whenever his female co-worker(s) leave the table.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. Who pays the bill when dining out?
A. When entertaining a guest, such as, when out for dinner
or cocktails, the person who extended the invitation (regardless
of gender) is responsible for paying the bill.
Q. Where do I place the finger bowl after cleansing my fingers?
A. When using a finger bowl, after cleansing your fingers,
place the finger bowl on the upper left side of the place
setting; this clears the dessert plate for the dessert

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. Which side of the guest should I pour wine from
at the dinner table?
A. Pour wine and all beverages from the right, while standing
behind and to the right of the guest
Q. What is the temperature at which white wine and red wine are
A. White wine is served chilled and red wine is served at room

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. When ordering take-out food from a restaurant
by telephone, is it necessary to tip when I pick up
my order?
A. No, it is not necessary to tip the restaurant in this situation. However,
tipping the take- out service person at the restaurant would be
appreciated and is considered good manners.
Q. To which side should a gentleman seat a lady?
A. A gentleman at a social dinner party holds the chair and
seats the lady on his right.

When in doubt, ask Eti!

Q. Should I dismiss myself from the table if I
need to sneeze or blow my nose?
A. Yes, excuse yourself from the table, and at no time should
you use your napkin as a handkerchief.

I hope I have been able to

answer most of your queries and
your doubts.

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