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Why to grow Paulownia


Profesor indrumator: Maciu Andreea


When we were young, we read stories in which our characters used to grow in a
year like others in 7. We wondered what it would be like to have something like
this and now we have!
Paulownia is a commercial tree that ages in 5-6 years, so that it is cultivated in
many European countries.

Paulownia deciduous tree or the tree of the princess, nicknamed "aluminum of the
timber" because of its strength is a tree with broad crown, thick stems with large leaves
and perfumed lilac flowers. Inflorescences are formed in the fall and bloom in May-June.
Fruits are capsule of 3-4 cm, brown, and very decorative.
This exotic tree is distinguished by its abundant flowering in early spring before coming
into leaves. Then large lilac corollas similar to the shape of a lion mouth open. The
flowers are very attractive to bees, being more prolific than the acacia at the honey
Paulownia trees are drought resistant - once fixed, their roots go deep into the ground in
search of water, more than at the surface. This allows an easier usage around the tree. It
has a beneficial shade in summer and in winter it is leafless and lets the sunlight pass
through. Unlike other fast-growing trees that have a short lifespan, a healthy Paulownia
tree can last for 80 to 100 years. Paulownia is a deciduous tree with a very high growth
rate in favourable conditions and a short rotation cycle.

Paulownia is a fast growing tree and it has a light
yellowish look, like white ash tree. It is beautifully
coloured with a variety of colours and it can mimic
other wood materials.

Use and Resistance

The Paulownia wood material market has started to develop in Romania, even if its new.
Paulownia wood material can be used in the production of various articles.
They include:
packing boxes,
joints and cornices.


-In only 3-5 years, Paulownia tree can adapt to almost any soil with a growth rate
and size that other tree species would achieve in 25 years. It can grow in early
years about 2-3 meters/ year.

-Due to rapid growth it may overshadow an area in record time.

-Due to existing hairs on the underside of leaves and stem, the tree is a good sound

-It blooms abundantly in spring, before the leaves come out with large and
beautiful lilac flowers that spread a very pleasant discreet violet smell.

- The flowers are very enjoyed by bees for honey production. It produces more
honey than acacia (1200-1500 kg / hectare).

-It drives insects away, absorbs noise and dust.

-If it is cut or damaged, it regenerates very quickly.


-It adapts very well in dusty urban environment, and its roots prevent soil from landslides.

-Wood is similar to the balsa, dries quickly without cracking or deforming.

-Its leaves can be successfully used for animal food.

-The commercial value of wood is comparable to that of the walnut. This tree crop can be a

goldmine for investors - lumber grade A (60%) and the residues (30%) can be used as biomass
electricity or thermal winning by gasification.

- It is especially good for furniture and plywood. In 5-6 years the trees can be cut; a trunk
produces an average for about 0.6-1 m3 of timber. The wood has excellent quality, it is
light, it has no knots and it is waterproof, being an ideal raw material for furniture, joinery
and carpentry industry, but also for other special purposes, such as making drums or boats.

-Paulownia wood dries in 30 to 60 days without bending, warping, cracking or splitting.

Oven drying lasts between 36 and 60 hours depending on the configuration of drying oven
horsepower and timber size.


-Paulownia Is resistant to decay and rot if not in contact with the earth.

- It has very good fire resistance, the ignition temperature being of 420 to 430 degrees Celsius
compared to the average hardwood wood from 220 to 225 degrees Celsius.

-1 Kg of dry wood has a calorific value of about kb. 4500 kcal (18 830 kJ) u = 13%, very high even in
comparison to the types of coal quality and more than all other types of materials.

-A hectare of plantation accumulates an annual amount of 48 tons of dust and air pollutants strong roots that reach deep into the ground stop soil erosion, balance temperature fluctuations,
improve flow parameters and the air humidity.

-It has large leaves, the shape of the heart which can reach up to 70 cm in diameter; a 7-year tree
can produce up to 60 kg of leaves annually, being an ideal ecological fertilizer and a food producer.

-High protein (9.5%) and nitrogen (15%) content of the leaves can open new dimensions in raising
livestock and soil improvement by using Bio-fertilizers.

-A 620 hectare of trees gathers a volume about 100 tons CO2/ year and produces 75 tons of oxygen,
equivalent to a daily amount of oxygen required for 205 people.


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