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Ethics involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of
right and wrong behavior.

What is religious ethics

Religious ethics concerns teachings and practices of what is right or wrong, good or
bad, virtuous or vicious, from a religious point of view
religions are traditions that are anything like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
or Buddhism
A religion is a tradition and practice based on a conception of what is real and

Religions perform three main functions, namely

providing an understanding of ultimate truth
offering methods of being spiritual
furnishing moral guidance

Unlike science which asks how things work, religion addresses

why things work as they do

Types of religion


Bah meaning glory or splendor.

Bahs believe that Gods will has been progressively revealed through a variety of
messengers (including Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, and
so on.
In 1863, one of the Bbs followers, Mrz Husayn `Al Nr, declared himself to be
the messenger foretold by the Bb and took the title Bahullh. He was banished to
`Akk, an Ottoman penal colony in what is now Israel, where he remained until his
death in 1892. Bahullhs son, `Abbs Effendi (known as `Abdul-Bah or Servant
of Bah), became the next leader of the Bah community, followed by his grandson,
Shoghi Effendi. The Bah faith is now a world religion, with over five million
adherents in 247 countries and territories. Bahs are the largest religious minority in
Iran and often face persecution from the Islamic majority.

Buddhism emerged from Hinduism, tracing its origin to Gautama Sakyamuni,
lived in northern India sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE
His teaching centers on the Four Noble Truths.
(1) life is full of suffering, pain, and misery (dukka)
(2) the origin of suffering is in desire (tanha)
(3) the extinction of suffering can be brought about by the extinction of desire
(4) the way to extinguish desire is by following the Noble Eightfold Path.
The Eightfold Path consists of right understanding; right aspirations or attitudes; right
speech; right conduct; right livelihood; right effort; mindfulness; and contemplation or

no killing,
sexual misconduct,
non-injury or non-violence to all living creatures from the lowest insect to humans
humility, contentment, gratitude, patience, generosity
loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity


The mark of Dharma is Achara or good conduct. Achara is the mark of the good. From
Achara is Dharma born. Dharma enhances life. Man attains prosperity and fame, here
and hereafter, through the practice of Dharma.
Good conduct is the highest Dharma. It is the root of all Tapas or austerities.
Righteousness, truth and good works, power and prosperityall originate from conduct.
Hindu ethics is superb. Hinduism lays great emphasis on ethical discipline. Yama (selfrestraint) and Niyama (religious observances or canons) are the foundations of Yoga and
Hindu ethics.
There is one all-pervading Atman. It is the innermost soul of all beings.
If you injure your neighbour, you really injure yourself. If you injure any other creature,
you really injure yourself, because the whole world is nothing but your own Self. This
is Hindu ethics.

must be truthful and pure in thought, word and deed.

He must possess excellent conduct.
must not injure any living being
must practice rigidly right thought, right speech and right action.
unity of all selves.
If you help another person, you help yourself
spirit of forgiveness
Return good for evil
(1) A man shall not kill; (2) nor lie; (3) nor steal; (4) nor whore; (5) nor hoard up

Christian Ethics

Ethics is the study of good and evil, right and wrong.

Biblical Christian ethics is inseparable from theology because it is
grounded in the character of God
The task of Christian ethics, then, is to determine what conforms to
Gods character and what does not.
Such Christians are those who are willing to treat Gods moral order
with the same respect they show His physical order; who love God
with their whole body, soul, spirit, mind, and strength; who treat
others as they desire to be treated

Christian virtues
The seven Christian virtues are:
Prudence: also described as wisdom, the ability to judge between actions with regard to
appropriate actions at a given time
Justice also considered as fairness, the most extensive and most important virtue
Temperance also known as restraint, the practice of self-control, abstention, and
moderation tempering the appetition
Courage also termed fortitude, forbearance, strength, endurance, and the ability to confront
fear, uncertainty, and intimidation
Faith belief in God, and in the truth of His revelation as well as obedience to Him
Hope expectation of and desire of receiving; refraining from despair and capability of not
giving up. The belief that God will be eternally present in every human's life and never
giving up on His love.
Charity a supernatural virtue that helps us love God and our neighbors, more than


The origin of the word "shinto" means "way of the kami." Therefore, Shinto beliefs
focus on the existence and power of the kami, or gods, that exist in the world, in
nature, and especially in and throughout Japan.

There are "Four Affirmations"in Shinto

Tradition and the family
Love of nature
Physical cleanliness
"Matsuri:The worship and honor given to the Kami and ancestral spirits.


to value and respect positive ideals

like truth, compassion, contentment, humility, love, etc
to be ready to protect and stand for the rights of the weak among us; to fight for
justice and fairness for all;
to engage in selfless service (Sewa) and help build a loving community life; to be a
contributor to society whenever possible;

Three Principles of Sikhism

Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru, taught three fundamental principles:
Kirat Karo - Work hard and honestly
Wand Ke Chhako - Share what you have with the needy
Naam Jappo - Always remember God throughout the day

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