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Implementing the KUF:

From Virtual to Reality

Vicky Baldwin
Kath Lovell
Dr Neil Gordon
Dr Heather Wood
Tom Mullen
Aims of the Workshop
• Brief introduction to the KUF : what it is, who it is designed for and
how is being implemented
• The central role of service user in the development and
• Interactive engagement with the online materials highlighting the use
of online tools
• To explore the challenges of implementing the KUF systemically
within complex multi agency settings-building on what exists
• To highlight key ‘facilitative forces’ and practical steps that can assist
with implementation-resources and strategy
• To provide an account of how one selected region is approaching
this-a case study
• To encourage participants to reflect upon and articulate a local
delivery plan-workshop activity
• Dec 2007: Department of Health and Ministry of
Justice commissioned the development of a national
training framework to support people to work more
effectively with personality disorder

• The key goal is to improve service user experience

through developing the capabilities, skills and
knowledge of the multi-agency workforces in Health,
Social Care and Criminal Justice who are dealing
with the challenges of Personality Disorder

The service
user at the

Making a real difference

What is available?

Working with Personality

Disorder: Raising
Awareness BSc: Working with Personality
(6modules) Disorder: Developing Understanding
All Frontline staff and
Effectiveness MSc: Working with Personality
(9 modules) Disorder: Extending Expertise and
Enhancing Practice
Key Staff (6 Modules and Dissertation)
Lead and Specialist Staff
The Virtual Learning Environment
• All 3 levels of the programme are supported by an online
virtual learning environment
• This provides all the materials required to access or deliver
each level of the programme
• The VLE also provides students with access to the following
online learning tools::
o ‘My Notes’
o Wikis
o Blogs
o Discussion Forums
o Online Resources
Working Effectively with Personality
Disorder: Raising Awareness
The programme aims to:

• Explore different perspectives about personality disorder

• Dispel some myths about personality disorder
• Explore ways of understanding personality difficulties
• Look at how someone’s past experiences can affect the present
• Help you to understand how to work effectively with service users
with a personality disorder
• Reflect on different approaches to working with people and the
impact of reactions and responses
• Explore the impact of working with personality disorder on the
wider team
The Online Learning Modules
Connecting past experience
and current behaviours

Making sense of Communicating

reactions and responses effectively

Self awareness and Sensitivity to service user

reflective skills experience

Understanding work
places and teams

The learning journey

Exploring the Online Learning Modules

• Group exercise to
explore the materials
The Delivery Model
• Both programmes are delivered using blended learning
including facilitated sessions and online learning. For the
awareness only programme this involves:

• 3 days of facilitated experiential training

• Completion of 6 online modules:
• Key self directed activity

• For the ‘Train the Trainers’ programme this involves:

o 6 days facilitated experiential training including direct micro-
o Completion of the 6 online modules
o Key self directed activity
o Creating a context relevant delivery package
STAGE 1 (Basic) AWARENESS STAGE 2 (Trainer)
1 and
Facilitation and
group 1
n management
Modules 1, 2 &
Review and
2 experiential
and learning 2
Modules 4,5 & 6
& Evaluation

Final review and

3 experiential
Practice and
Application to
work context

Structured Implementation and Embedding

• The VLE, its capacity and potential (and limitations)
• The different online tools and how to use them
• Educational principles that have informed the
development and best practice guidelines for working
effectively with the content and media
• Facilitation skills and the management of learning group
processes and dynamics
• Administration and access issues and how these need
to be managed
• The use and development of Facilitator Handbooks and
how these can be adapted to meet local needs
• The rationale and potential impact of utilising service
user trainers as an essential element of delivery

Train the trainers: core themes

The trainer will demonstrate:
• Facilitation skills and capability in managing learning group processes
• A positive collaborative attitude to working in partnership with service
• A willingness to use the training as a vehicle to challenge the stigma
experienced by people with a personality disorder diagnosis and those
who work with them
• Knowledge about, and skills in the use of different learning and teaching
methodologies and an ability to apply these in context sensitive ways
• Familiarity with the content and lay out of the different elements of the
• Familiarity with and competence in using and moderating the VLE
learning tools such as my notes, wikis, discussion forums and blogs
• A good understanding of the bio-psychosocial model of personality
• A commitment to multiagency working and training

Post training capabilities

National Delivery
• Currently 200 people on the VLE completing the awareness
training and 60 have completed the Train the Trainers
• Over 2500 staff accessing the programme by August 2010
• 250 staff trained as KUF trainers by August 2010
• Over 30 organisations involved from Health, Social Care,
Criminal Justice and the Third Sector
• All regions in the country are in communication with the KUF
team and in different stages of implementation
• A financially supported national implementation plan to embed
the awareness level training across the regions from April
2010 - 2011
Feedback from the field
• “I was not that keen on attending but this is the most
useful training I have undertaken over the last ten
years” (Probation officer)

• “At last an educational model I can relate to that has

the potential to make a real difference” ( Carer

• “I think an approach that engages at an emotional level

is essential when teaching about personality disorder
as much of the need is to encourage more positive
attitudes and emotions on the part of the worker
engaging with the person with personality disorder”
Feedback from the field
• “I am looking at my client in a completely new way,
I can really make sense of who he is and why he
behaves in the way he does” (Housing support

• I feel I now have an understanding of personality

disorder that will help me in my work and I will be
able to challenge other people on how they view
people (Police Officer)

• “This material is very powerful and encourages you

to think differently’ (Service Lead)
Feedback from delivery
in the field
“The training the trainers programme was intense, inspiring,
exciting and exhausting. It really did open up our thinking
concerning the learning materials and the many ways in which
they could be used to facilitate meaningful learning across a
range of staff groups. We were also struck by the potential for
the KUF materials to be used creatively to bring about a
change in how people think about and respond to personality
disorder, be they carers, commissioners, practitioners or
managers. We look forward to having the opportunity to share
the KUF with others in the coming years.”
Service Lead/Participant on ‘Train the Trainers’
Implementing the BSc and MSc

Support from the centre and the development of

local infrastructures
BSc & MSc Implementation
• Funding support from the Department of Health agreed
for the first cohort

• Cohort 1 commences January 2010

• Regional implementation model to select MSc students

• Stand alone or full programme opportunities available

The BSc Programme
Aims of the BSc Programme:

• Equip workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to

help them work more effectively with service users

• To compensate fro the limited educational coverage of this

topic in core training

• To improve the psychological mindedness of all those

working with the challenges of personality disorder

• Creating containing environments infused with hope that

improves the experience of service users and staff
BSc: Working with Personality Disorder: Developing
understanding and effectiveness

60 credits L6 60 credits L6

Introduction to Intervening Effective teamwork and

effectively: Management, Supervision Developing
treatment and support Context sensitive approaches

40 credits L5 40 credits L5 40 credits L5

Responding effectively: Facilitating positive
Responding to issues of
making sense of reactions Change Working with
complexity and risk
and relationships people and context

30 credits L4 30 credits L4 30 credits L4 30 credits L4

Developing a shared Challenges of PD: Personality disorder: Working positively with

Understanding of An interpersonal Across multiagency PD: Building lives
personality disorder perspective contexts challenging stigma

Awareness training with APEL Portal

Multi-agency Training
Critical Incident

communication Diversity of Anti-stigma project

Observation of an
Supervision & Support
Organisation structure for work
Residential event: context
Reflection on learning

Potential Outcomes: Work based assessments

Who is the target audience for the BSc
and what are the challenges of
reaching them?
• Think of the agency/service you work in and identify
which part of your workforce would benefit most from
the BSc programme?

• Having identified the target staff group, what processes

need to be in place to support these staff in accessing
the programme
The MSc Programme
Aims of the MSc Programme:

• To increase the capacity of service leads to act as

“change agents”
• able to shape and influence services

• effecting sustainable change at an organisational


Service user
trainers and
MSc Core modules

Leadership and Developing and Extending

service development Therapeutic Practice

Involvement strategies
Developing links Consulting to Teams
and networks and Organisations

Developing Facilitating Learning

research and audit About PD
Key features in common with other
parts of the KUF:
• Contextualised - Practice-based learning

• Service-users integral to development and delivery. Service

user perspectives central

• Flexible – Modular

• Accessible – VLE

• Highlighting the interpersonal dimension of working

effectively with personality disorder
Specific to the PD KUF MSc

• Assessment exercises yield usable


• More self-directed learning

• Fostering vision, creativity, confidence and

skills for effective leadership

• Building leaders, change agents

and champions of personality
disorder services
‘Making the virtual a reality’
Regional Implementation of the KUF

Lessons from the field: a case study

Tom Mullen and Neil Gordon
The context of KUF embedding?

What needs to develop

What exists?


Who can make this

Key themes
• Strategic planning with KUF implementation
plan as a core feature
• Meaningful service user involvement
• Multiagency working
• Care Pathways and Service User journeys
• Integration of forensic and non forensic
• Existing development work and training
Reflecting on ‘local’ context
• Take sometime to think about what currently exists in
your own locality that you can build upon to integrate
the different levels of the KUF that will achieve real
change in practice

• Feedback the main 2 themes that have emerged from

your discussion
Creating the discussion groups
• Building service user capacity for involvement
• Developing a multi agency training approach (Social Care
Health Criminal Justice, Third Sector)
• Identifying target staff groups and priority areas for training
• Identifying staff to train as KUF trainers
• Working across forensic and non forensic services-an
integrated approach
• Accessing ‘hard to reach’ groups
Making it happen?
Other actions include

Develop quality standards

KUF Implementation KUF for secure PD services
Plan Lead

MSc Students Enable acute inpatient access

Service to support more appropriately

Support Network

Review Proposal
Identify PD lead in each PCT
and plan for services
with stakeholders

8 Regional 3 Regional 3 Regional 6 Cohorts

Undertake economic analysis
Cohorts Cohorts Cohorts
of identified dysfunctional
pathways for PD
Mental Health Accommodation Probation Pathways

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