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LAW 531 Course Career Path

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LAW 531 Entire Course

LAW 531 Week 1 Quiz (Knowledge Check)

LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 1
LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 2
LAW 531 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Legal Syste
m and ADR Analysis
LAW 531 Week 2 Quiz (Knowledge Check)
LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 1
LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 2
LAW 531 Week 2 Individual Business Forms Worksheet
LAW 531 Week 2 Learning Team Reflection IRAC Brief
LAW 531 Week 3 Quiz (Knowledge Check)

LAW 531 Entire Course And F

inal Guide
LAW 531 is a online tutorial store we LAW 531 Entire C
ourse And Final Guide

LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (L

1. Ann is troubled with the noise from an old generator
set up by her neighbor Jose at his residence. The noise t
he generator
makes is unbearable. Ann sues Jose for nuisance. Will s
he succeed?
a) Yes, because the noise is interfering with Anns use an
d enjoyment of the land.
b) No, because the generator is not on her property.
c) No, because she cannot interfere with Joses personal

LAW 531 Final Exam Guide (N

1. What defense can an employer use to a charge of sex
ual harassment?

The harassed employee was not made aware of the c

ompanys anti-harassment policies.

The harassed employee took advantage of the preven

tive measures provided by the company but still could n
ot avoid being harassed.

The employer does not have any complaint mechanis

ms for employees who are harassed.

LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 1

Describe a dispute that may arise in a business where it
isappropriate to use an ADR process to resolve the disp
ute. What ADR processeswork best to resolve the dispu
te? Explain your answer. What ADR processes arenots
uitable for resolving the dispute you have referenced?
Explain your response. Try to avoid selecting a dispute
mentioned by other students

LAW 531 Week 1 DQ 2

Select a product with which you arefamiliar, or a produ
ct that captures your attention.Describe some product
liability issues that may arise with that product? What m
easures can management take to prevent the product li
ability problems from arising? How can management mi
nimize legal risk involving the product?

LAW 531 Week 1 Individual A

ssignment The Legal System
and ADR Analysis

Review Exhibit 2.1: Typical State Court System.

Assume that the higher on this chart the case is the mo

re expensive it is for all parties.
Write a memo ona state (not federal) level business dis
pute. Describeas if you were writing a "white paper" for
your boss who wants to know how a case like the one y
ou have chosen would be processed throughout the var
ious legal phases in a state court system.

LAW 531 Week 1 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1 What is the effect of having a corporation as the gene
ral partner of a limited partnership?

Each shareholder of the corporation will be treated as a

general partner of the limited partnership.

The liability of the corporate general partner will

be limited to the amount of its assets.

The limited liability of the corporation will result i

n the limited partners having greater liability than they
would otherwise.

LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 1

What risks do organizations encounter when they are fo
rced to engage in litigation? What measures should ma
nagers take to reduce exposure to those risks?

LAW 531 Week 2 DQ 2

Watch the Bullies on the Job video posted in the student
materials. As indicated in the video, incivility on the job
is becoming prevalent. As a manager, what preventative
measures might you take to avoid potential torts within
a business context, such as the ones identified in the vi

LAW 531 Week 2 Individual B

usiness Forms Worksheet
Complete the Business Forms Worksheet.

LAW 531 Week 2 Learning Te

am Reflection IRAC Brief
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis."
Select one legal case from a current event that has take
n place within the past 2 years relevant to this week's o
Discuss the selected case with your Learning Team.
Brief the selected case as a Learning Team.
Write a case brief using the IRAC method.
Write an explanation of no more than 750 words about
how the legal concepts in the selected case can be appli
ed within a business managerial setting.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignme

LAW 531 Week 2 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1 How does product disparagement differ from defamat
ion of a nonpublic figure?
Malicious intent is required for the defamation case, bu
t not in the disparagement case
Publication to a third party is required in the defamatio
n case, but not in the disparagement case
Publication to a third party is required in the disparage
ment case, but not in the defamation case
Malicious intent is required for a disparagement case, b
ut is not required in the defamation case

LAW 531 Week 3 DQ 1

From your readings, select two legal forms of doing busi
ness and explain the differences between the two;theb
enefits of each;and the liabilities ofboth forms of busin
esses. Of the two businesses you selected, which do yo
u considerthe preferred form of business operations, a
nd why?

LAW 531 Week 3 DQ 2

Think about a contract that you have entered. For that t
ransaction, discuss any legal risks that arose, or might h
ave arisen for you, and what you did, or could have don
e,to minimize or prevent those risks. Discuss the appro
priate resolution for the dispute and the most effective
method for dispute resolution for that transaction.

LAW 531 Week 3 Learning Te

am Reflection IRAC Brief
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis."
Select one legal case from a current event that has take
n place within the past 2 years relevant to the following
3.3: Differentiate between personal, real, and intellectu
al property issues.
3.4: Determine appropriate methods to address potenti
al property issues.
Discuss the selected case with your Learning Team.
Brief the selected case as a Learning Team.

LAW 531 Week 3 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1 Which of the following types of real property rights c
an be sold separately from the land?

Buildings and improvements on the land

Minerals in the subsurface

Building fixtures on the land

LAW 531 Week 4 DQ 1

Reviewthe Gender Wage Gap video in your class materi
als. Consider that current statistics show that women ar
e more than half of the current workforce; female empl
oyees earn 77 cents for every dollar male employees ea
rn; and women receive more college degrees than men.
Do the conclusions in the Gender Wage Gap video confl
ict with current statistics? As a manager, how would yo
umitigate and reduce the risk associated with potential
claims of gender discrimination in the workplace?

LAW 531 Week 4 DQ 2

Select a regulatory or compliance requirement related t
o employment or the workplace. The requirement may
involve workplace safety, wages and hours, or retireme
nt. What obligations does that requirement create for e
mployers and employees? How can managers ensure c
ompliance? Try to avoid discussing regulatory or compli
ance requirements mentioned by other students. Com
ment on your classmates posts.

LAW 531 Week 4 Individual A

ssignment Contract Creation
and Management Simulation

Complete the Contract Creation and Management Simu

lation involving a contract issue and associated legal iss
Write responses to the decision points embedded in th
e simulation.
Download your written responses on completion of the
simulation. The downloaded document must be submitt
ed in order to receive credit for the assignment.

LAW 531 Week 4 Learning Te

am Reflection IRAC Brief
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis."
Select one legal case from a current event that has take
n place within the past 2 years relevant to this week's o
Discuss the selected case with your Learning Team.
Brief the selected case as a Learning Team.
Write a case brief using the IRAC method.

LAW 531 Week 4 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1Under what conditions must an employer allow none
mployee union solicitation on company property?

If the purpose is to solicit employees to change union

representation rather than to solicit nonunion workers t
o join a union

If the union is affiliated with another union that curre

ntly represents other employees of the company

If the employees live in a company town such that it

would be difficult to solicit the employees off company

LAW 531 Week 5 DQ 1

How has Sarbanes-Oxley impacted corporate gover
nance? In your opinion, which provision of Sarbane
s-Oxley is most difficult for organizations to imple
ment? After you post your initial response to this q
uestion, please respond to comments posted by yo
ur classmates

LAW 531 Week 5 DQ 2

In 2008, Greg, Kim, Phil, and Bob each owned 20 percen
t of the shares of a million dollar company called Home
Health, Inc., and they each served as a member of the b
oard of directors of the company. Alex is also a 20 perc
ent shareholder in the company, but he is not a membe
r of the board of directors.

LAW 531 Week 5 Individual A

ssignment Discrimination Sce
nario Simulation

Complete the Discrimination Scenario Simulation invol

ving a discrimination issue at the workplace and associa
ted legal issues.
Write responses to the decision points embedded in th
e simulation.
Download your written responses after completing the
simulation. The downloaded document must be submitt
ed to receive credit for the assignment.

LAW 531 Week 5 Learning Te

am Reflection IRAC Brief
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis."
Select one legal case from a current event that has take
n place within the past 2 years relevant to the following
5.2: Explain the governance principles of regulatory co
mpliance requirements.
5.3: Determine methods for managing legal risk arising
from regulatory compliance issues.
Discuss the selected case with your Learning Team.
Brief the selected case as a Learning Team.

LAW 531 Week 5 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1Officers of a corporation typically can have which type
s of agency authority to bind the corporation?

Express, transparent, and applied

Express, transparent, and implied

Express, implied, and apparent

Express, applied, and apparent

2If a corporate officer or director acts in a manner to m
ake use of an advantage that he or she knows will only
benefit himself or herself and deprives the corporation
of that advantage, what breach of fiduciary duty has be
en committed? Duty of obedience by competing with t
he corporation

LAW 531 Week 6 Learning Te

am Reflection IRAC Brief
Read "The IRAC method of case study analysis."
Select one legal case from a current event that has take
n place within the past 2 years relevant to the following
5.1: Identify applicable regulatory compliance requirem
ents for business situations.
Select a second legal case from a current event that has
taken place within the past 2 years relevant to the follo
wing objective:

LAW 531 Week 6 Quiz (Knowl

edge Check)
1What are the primary sources in the U.S. Constitution
of the federal governments power over international af

The Commerce Clause and the Privileges and Immuni

ties Clause

The Treaty Clause and the Police Power Clause

The Foreign Commerce Clause and the Treaty Clause

LAW 531 Course Career Path

Begins /law531dotcom

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