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Oleh :
Dr. Yuli Trisetiyono, SpOG
Pembimbing :
Dr. Siti Moetmainah P, SpOG(K)

The reproductive system becomes active after puberty. During puberty the
reproductive organs mature to create a fertile individual capable of reproducing.
The primary sex organs produce the sex cells (egg/sperm) and sex hormones.
The accessory sex organs are all the components involved in maintaining the
sex cell and assisting in the process of fertilization.

The male reproductive system:

This system is simpler than the female reproductive system.
A. Scrotum: a sac located outside of the abdominal cavity, made up of a thin
layer of smooth and skeletal muscle and skin. It is divided into left and right
by a septum to form different compartments for the testicles. The scrotum
keeps the testicles outside the body so they can be 3 degrees cooler than
normal core temperature. The muscles of the scrotum contract to bring the
testicles closer to the body in cooler conditions. In warm conditions they
relax to allow the skin to stretch and maximize cooling.

B. Testes: Oval shape organs made up of thousands of seminiferous tubules where the
sperm is produced. It responds to follicle stimulating hormone that signals sperm
production. When the sperm is in its last stages of maturation it moves to the
1. Gross anatomy: about 4 x 2,5 cm, complete surrounded by a fibrous capsule and
partially enclosed by a serous membrane that develop when the testes traveled
outside the body into the scrotum. The fibrous capsule divides the testicles into
wedge-like compartments called lobules that are filled with seminiferous tubules.
They are innervated by an abundant about of visceral sensory nerves that make
them very sensitive to pain. The high sensitivity serves for protection and in sexual

2. Seminiferous tubules and


. The seminiferous tubules

consist of a thick stratified
epithelium surrounding a
lumen. The epithelium has
spermatogenic cells that
mature into sperm.
. At puberty the seminiferous
tubules begin to produce about
400 million sperm.
. The spermatogenic cells are
protect by a blood-testis barrier
that keep the cells from
activating the immune system.
. Low BP of testicular artery
results in poor O2 supply
sperm develop very large
mitochondria helping them survive
the hypoxic environment of the
female reproductive tract

. Seminiferous tubules drain into

network called rete testis
. Testicular veins drain to the
inferior vena cava

C. Reproductive duct system is males: This section discusses the

tubules through which sperm travel to exit the body.
1. Epididymis: organ that arches over the posterior lateral side of the
testis. If you uncoil the epididymis is can be as long as 6meters or
20 feet! During the twenty days the sperm spend here they
complete maturation and gain the ability to swim and fertilize. During
ejaculation smooth muscle contracts to send mature sperm to the
ductus deferns.
2. Ductus deferens: also known as the vas deference, it runs superior
to the testicles, enters the abdominopelvic cavity, runs posterior to
the bladder, passes by the seminal vesicle, form the ampulla and
ejaculatory duct, and finally leads into the prostatic urethra.
3. Spermatic cords: a tube of fascia holding blood vessels, nerves,
and the ductus deference.
4. Urethra: As discussed in the previous chapter the urethra and men
carries both sperm and urine. During ejaculation the sphincter
muscles close off the bladder so urine is not released into the
semen. The urethra is divided into the prostatic urethra (section
passing through prostrate gland), the membranous urethra
(urogenital diaphragm) and the spongy urethra (penile). Urethral
glands along the spongy urethra secrete a lubricating solution before

Male Duct System

D. Accessory glands: These glands produce substances that

increases the chances of sperm survival once it is outside the body.
These secretions in addition to sperm form semen.
1. Seminal vesicles: paired glands located posterior to the bladder.
During ejaculation smooth muscle contract to help secrete a fluid
that contains fructose (sugar), nutrients, prostagladins to stimulate
the urethra to contract, substances that suppress the immune
system against sperm in females, enzymes the enhance sperm
mobility, and enzymes that thicken the ejaculate.
2. Prostate gland: the size of a chestnut, also has smooth muscle
that contracts to assist in the release of prostatic secretion. This is
a milky white fluid that has substances to enhance sperm mobility
and thicken ejaculate. It is susceptible to tumors and sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs).
3. Bulbourethral glands: secrete a mucus substances that
lubricates and neutralizes the acid from urine in the male urethra.

Accessory Glands
Seminal vesicles
posterior to bladder
empty into ejaculatory duct

Prostate gland
below bladder, surrounds
urethra and ejaculatory duct
2 x 4 x 3 cm

Bulbourethral glands
near bulb of penis
empty into penile urethra
lubricating fluid

E. Penis
Internal root and visible shaft and
external portion is 4 in. long when
skin over shaft is loosely attached
allowing expansion
extends over glans as prepuce or foreskin

Consists of 3 cylindrical bodies of

erectile tissue
single corpus spongiosum along
ventral side of penis
encloses penile urethra
ends as a dilated bulb ensheathed
by bulbospongiosus muscle

paired corpora cavernosa

diverge like arms of a Y
each crus attaches to pubic arch & is
covered with ischiocavernosus muscle

Anatomy of the Penis

1. Rohen JW, Yokochi C, Ltjen-Drecoll E. Color
Atlas of Anatomy A Photographic Study of the
Human Body. Philadelpia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2011.
2. Netter FH. Atlas of Human Anatomy 2010.
3. Fritz MA, Speroff L. Reproductive Physiology.
Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and
Infertility. 8 ed. Philadephia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 1999. p. 243 - 68.

Daerah paling sensitif yg mana?
Saraf nyeri laki2 sebagai locus minoris adalah
scrotum? Kenapa?
Saraf pusat? Saraf simpatis parasimpatis?

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