CW1 Group 5

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Procurement and Safety

Laws pertaining to ECE

Equipment/Services in
The Philippines

Accidents are not a one way. It doesnt just affect the victim, but
rather their family and the people around them. Especially when the
accident happened in the workplace, wherein the establishment will
be also be affected. It can cause financial problems and the
reputation of the company. They are of great interest and concern
to all of the organizations stakeholders eg employees, managers,
shareholders, local residents and businesses, and suppliers

Nowadays, people will not allow establishments to disregard the
bearing of their deeds on adjacent societies. Not all of the investors
have the same welfares. In assembling their health, safety and
ecological accountabilities, industries have to strike a balance
between conflicting interests. When a company places forward a
safety commendation, its shareholders will be willingly to know the
price of instigating it, whilst employees are more likely to ask how
many ailments, injuries or deaths it is likely to avert each year.

Before the overview of health and safety legislature, there was
always the leeway that reckless or unscrupulous establishments
might view health and safety issues as a low priority and so set very
low standards.

Safety Laws on Other Countries

Ontario, Canada
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) is Ontario's cornerstone
legislation for workplace health and safety. Other contributing legislation
includes the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA), Part II of which
deals with the prevention of occupational injury and disease and the Human
Rights Code, which often has to be considered in dealing with OHS issues.

General Purpose: The main purpose of the Act is to protect workers from
health and safetyhazardson the job.

Requirements: OHSAapplies to almost every worker, supervisor, employer

and workplace in Ontario, including workplace owners, constructors and
suppliers of equipment or materials to workplaces covered by the Act.

Enforcement: The Ministry's goal is for all workplaces to achieve selfcompliance withOHSAand regulations through a well-functioning Internal
Responsibility System (IRS).

Penalties: The maximum penalties for a contravention ofOHSAor its

regulations are set out inOHSASection 66. A successful prosecution could,
for each conviction, result in: A fine of up to $25,000 for an individual person
and/or up to 12 months imprisonment; A fine of up to $500,000 for a

Philippine Laws

Guidelines On The Environmentally Sound

Management (ESM) Of Waste Electrical
And Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6969, otherwise
known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous
and Nuclear Wastes Act of 1990, and Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Administrative Order No. 2013-22 or Revised
Procedures and Standards for the Management of
Hazardous Wastes (Revising DAO 2004-36), the
Management (ESM) of Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE) are hereby issued.

Section 1
Basic Policy It is the policy of the State to protect the
environment and promote the health of its citizens by regulating the
transportation, sale, distribution, use, and disposal of chemical
substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk and/or
injury to health or the environment.

Section 2
Objectives This Administrative Order shall have the following objectives:

Provide the framework mechanism for the appropriate management of WEEE;


Reduce the amount of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) type of waste
and the hazards brought about by its components;


Promote the reuse of EEE and valorization of its waste components;


Encourage involvement of all relevant agencies and stakeholders in the life

cycle of EEE through design innovation leading to their more efficient
dismantling, recycling, and reuse;


Institutionalize the principle of extended producers responsibility (EPR) in

addressing the financial requirements involved in the implementation of the
WEEE guideline.

Section 3

Scope and Coverage All producers, manufacturers, importers,

distributors, retailers, consumers, and other stakeholders
involved in the life cycle of EEE including scraps as classified
under M506 and M507 of DAO 2013-22 shall comply with this

Producers that comprise the Philippine Lighting Industry are also

covered by this Order.

Excluded to this Order are industrial (fixed and stationary) WEEE,

military equipment directly used for national security purposes,
and radioactive wastes that are covered by other specific


R.A. 9993 otherwise known as Philippine Coast Guard Law of 2009
established the Philippine Coast Guard as an armed and uniformed service
attached to this Department, thereby repealing R.A. 5173. Recognizing the
technological advances and increased economic activity in the maritime
industry and the rising challenges in securing the maritime environment and
jurisdiction, the said law sees the PCG as a maritime law enforcement agency
able to adequately and effectively respond in the performance of its mandated

The PCG therefore, is envisioned to protect the maritime jurisdiction of the

country, particularly on safety, environmental protection and security, and
against lawlessness.

The conduct of maritime search and rescue remains an obligation of the PCG
to the people distress at sea.

The PCG will play a lead role in the operations and sustainment of the
National Coast Watch Center (NCWC) which will serve as the focal point in the
Maritime Situational and Maritime Domain Awareness.

The PCG with all the lined up vessels and aircraft acquisitions will surely
expand to meet the ever changing challenges in the Region.


To establish the organizational structure of the Philippine Coast

Guard in accordance with the provisions of RA 9993;

To define the functional responsibilities of each Coast Guard

unit/group to effectively and efficiently implement the five (5)
core functions of the Philippine Coast Guard

To provide an established structure of Coast Guard

units/commands for the efficient distribution of manning and
equipment as the Command may deem it fit to provide optimum
responsiveness in the performance of its mandates.


An Act Providing For The Regulation Of Radio Stations And Radio
Communications In The Philippine Islands, And For Other Purposes

Section 1

No person, firm, company, association or corporation shall

construct, install, establish, or operate a radio station within the
Philippine Islands without having first obtained a franchise
therefor from the Philippine Legislature; Provided however, That
no franchise from the Legislature shall be necessary for the
construction, installation, establishment or operation of a
broadcasting station, an amateur station, an experimental
station, a training station, a station on board a mobile vessel,
train, or aircraft, or a private station in a place without any
means of communication.

Section 2

The construction or installation of any station shall not be begun,

unless a permit therefor has been granted by the Secretary of
Commerce and Communications.

Section 3

The Secretary of Commerce and Communication is hereby

empowered to regulate the establishment, use, and operation of
all radio stations and of all forms of radio communications and
transmissions within the Philippine Islands and to issue such rules
and regulations as may be necessary.

Section 4

No radio station license shall be transferred to any person, firm, company,

association or corporation without express authority of the Secretary of
Commerce and Communications, and no license shall be granted or
transferred to any person who is not a citizen of the United States of America
or of the Philippine Islands; or to any firm or company which is not
incorporated under the laws of the Philippine Islands or any state or territory
of the United States of America; or to any company or corporation twenty
percent (20%) of whose capital stock may be voted by aliens or their
representatives, or by a foreign government or its representatives, or by any
company, corporation, or association organized under the laws of a foreign

Section 5

The privileges granted in any station license shall not be


Section 6

A person to whom or through whom a message has been

submitted for transmission shall not willfully publish or divulge
the contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning thereof to
any unauthorized person.


An act providing for the installation, operation, and maintenance of
public telephones in each and every municipality in the philippines,
appropriating funds thereof and for other purposes.

Section 5
Rights of First Option. - All domestic telecommunications carriers or
utilities existing at the time of the affectivity of this Act, and
franchised to service a province or region WHICH shall have been
certified by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) as
rendering satisfactory and competent service in its area of
operation, are hereby given, under equal conditions and
circumstances, the first option to provide, install and operate public
calling stations or telephones in provincial communications network
which shall be capable of voice and data transmission and shall be
interconnected to the public switched telephone network or other
national transmission facilities.

Section 6
Frequency Allocation. - In order to accelerate the implementation of
this project, National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) is
authorized to assign or reassign, when necessary, existing radio
frequency users currently operating.

Section 7
Rates and Mandatory Sharing of Toll Revenue. - The NTC, subject to
its standard guidelines and in consultation with the regional
development councils concerned, shall fix an equitable, reasonable
and uniform rate of charges for every type of call.

Section 8
Timetable of Implementation. - The Projects Office shall install all
public calling stations for provinces and municipalities not covered
by private communication utilities under Section 5 hereof, such that
each one of the municipalities in the Philippines still unserved by
telephone at the affectivity of this Act, shall have at least one (1)
public calling station or public telephone by the third year of
effectively of this Act.

Section 9
Operation by Local Governments. - Provinces and municipalities are
hereby authorized to set up, operate and maintain their respective
public calling stations or to grant franchise to private entities for the
operation and maintenance of telephone systems and/or public
calling stations: Provided, That the NTC certifies that the proposed
grantee is technically and financially capable of complying with all
the requirements of public services.

Appropriation. - The amount of two hundred million pesos
(P200,000,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to
implement the provisions of this Act, shall be taken from the
appropriations provided under Title 1 - Telecommunications of
Executive Order No. 182.

Section 11
Official Development Assistance. - The provisions of Executive Order
No. 230 of 1986, on the power of the NEDA Board, and the rules and
regulations governing the evaluation and authorization for the
availment of Official Development Assistance notwithstanding, the
municipal telephone program provided for in this Act shall be
eligible for foreign loans and grants without further evaluation by
the NEDA Board, subject to Section 21, Article XII of the


(Public Telecommunications
Policy Act of the Philippines)
An act to promote and govern the development of Philippine
Telecommunications and the delivery of Public Telecommunications

Section 4
Declaration of National Policy. - Telecommunications is essential to
the economic development, integrity and security of the Philippines,
and as such shall be developed and administered as to safeguard,
enrich and strength the economic, cultural, social and political fabric
of the Philippines.

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