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Welingkars Distance Learning



Training Methods Technique

and Aids

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Helping employees to become effective in

their jobs is one of the fundamentally HR
management that any organization has to
undertake. Employers depend on the quality
of their employees performance to achieve
organizational aims and objectives,
employees have motivational needs for
development, recognition, status,
achievement etc can and should be met
through job-satisfaction. The initiative for
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providing this help must

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The vocabulary to provide this kind of help in

the context of work include terms like
training, development, education and more
recently human resource development. The
main of training i.e.. Effective performance
logically leads to following important
conclusions that determine the design and
provision of training in practice, such as:

Training is always a means to an end and

not the end itself.
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Effective performance in terms of knowledge,

skills and attitudes by means of job analysis
is of fundamental importance.
It should be considered as an integral and
vital part of the whole work system.
Managers are responsible for effective
performance of work to gain organizational
aims and objectives, they should see that the
employees are effectively trained.
While management has the main
responsibility, all staff in the organization are
involved in training managerial, personnel
and training staff. We Learn A Continuous Learning For

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The purpose of training may be achieved

by a variety of means. The sole criteria for
choice of method is whatever will costeffectively achieve specific objectives.
The development of an organizations
human resources applies to all its
employees from the most senior to the
most junior.
All those responsible for training in any
shape or form need themselves to be
trained for the task.
To integrate training
Learn work,
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Focus (SAT)

Training permeates the whole organization

and is related directly to all its main
functions, the central direction of the SAT
must involve the collaboration of senior
representatives of the organizations central
staff i.e. operations, finance, personnel,
training etc. The general responsibilities for
the staff concerned with the Central direction
of the SAT, is defined as follows:

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1. To formulate and publish
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2. To provide the human and material resources

3. Formal apparatus needed to make the SAT
work effectively i.e. formal systems for
a. Identifying work-related training needs.
b. Designing work-related training to meet
identified needs.
c. Assessing the effectiveness of training in
terms of training objectives and actual workperformance.
4. To define the responsibilities of all staff
responsibilities for implementing these systems.
5. To prescribe all the formal communicational
methods needed for the
of For
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6. To co-ordinate the training work of the

various sub-units of the organization.
7. To act as a focal point for the exchange
and dissemination of ideas into the
organization to improve costeffectiveness.
8. To act as a line with the external world
of training and to bring new ideas into the
organization to improve costeffectiveness.
9. To monitor the effective functioning of
the SAT and the cost-effectiveness
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Training Methods

Once the trainer has decided upon the

training method that he wants to use for
transferring the knowledge and skills to
his trainees, he can draw from various
training methods, one that will be most
suitable for the particular topic, approach
and the group of trainees.
Training methods are grouped into:
1. On-the-job training
2. Of-the-job training
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On-the-Job Training

Requires no extra space and attention
Its very special
Most common way that employees receive
instruction in industry
Allows to practice what he is expected to do after

Expensive equipment and work space is tied up.
High Wastage
Trainee will be under pressure
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Types of on-the-job training

Orientation Training
Job-instruction Training
Apprentice Training
Internship and assistance ship
Job Rotation
Management Trainee
Junior board

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Orientation Training
For new employees or transferred or
Introduce to specific job environment.
Introduce to Company policies and objectives
Supervise during early introduction period
Introduce to the people with whom he works.

Job Instruction Training

For white and blue colour employees
Specialized training
Supervised practice
Step by Step demonstration of Job operation
Trained until satisfactory
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Apprentice Training
Lathe, Drill press, milling machine
Employee is placed under supervisor for
specified number of years
Program is not systematically planned
Length of training is too long
Tested after training

Internship and assistance ship

Trainee is assigned a temporary job.
Supervisor reviews his short comings.
Supervises in improving the performance.
Trainee is evaluated.We Learn A Continuous
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Job Rotation

Successive change of jobs for advanced

Immediate supervisor supervises the
Valuable knowledge of interrelationship
No socio-emotional relationship with
any employees Coaching
A coach is assigned to every trainee
Coach takes the risk of training the
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Ineffectiveness of Coaching
Rivalry between coach and trainee.
Ambiguous relationship
Coach is intolerance of mistakes

Organized training
Executives get away from the pressure of
Provides resource such as faculty, books etc.
Motivates to develop himself
Courses courses and programme that
company cant.
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Off-the-Job Training
Fail to incorporate material that
facilitate transfer of training
Organizational climate is lost
Trainees may experience frustration
Unless organizational climate
Training are not likely to be realized.

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Types of off-the-job Training

Vestibule training
Special study
Case study
Role play

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In-basket simulation
Business games
Computer based training
Programmed instruction
Internet aided instruction
Organizational development

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Vestibule Training
Artificial working environment is
Equipment and materials similar in
production are used
Increases Learners active participation
Ideal learning conditions

Economic means of training
One way communication
Listeners are passive
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Attitude and interest among the trainees varies
Skillful lecturer is needed.
Special study
Special reading material is provided
Consult other books as he progresses
Distribution of Journals
Learning depends on individual capabilities
Helps in keeping updated

No interaction between trainee and trainer
Most skillful instructor is needed
Experiments show class room interaction is
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Skillful editing leads to good learning principles
Its repeatedly available for reference
Cause effect relationship can be easily
Takes less time to master operations
Powerful if planned from trainees point of view.

Conference/ Discussion
A carefully planned meeting
Suitable for acquiring conceptual data
Helps in clarification
Increases trainees motivation
Increases learning, retention, promotes new
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Case Study
Based on belief that managerial understanding can be
attained through study
Trainee is presented with a case with concrete problem
Designed to discover trainees underlying principles
No exact solutions
Trainee is encouraged to develop flexibility in approach
Role Play
Effective participant involvement
Acting out significant events
Provides practical interpersonal skills
Room for testing ideas
Helps in execution of action or solution
Promotes real attitude change

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Same as vestibule training
Real life organization situation
Trainees are asked to solve problems by
playing relevant roles
Involves compression of time
Followed by a critique of what went wrong.

Business Games
Time varies from 2 days to even months
It includes several industries competing in a
common market
Game play is divided into decision periods
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Participants are expected to take

Players may be individual or in a group

In-Basket simulation
Least complex form of simulation
Trainee is given background details of
Time is limited
Trainee has to solve the series of
Easy to administer
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Computer based Training

Appropriate for selecting, developing
or revising training
Training can be either off-the-job/onthe-job
Cost effective
Management has a control over
training activity
Immediate feedback about

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Training Methods

Advantage is that it adds showing to merely telling
Guided teaching
Ask a series of questions to tap knowledge of the
Advantage is that it allows the trainer to understand
what participants know
Read and Discuss
Participants are given handout covering lecture
material and to discuss in small groups.
Information Research
It is like an open book test, they are given questions
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and asked to look for answers.
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Mental Imagery

Is the ability to visualize an object,

person, place not actually present. There
are six kinds of imagery experience
1. Visual Imagery
2. Tactile Imagery
3. Olfactory Imagery
4. Kinesthetic imagery
5. Taste Imagery
6. Auditory Imagery.

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Drama based training
Why is it needed?
Because people find it embracing to be put on the
spot in front of the colleagues.
Drama based training requires involves
professional role players.
Brings behavioral realism
To test new ideas in a safe environment
Personalized Drama based training
Designed and produced for a particular client
Issues include chain management, team work etc.
Delegates make suggestions on what the
characters should do

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Under this, first it gives an overview of the
Current trends in the use of Teaching and
Training methods. It surveys the main
methods of training and explains the special
Secondly, it provides for new concepts:
Techniques and Tools in training. It provides
for the framework of innovations in training
and concentrates on concept of innovations.
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Current Trends in the use of teaching

and Training Methods

Until recently the armory of teaching and

training methods suitable for management
education was quite modest. For years the case
study was the only real participative method
being used in addition to more academic
classical method. We have come to realize that
both the education of potential manager and the
further development of practicing managers are
extremely complex processes, in which formal
education, practical experience and training
opportunities play theirWe
roles and
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Management education and training is trying

to see the managers job in its entirety in the
contemporary world. This has emphasized
the need for continuous improvement not
only in the content but also in the over-all
organization and methodology of
management education and training
programme. In the last 25 years many new
methods have been developed, tested,
combined and adapted to different learning
situations. Some of the new methods have
become irreplaceableWe
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Some are very new, some are simple and

can be used by any teacher without
special preparation and some are very
sophisticated and need extensive
preparation by both teachers and course
participants. The recipients of training
have also become more demanding on
methodology. The majority of those
engaged in training are concerned about
finding and using the most effective
methods possible.

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Although the long term trend towards

professionalism in management is obvious
and the standards of management education
and training are constantly improving , we
have not yet reached unanimous agreement
on the best method to use in attaining the
various objectives of management education
and training. The attitude towards classical
academic teaching methods is now based on
a generally reorganized assessment of their
benefits and shortcomings. Their use is
decreasing in the training of practicing
managers but also in We
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The case study method was used to introduce

an empirical approach to management
education and training. While today it is an
exception to meet a trainer who considers the
case study as the panacea for management
education and training. In the last fifteen years
the greatest progress has been made in
simulation methods games, exercise, etc. which
today are the center of the management
teachers interest. This is inter related to the use
of computer in management education and with
the developments in operational research
techniques for solving complex
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There are now 2 fundamentally different schools

of thought on the effectiveness of simulation in
management education.
The first one emphasizes on high motivation and
transfer capabilities of teaching by simulation.
The second one rejects simulation since to
improve his performance the manager should
know his own style and understand his own
response pattern in actual, unstructured
Inspite of the valid argument put forward by the
second school, simulation method will continue
to evolve and to be used in more educational
and training programme.
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In order to enhance the practical

usefulness of training and to make sure
that the trainee will learn from solving
practical management problems, some
educational and training programmes
give priority method and to consultancy
assignments used a training tool.A
practical application project used as a
training device will meet professional
standards and fulfill its task only if
prepared and supported
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Some of the methods and Techniques

practiced in In-House Training are:

Management Games
Case Study Method
Role Play method
In-Basket Exercises
Laboratory training
Experiential Learning Techniques
Outward Bound Learning
The Fish Bowl Exercise

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Management Games

A management is a training method that

deals with specific aspects of business or
administration. It is a simulated representing
the constraints and pressures of the day-today work environment of the participants.
The participants are provided with
information about operations of an
organizationmarketing, financial,
management of human resource etc. They
are grouped in functional teams to consider
the sequence of events
and problems
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The task includes finding solutions to

problems and dealing with people. Each
team takes a decision considering the data
and information available. The consequences
of this decision are fed back to the team by
the trainer. The team analysis the outcomes
of this decision in the light of their effect on
the situation and other events in the
operation. Thus, a business game attempts
to bring together various elements of
practical decision-making. The most crucial
aspect is the effort to create an environment
representing the social,
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Major Objectives

Business games can be incorporated in

training programme in many ways. They
can be used for orienting the participants
and familiarizing then with the functional
dynamics of an organization or for
reinforcing the learning. A management
game also helps the participants relate
the management principles, concepts and
methods of working to the real life
environment. It emphasizes a functional
linkage between theory
and practice
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Business games aim to enhance

the participants understanding of:

Specific organizational problem

Inter-relatedness of the functions and parts of
an organization and its relation to the
The problems of organization policy and
The problems of working in a team.
The participants get a chance to sit in the hot
seat and feel the direct impact of decisionmaking. The exercise offers opportunities for
We self-directed
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collaborative learning on

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Design and Methodology Of

Organizing the Games

The first decision the trainer takes is

regarding the nature of the game.
The trainer should also decide what the
sequence and flow of the course of action
would be.
The trainer should know the various
components of the game and how it works.
Games can be simple or complex, it can be
for few hours or for days. The number of
participants depend on the design of the
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Depending on the structure the trainer

wishes to provide, the internal
organization of the group may be set out
as part of the exercise
The core around which a business game is
constructed is a model of a business
The time available to the teams for
making decisions is normally related to
the complexity of the game and the
nature of the problem to be dealt with.
After becoming familiar with the game the
trainer should set up
a time
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A schedule.
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Operating the Game

Introduction and Briefing

1. This part should not be hurried as lot
depends as to how well the participants
assimilate the game and its dynamics. They
must know what is expected of them before
the game starts otherwise confusion will
arise. They should be introduced to the game
carefully. The rationale of the method should
be explained. The participants must
understand that their experiences in the
game are generalizations of what they
encounter in real life,
not beLearning
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2. The participants job is to learn the rules

and procedures of the game just as they
would learn to operate within any social
or organizational structure. During this
process they should learn to be explicit,
conduct analysis, discuss and plan
strategies etc.
3. The introduction to the game should
give a brief explanation of why this
particular game was selected, the
objectives of the game, and how it is
related to their theories,
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4. It can be helpful to explain that it is

natural to feel somewhat intimidated or
over-whelmed by the rules and
processes at the beginning of the
game, but as the participants get into
the actual pay some things will become
obvious. The participants can go
through their handouts, posters and
can ask questions as things come up.
They need to be assured that the
trainers have gone through the game

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Conducting the Game

The business game is a training method and

must be used seriously for transmitting
knowledge and skill. The trainer has to work very
hard in a game.
The game generates the greatest involvement
and enjoyment amongst the participants. The
trainer can find himself in charge of a
tremendously energized, interested and deeply
involved group. However amidst all the
excitement, the objective of the game should not
be lost.
The participants must understand the game
properly before it starts.
a game Learning
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The game must be understood fully

with its various aspects, situations and
constraints. This will help to deal with
any query that a participant can ask.
The unexpected should be expected.
Participants are often confused and
apprehensive, they may not understand
the game, instruction at first and may
get irritated. However they can get
simulated and involved in the exercise.
When the participants are playing a
trainers role can be
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Each team may be called to make 6 or 10

decisions. This helps to provide consensus.
Each team should record its decision, action
taken, results on a worksheet. Then the tem
analyzes, feedback and planning. Then it
goes to enactment and takes new decisions.
Each enactment ten provides an opportunity
for the participants to experiment with new
techniques, utilize and apply new
In some games, strategies and consequences
provide the basis for learning.
One must maintain momentum
and do Learning For
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Case Study Method

Case study method is an excellent medium for

developing analytical skill. It is a narrative
account of a series of events or situations
around a specific problem. There are wide
variety of problems that could be part of a case
study-relationship difficulties between people,
loss or lack of funds, unclear roles between
people who work together etc. It is a problem
identification and problem solving activity. It
does not demand a resolution at the end of the
exercise. It helps the learners o develop
analytical and problemWe
Learn skills.
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Case Study Construction

It starts with the identification of what the trainers

want the participants to learn. There are some
guidelines for developing a case study:
It is a description of a specific situation near to
The focus is on experience.
It emphasizes on the particular and not the
The participants should feel interested to get into
the case study.
If this method is used well the participant gets
into the habit to make decisions.
For good decisions all factual
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Case Study Writing

Once the situation for the case study is

constructed, the thoughts have to be
properly written in the form of case.
What should be or not be included in
the written case would depend on the
objectives and the practical utility of
the case in training situations. A case
study should have a beginning, a
middle and an end.

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Applying the case study

The case study provides a learning situation

which depends on involvement and participation
in group discussion for its success. Discussion
should be focused but informal. The trainer must
stimulate discussion. Some of the questions
useful in case study analysis are:
What is going on, is there a problem at all?
What is the problem and what caused it?
Are we looking at causes and what are the
main issues?
Whose problem is it?
How realistic are theWe
Etc. For
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Processing Plan for Case Study

The case study can be analyzed by participants

in 2 ways-either individually or in small groups
where individuals discuss and analyze as a
team. The main purpose of the case study is to
stimulate discussion and bring out key issues.
1. Trainer would begin by asking a question
directed towards the analytical task that has
been given.
2. Trainer would then invite comment from
others on the ideas presented-agreement,
3. Trainer would then move
to another
to For
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4. Trainer would again invite Reponses to

the ideas presented.
5. Trainer should have in mind the intent
or goals of the case study and be
prepared to ask questions that will the
discussion on the important issues that
the trainer feels are significant.
6. Trainer should continue until all the
groups have reported their findings or
conclusions and others have responded.

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Characteristics of Case Study

C Clearly written
Clear situation
Characters are real to participants
A Analysis of a situation
Application stage is important
Avoid abstractions and details
S Solution should not be obvious
Solution should be solvable
Solution relevant
E Encourages empathy
Exercises-questions follow case study

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Advantages of Case Study

1. It enables the pooling of the experience of

a group of participants.
2. It distributes knowledge and facts.
3. It promotes the process of synthesis of
several concepts and principles into one
multi-faceted plan of action.
4. It improves participants skills in problem
analysis and communication.
5. The case study method helps in group cooperation and improves interpersonal
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Limitations of Case Study Method
It is very time consuming.
It requires the participants to engage in deepprocessing of the general principles involved
through a process of reflection.

Guidelines Delivery Plan for Case Study

2.Goal clarification
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Role Play Method

In the role play technique the core of

Experience that highlights instructional
alternatives, contrived experience are
categorized as the closest to Direct
Purposeful Experience. Thus in the absence
of real situations certain artificial situations
may have to be created to suit the
instructional needs so that the trainees
would be feeling that they are experiencing
life-like situations. This contrived artificial
situation in educationWe
is calledLearning For
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Being very near to reality and having high

a high degree of participation simulation
calls for an active role on the part of the
learner. One of the methods of simulation
is role Play technique. Role Play is a
technique in which some problem
involving human, small or imaginary, is
presented then acted out spontaneously.
This acting out is followed by discussion
and analysis to determine what happened
and why and how the
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Design Considerations

Within the situations itself and the

descriptions of the roles of individual
players, there is a broad range of human
problems. Unless role play is intended to
demonstrate effective behaviour,
participants should be given an
opportunity to behave effectively. In the
role play situation it is ideal to have
conflict and variety. It is desirable to avoid
getting close to actual
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Using actual problem situations as the

content of role play activities can have a
number of negative consequences:
1. Defense behaviour on the part of
participants may be evoked.
2. Participants may concentrate on solutions
rather than focus on aspects of the
3. Basic disagreements on issues may be
generated leading to polarization within
the participant group.
4. In setting up role play situations it is
therefore best to use
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Planning for Role Play

Role play must be planned carefully to ensure

that the activity is relevant to the goals of the
session and serves as an effective learning
instrument. There are certain guidelines while
planning a role play:
1. Pick a situation which is realistic and
consistent with learning objectives.
2. Define the problem or situation that the
players will have to deal with.
3. Determine the number of role players
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4. Develop specific roles
person by

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Writing up Role Plays

The role play material should be clear, concise

and highly focused. It should be readable, not
too lengthy or too complicated for the
participants to remember. The role descriptions
should be written in a simple language and
should include some hints on how to play the
Observers should be provided with paper and
pencil to focus their reactions otherwise there
maybe a tendency to over personalize the
observation and fail to focus on the specific
learning's intended. Participants
their For
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Setting up Role Plays

The role play session starts with the

facilitator briefing all the participants. The
facilitator outlines the situation of the role
play and gives a concise description of the
characters involved in the situation, making
up the lines as they go on. At the end of the
scene the actors and audience discuss what
has taken place during the scene, the actors
and the audience discuss what has taken
place during the scene, the motivation of the
people involved and why
the scene
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If the role play is set up effectively both

the actors and the audience become
involved. This involvement often carries
over to the post role play discussion
thereby enriching and enlightening it.
There are certain steps to be followed in
role play:
1. Describe the purpose of the role play.
2. Describe the situation briefly and
clearly even if prepared written roles
are used.
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4. Brief the role players. The facilitator

should not make the mistake of assuming
that people know how to get into their
5. Assign task to audience. In briefing
observers it is important to clarify their
6. Set the scenelabel the chairs, make
physical contact and checking for
readiness. Most of the common problems
in managing role plays
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Implementing Role Play

Once the stage is set and everyone knows

their role , the role play is ready to get
started. There are certain steps to implement
role play:
1. Start the action
2. Stay out of the vision of the role players.
Observe quietly.
3. Coach only if necessary.
4. Normally the role play will arrive at a
natural end point.
5. Thank the role players
their real
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Processing Role Plays

Processing after a simulation is a very vital part

of the exercise. In this phase the participants
analyze and reflect on what happened during
the role play. The processing phase helps in
analyzing what worked and what did not and
reflects on what skills or strategies are needed
to successfully handle the situation. Normally
participants share their opinions. The facilitator
needs to handle this phase carefully, orienting
the discussion towards the desired learnings.
Poorly conducted processing phase leads to
confusion and results inWeineffective
input for
the For
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The following processing plan

should be in use in conducting this
phase effectively:

1. The facilitator asks a one or two

participants, how was the strategy and
how was it working?.
2. Two or three opinions are good enough.
3. The facilitator then repeats the question
to the second participant.
4. Then the role players discuss their
strategies and how it worked.
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5. Then the discussion
on what

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Problem Areas in Conducting Role


Trainee-Based Problems
The trainer might be unclear about the
objective of the training and hence may fail
to set clear cut target.
Failure to establish supportive climate while
moving into post-enactment discussion
focusing on the attitude and behaviour of role
Trainer should be careful in selecting role
playing case.
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Trainee-Based Problems

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Advantages of Role Play Technique

1. It creates a non-threatening atmosphere

where individuals can demonstrate
problem situations.
2. It increases the participants awareness
about the effect of feelings on social
3. Role play when conducted skillfully
reduces the resistance of the participants
to learning relevant skills and theory.
4. It helps in learning by practice of desired
skill, through analysis
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5. The technique is highly flexible. The

can change the role
play as it is being conducted and the
materials can be edited.
6. Role playing helps to respond to
attitude objectives. Participants get
a chance to explore their personal
feelings and reactions.
7. It uses the experience of participants
in ways that increase their

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1. The artificiality of situations depicted in

role play situations may sometimes allow
the participants to discount the value of
their learning.
2. Sometimes participants loose themselves
in a role.
3. Roles sometimes reinforce stereotypes
and caricature people behaviour.
4. Role Playing can at times deteriorate into
5. Role playing situations
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Areas of Learning Suitable for Role

Play Exercises

Role play emphasizes both cognitive and

affective development on the part of the
learners. There are many types of problems that
can be suggested for creating role-play
1. Role Plays a very handy in the areas of
teaching, technology, diffusion and adoption.
2. Role play lends itself well to the areas of
communication skills and interpersonal
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3. Problems indigenousWetoLearn

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4. It is easy to establish role play situations that

stimulate various aspects of staff meetings,
such as the influence of hidden agendas on the
conduct of the meeting.
5. Peer relationships between colleagues can
also be role played.
6. Role play is a good tool in areas of team
7. Role play is useful in developing the skills and
concepts needed for standing up for rights in
the face of potential conflict.
8. Sexual values, information sharing and
cooperation also develop
of role play.
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In-Basket Exercises

This is a form of training which attempts to

simulate the working situation by setting the
trainee realistic tasks. The trainees are
presented with papers such as letters and
memos, placed in the in basket to which they
respond individually. The results of the exercise
are then analyzed discussed and assessed on
the basis of the decisions made.

Main uses of this system is problem solving,

development of analytical skills, for gaining
confidence in decision making
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The advantages of this system is that

it provides concrete subjects for
practical work and discussion
opportunities for active participation.
The disadvantage is that it is time
consuming to produce, sometimes
difficult to achieve real life situations
and if handed insensitively it may
undermine the confidence of some

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Laboratory Training

The laboratory method provides the

participants with an intensive experience of
sharing, participation and change through
carefully designed exercises and training
events, important to the participants and
relevant to the programme. This method is
now being used extensively as an important
constituent of a number of training
programme. The number of participants
should be kept to 12-15. This sis a real
experience in which the
are For
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The method seeks to establish a linkage

between values, behaviour and actions of
an individual. Changes that take place are
more integrative and adoptive individual.
Laboratory training also creates a special
environment for learning about oneself,
interpersonal relations and group of
organizational dynamics. It is designed to
improve the way an individual
understands her social environment and
develop alternative We
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Experiential Learning Techniques

This learning is an action-oriented

behavioral situation. The purpose of the
action situation is to have participants
generate their own data about each of the
key concepts. To get the best from the
experiential methods the trainer must be
a good observer of behaviour. His
responsibilities in focusing learning and
making it clearer for each participant is
extremely important.
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The task of the trainer are:

1. Drawing out data from participants
in terms of what has actually
happened together with their
feelings about it.
2. Helping participants to see the cause
and effect of the actions of people.
3. Relating the classroom experience to
what happens in on-the-job-in-the
organization situations.

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Sensitivity Training

This is also an experiential approach to training .

It provides participants an opportunity to
actually experience some concepts of
management just as a manager would
experience then in his organizational situation.
This is a group training method that uses
intensive participation and immediate feedback
for self analysis and change.
Two benefits of this training are:
Participants remain involved and enthusiastic.
The participant has the responsibility to make
positive efforts to derive
as much
as possible
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Sensitivity training attempts to develop the

diagnostic ability of participants the ability to
perceive reality. It increases sensitivity and
awareness towards others and their styles. This
training aims to developing sensitivity within
people towards thought , feelings and behaviour
of other persons. One basic premise of
sensitivity training is that participation is
voluntary. However one predominant problem is
the transfer problem i.e. the inability of the
participant to apply concepts and awareness
gained in laboratory or group to his job. This can
be overcome through conflict
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Role of the instructor

The instructor is responsible for creating an

environment with time and space barriers,
where the learning can take place. He should
focus the discussion for constructive purposes.
He helps participants see cause He allows the
participants to form their own conclusions. His
role is to draw out from participants behavioral
data and feelings accompanying them He must
guard against being too directive, clinical or
emotionally involved. The trainer is the
hypothesis maker and encouraging the
participants to examineWethese
Learn hypothesis.
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T-Groups lead to understanding of the self

and contribute towards organizational
change and development through training in
attitudinal changes in the participants and
creating better team work. They can often
become venues for catharsis of pent up
emotions and maintaining a sense of
temporary well being. If this is the specific
objective of a T-Groups it is productive. They
are classified into Stranger groups, Family
groups and cousin groups.
group may
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T-Group processes concentrate on the

present to the total exclusion of the past and
the participants are in the act of observing
while participating.
While imparting feedback in T-Group
sessions the following points must be kept in
It should be honest.
State it in behavioral terms. It should be
descriptive, not evaluative.
Keep it timely.
It should based on behaviour exhibited
within the group, not
on assumptions.
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Delivery Skills And Programme


The organization should see that the information

about the training venue is communicated to
the participants properly. The participants must
arrive at the venue the previous night and
should clearly know why they have been called
there. The trainees should be briefed on the
agenda and make them acquainted with the
program schedule. If the trainer is from outside
the trainees must be introduced. HR plays an
important role here. The trainer should see that
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all materials are in place,
i.e. the
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This method of training helps the trainer

to reach many people at the same time
and is widely used to impart knowledge
based training programme. E-Learning
has helped the organization to reduce
cost, reach many people and reduce
wastage of traveling time. Mostly the
training done through this medium is
knowledge based. Training that was
previously impartedWe
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With the ongoing expansion of the

internet and the advances being made in
communications technology, distance
training (e-training_ is fast becoming a
feasible possibility for both learning
establishment and the business world. Etraining is rapidly becoming a great
interest not only to higher education
establishments whose students may
travel long distances to attend teaching
but also to businesses who stand to save
huge amounts of money.
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However the quality and the overall

effectiveness of distance learning and training
will rely heavily on the method and efficiency of
actual delivery. Currently the E-training market
is small but it is growing rapidly and the first
instances of off-the-shelf training schemes are
beginning to crop up. E-Training might not be
based upon the use of a particular software, it
may develop a genre of packages which will
become the norm. The term E-learning often
used as buzzword when talking about distance
training and learning implies the use of online
technologies for academic
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Defining success in E-Training

In the case of E-training and indeed any form

of training it appears at first that success can
be defined by examination results, being an
easily measurable output which applies to
every learner. The possible benefits and
therefore success of E-training in business
are numerous. E-Training has financial
benefit and Return On Investment is often a
key factor in the implementation of new
technology .Technology has resulted in
business cutting costsWedue
to Ahigher
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E-Training allows traditional training from the

desktop without the need to take employees out
of the workplace on the expensive residential
courses. E-Training schemes can ensure that the
information being delivered to learners is up-todate and is delivered quickly so that the
information can be implemented in the
businesses faster than would be possible in
traditional training schemes. Factors such as
cost benefits, speed of delivery, productivity and
performance gains at an employee level and the
fulfillment of the original business objectives all
seem to play a part in the
of theLearning For
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Benefits of E-Training

The beauty of E-training is the flexibility that

it offers. This method allows the employees
to learn on their own time and at their own
space. It allows employees to learn
whenever they are free and over a longer
period of time. An employee can postpone
training if he needs to concentrate on other
tasks at hand and return later to pick up
from where he left off. E-Training also boasts
quick updates on materials and modules.
This helps them to stay
of the rapid
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This goes well for companies who need to

train and re-train their employees. This
increases productivity as they move up in
the corporate ladder.

Thus the benefits of E-Training are:

Reduced overall Training Costs
Gains in Performance and Productivity
Faster Speed-to-market
Better Recruitment and Retention of
Transformation ofWe
a Learn
Cost Center
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Outward Bound Learning

This is the most sought after method of training

these days. Under this method the trainees are
taken to a place away from the usual working
environment, places where the trainees are
made to play games. This helps a person to
internalize the whole training program as he
experiences most of the learning, he learns from
seeing other people, learns from feedback and
since he has a chance to apply that learning
there itself he internalizes. A facilitator watches
then play and observes a trainees behaviour in
group or individually. The
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Sensitivity Training

Many organizations that try to measure or

strengthen the interpersonal relationship at the
work place go in for Sensitivity training. This
training is concerned with Here and Now
data. This is a complex method of training.
Managers and employees always have some
problem among themselves and because of this
their interpersonal relationships are not in tune ,
it affects the working of the organization.
Sensitivity training helps to overcome this. HR
nominates the participants, they are taken to a
place for 4-5 days where
asked toLearning For
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The Fish bowl Exercise

This method is used in providing skills in

understanding human behaviour. The objectives
To inculcate in the participants the discipline
of observing others and provide constructive
and objective feedback.
To learn about oneself and overcome the
weaknesses and improve upon strengths.
This can be put to effective use in individual and
group behaviour, content of communication,
inter group conflicts, level of participation, interpersonal relations.
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Method of conducting the Exercise

This exercise can involve up to 25

participants seated in concentric circles, one
inner and other outer. The inner circle is the
target group, members of this group discuss
a pre-selected topic. After the discussion by
members of the inner group, the outer group
is asked to comment on the content,
dynamics and group process of the inner
group. The trainer must set the pace for
uninhibited participation from the inner
group members whileWe
being closely
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The role of the Trainer

The role of the trainer is that of a facilitator and

guide the participants and the processes
towards constructive results. Feed back is
provided by using 2 basic techniques:
Each member of the outer group observes
one member of the inner group on all aspects
of group dynamics.
Each member of the outer group observes all
members of the inner group on a specific
dimension of group process.
Feedback should be with clarity and precise. It
should not be judgmental,
be descriptive,
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Training Techniques and Aids

Principles for selection of Teaching and
Training methods
Factors to consider in the selection of

1. Human Factors
The teachers knowledge, managerial and
teaching experience and personality are of
primary importance. The teachers personality
has to be acceptable to the students. The
teacher has to assume We
Learn Aresponsibility
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2. Objectives of Teaching and


They are defined in terms of changes to be

effected in knowledge, attitudes and skills
which should afterwards lead to improved
managerial action. A preliminary analysis of
needs will help to identify what objectives a
particular programme ought to have.
Methods will be selected with regard to their
ability to impart new knowledge, influence
attitudes and to develop practical skills.
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Skills, attitudes are inter-related
and must

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3. Subject Area

Various subject areas such as finance,

personal, operations research, general
management etc have their own specific
features. The main thing from the
management point of view is not to know
the techniques itself but to know when
and how to use it. In programme
concentrating on the behavioral aspects
of management communication,
leadership and motivation,
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In management education and training the

principle problem is not how to deal with
specific subject areas and functions. It is
much more important to:
1. Explain the relationship between various
sides and functions of the enterprise.
2. Help the participants to avoid a one sided
aver simplified approach to multidimensional situations.
3. Promote general management skills and
to combine and coordinate the various
functions of Management
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4. Time and Material Factors

Preparation time: varies with different

teaching method.
The Length of the course:
predetermines the kinds of methods
which can be used.
The time of day: this is very important
such as post-lunch period it is more
desirable have enjoyable and attractive
sessions which require active
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Training Objectives and Techniques

Various training situations will be concerned

with various types and levels of knowledge,
attitudes and skills. A preliminary analysis of
needs will help to identify what objectives a
particular program ought to have. Suitable
techniques will be then selected with regard to
their ability to impart new knowledge, influence
attitudes and develop practical skills. Each
method in a particular model can serve various
purposes, however a technique reaches its peak
of effectiveness only in connection with a
specific purpose. Example
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Training Techniques and Target


A trainer must understand the perceptions of

the learners and then relate the selection of
training technique to their understanding.
Learning will be of no avail if the instructor
does not use appropriate technique to cover
his subject in relation to the students
background and experience. Learning
through meaningful technique leads to the
fulfillment of needs and aspirations.
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Experience officers have
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Choice regarding type of technique

depend on:

Background (aims, fears, social and

economic needs etc.
Education (level of education, knowledge
of subject etc.)
Abilities ( capacity to earn )
In regard to participant practical experience
a distinction must be made between young
people with little or no experience who first
learn in universities and participants with
practical experience either from managerial
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functions or from specialist
in various

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Subject, Area and Training


Various subject areas have their own specific

features. For example, operation research
techniques are based on the extensive use of
mathematics and statistics. It is usually
taught through a combination of lecture
during which the technique is practiced. This
can be supported by reading assignments.
Lectures may be supplemented with
programmed books. It should be noted that it
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is often possible to choose
severalLearning For

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Selection of Techniques and the


Teachers are advised on teaching techniques by

their directors of studies, by senior colleagues,
in special learning methods courses, through
manuals etc. but eventually each teacher ha to
assume personal responsibility for choosing the
best methods for his particular teaching
assignment. He ought to therefore be able to
make a rational appraisal of his abilities and to
try to employ techniques likely to enhance and
not reduce the impact he hopes to make. Mist
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teachers and trainers try

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Relationship between the

principles of effective learning and
teaching techniques

There are some selected aspects of the

Active involvement
Individual Approach
Sequencing and Structuring
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Training Materials and aids

The effectiveness of trainers is determined

by the degree and diversity of skills he
possesses in communicating with the
trainees. In the process use of training aids
and equipment becomes necessary so as to
enhance the intensity and pace of learning. It
become imperative for a trainer to impart
knowledge and skills to the trainees and
make it effective by selecting appropriate
aid. The trainer should strive to be
innovative in modifying
the aid
to makeLearning
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The training aids can be divided into:

1. Non Projected aids
2. Projected Aids
3. Field work

Non-Projected Aid
Flush Cards
Flip Charts
Chalk Boards

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Tips for technology Training

There are some useful techniques for

technology trainers.
Avoid Abstract Language.
Do not take the keyboard and mouse away
from the learner.
Pay attention to your body language during
the session.
Most user interfaces are not perfect.
Help should be given in the beginning and
not when things have become jeopardized.
A computer is a means to an end.
Nobody is born knowing
his stuff.
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Instrumentation of Training

Definition: It refers to devices used to assess,

evaluate, describe, classify and summarize the
varied aspects of human behaviour.
The need for instrumentation
In most training situations, the participants need
information about themselves in order to understand
their own strengths and areas of needed
improvement in a better manner. We call this kind of
information feed-back. Personalized feed back is
important as it helps the participant to understand
how others see him. The feed back also helps the
participant to understand himself in a systematic
manner. Use of instrument
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Audio-Visual Materials

These materials provide an important channel of

communication between the trainers and the
trainer group. Audio visual aids represent
another key element in the transaction between
the trainers and the training group, through a
situation, objects, a graph or a diagram. This
provides a multi-sensory approach to training
and instruction that can bring a refreshing
change in the learning environment enhance
interest and raise the attention level of the
participants. The materials are pictures images,
films, video, 3 dimensional
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Advantages of Audio-Visual

For enhancing the performance levels of

The participants can relate to visual images
and real sound.
Sometimes it can become a one way
communication, then one can promote
participation through interaction during the
momentum and pace of presentation.
Materials can always be revised for clarifying
a point.
This adds variety to presentation.
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A well selected film can
vary Athe
pace ofLearning For

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2. Projected Aid
Overhead Transparency Projector
Opaque Sheet
Slide and Film Stripes
Computer with LCD

3. Field Work
It is through this method that trainees
perceive things better, relate theory with
practice and give rich feedback to the
training agency.
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