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What is



is the

Business Plan
THE BERRY TREE is a new division
of 3 different companies that have come
together to develop a one of a kind
patent pending program.
Nutronix International is an 8 year old, debt-free, wellness
company doing business in 60 countries around the world.
AutomaticBuilder has helped tens of thousands of people
Here find success online by providing exclusive marketing
is the websites and business building tools.
Horizons Marketing is an 18 year old company that works
with some of the largest advertisers and lead vendors on the
internet - they only offer their services to Fortune 500 size

Performance Hydration O2 Berry

Mineralise your Body Every Sachet O2 Berry may also help body to:
of O2 Berry contains calcium, • Assimilate Vitamins and minerals from
the foods you eat and the supplement
magnesium, and over 70 trace you take
minerals. These essential minerals • Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and
(electrolytes) become ionic in water • Protect your body from free radical cell
allowing them to be absorbed damage
• Increase muscle and joint mobility
quickly and easily by your body.
• Increase your oxygen levels
O2 Berry is delivered in a pure • Control digestive problems

Here ionic form, which means it is •

Regulate blood sugar
Manage Blood pressure
immediately bioavailable to the
is the body.
• Help in fighting the battle against
cancer and other diseases
Higher Alkalinity = Good Health.
O2 Berry transforms your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which fights
against the physical stress caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.
It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda.
Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses
its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain
your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45. Drinking water with O2 Berry in it, can
help the body restore it's mineral supplies to balance it's pH.

♦ O2 Berry adds a light Berry

flavor to the water without
any artificial sweeteners or
colors. As anyone with kids
knows, getting them to drink
more water instead of soda
or sugary fruit drinks is a
challenge. Adding O2 Berry's
mineral benefits and flavor to
water can help you and your
Here kids drink more water and
minerals every day.
is the
KEY ♦Transform your water!
–Make O2 Berry water your daily source for hydration and refreshment!
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
–Step 1: Drop a O2 Berry sachet ("teabag") in 18-24 ounces of purified or
bottled water.
–Step 2: Shake for 10-15 seconds
–Step 3: Allow 5 minutes for O2 to transform your water before drinking
Berry Tree has come up with a unique compensation plan
never seen before where even passive members stands a chance
to make a decent income, and the marketing plan is Patent
Pending. Here there is no need for anyone to recruit, if one is
active and recruits he earns fast.
The Berry Tree is going in for multi-million dollar campaign
and all the joining will fill up every one’s matrix in due
course. Part of the monthly fee goes for the ad campaign.
Here Get Paid on every one in the company even without recruiting,
is the Berry Member Credit will help you in that.
There is a Huge Launch expected at convention in September
07, at Florida, USA. So any one getting in now will still be at
the TOP of matrix

Berry Tree is 3 x 8 matrix, i.e 8 in every level & one gets paid
upto three level. There are three ways of your level getting
filled. If you recruit any one you get $27 as referral commsn.
1. either you recruit yourself or
2. you get spillover from upline or
3. you get spillover from the Company Ad. Campaign

For each member in first level one gets $7 per month per
Here member, and for each member in 2nd level one gets $4 per
is the person per month and so does for each member in 3rd level one
KEY gets $2 per member per month.
If 1st level fills up that means $7 x 8 = $56
If 2nd level fills up that means $4 x 64 = $256
If 3rd level fill up that means $2 x 512 = $1024
TOTAL = $1336

Here 1ST LVL

is the =8
= 64

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
= 512

Total of 584 people in one tree and $1336 from one tree
To sum up
1. One gets $27 as FSB or referral bonus for recruiting each person
2. If any one is in the 1st level he gets $7 per month per member
3. If any one is in the 2nd level he gets $4 per month per member
4. If any one is in the 3rd level he gets $2 per month per member

Apart from the above income, there are leadership bonuses also, which are

is the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FAST START BONUS : From the above one can see on

recruiting 10 direct PS (Personal Sponsor) one gets 10 x $27
= $270 as referral commsn apart from other like matrix
income and leadership bonus
Bronze Pool Bonus : Any one having 10
direct referral is entitled for a share in
Bronze pool bonus, $1 from each and every
member in the entire Berry Tree will go to
Bronze Pool Account and distributed equally
amongst all Bronze members for that month
Silver Pool Bonus Any one having 25 direct referral or as a bronze and
total of 25 in two level is entitled for a share in Silver pool bonus, $2
from each and every member in the entire Berry Tree will go to Silver
Here Pool Account and distributed equally amongst all Silver members for
is the that month
KEY Gold Pool Bonus Silver Pool Bonus Any one having 50 direct referral or
as a bronze and total of 50 in two level is entitled for a share in Gold
pool bonus, $3 from each and every member in the entire Berry Tree
will go to Gold Pool Account and distributed equally amongst all Gold
members for that month
Besides above there are other Leadership Bonuses like, Regional Director,
National Director, International Director, 1star, 2star, 3star, diamond, ruby
♦ BERRYTREE has come out with Unique member
credits where every one can take part in LeaderShip
Bonus, even without recruiting.
♦ For maintaining active membership in BT for 2
consecutive months one get one point, which is equal to
one PS, if one accumulates 10 PS or 10 points or 10 PS
or points put together, he will be a bronze and entitled
for Bronze pool bonus.
is the ♦ For eg let us say if one has 5 PS and by way of
KEY BMC(Berry Member Credits) gets 5 points, that means
total of 10 and he is Bronze, this way he can become
silver and gold. This is the only program ever in the
MLM industry, where one can earn by being passive
and also get a chance to earn leadership bonus

For the month of July

♦ Bronze pool bonus amount was $55
♦ Silver pool bonus amount was $155
♦ Gold Pool bonus amount was $700 (approx)

And this will go on increasing as the company

ad campaign has started and once the
Here membership base grow, so will the pool bonus
is the amount go up
This is not a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME, but
this is from one of most stable and Rock Solid Debt
Free 8 year old company and if one stays with the
company for 8-12 months, one will earn close to
$1k and more every month

♦ All the above said is just for $56 per month

♦ May be in 2-3 months you need not even
pay from your credit card as $56 autoship
will be deducted from your earnings.
♦ This is the only program to make $1336 and
above per month for just a mere $56 per
Click the banner to join

Or you can add me in YM: strosdegoz or

MSN : and we can discuss the
above program in detail

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