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Introduction to

Effective Oral
A Demonstration Teaching in Oral Communication
Presented by: Ferdinand B. Fabian
May 12, 2016

* At the end of the session, 80-90%

of the students are expected to

achieve the following competencies with at least satisfactory
1. Define communication
2. Explain the goals of communication and ways of communicating;
3. Compare and contrast the major forms of communication;
4. Identify and distinguish the elements of communication;
5. Trace and explain the dynamics of the communication
process; and
6. Develop positive attitude in speaking and communicating in

* Topic: Introduction to Effective Oral


*1. Defining Communication

*2. Goals of Communication and Ways to
*3. Two Major Forms of Communication
*4. Elements of Communication
*5. The Communication Process

*Activity Title: Doodle That!
1. Ask two volunteers from the class.
2. The first volunteer (instructor) will be given a secret image which
he/she would ask the second volunteer (illustrator) to draw on the
3. The instructor shall only give verbal instructions to the illustrator
and is not allowed to do any unnecessary movements to gesticulate
or give unsounded ideas.
4. The illustrator, on the other hand, is not allowed to talk nor ask
questions to the instructor.
5. The activity shall last for only 10 minutes.

*Discussion Prompts:
1. Does the illustration from the board look the
same as the actual image?
2. What seems to be the problem why the
illustrator was not able to draw the actual image?
3. What was the most difficult part of this
activity for the participants? (Spectators may also
4. What different communication skills were
needed for this activity?
5. How important is effective communication as
observed in this activity?

*What is Communication?

*1. Defining Communication

*Communication, (derived from the Latin

word communicare, meaning to make

common) is the process of meaningful
interaction and an art of transmitting
information, ideas and attitudes from one
person to another.
*It also refers to the sending or exchanging of
thoughts opinions or information by speech,
writing or signs. Hence, a process of sharing
ideas or information with others.

*2. Goals of Communication and

Ways to Communicate

*2.1. Communication Goals:

*> To get and give information
*> To persuade
*> To ensure understanding
*> To get action
*> To change behavior positively

*2.2. Most Common Ways to Communicate

*> Speaking
*> Writing
*> Reading
*> Listening

*2.2. Most Common Ways to Communicate

*>Visual image
*> Body language
*> Sounds
*> Symbolisms

* 3. Two Major Forms of Communication

*3.1. Verbal

communication refers to
the form of communication
in which message is
transmitted verbally;
communication is done by
word of mouth and a piece
of writing.
*Verbal Communication uses
either written or spoken
language such as talking
face-to-face, on a
telephone, or as a speech.

* Verbal Communicationis
further divided into:

*3.1.1. Oral Communication

In oral communication, spoken

words are used. It includes faceto-face conversations, speech,
radio and others.

*3.1.2. Written Communication

In written communication,
written signs or symbols are used
to communicate. A written
message may be printed or hand

*3.2 . Non-verbal

communication is the
process of communication
through sending and
receiving wordless cues or
messages between people.
*It makes use of nonlinguistic symbols such as
body movements or
gestures, facial expression,
eye movements, touch,
tone of voice, sounds and
the likes.

*Nonverbal communication has the

following three elements:
*3.2.1. Appearance
> Speaker: clothing, hairstyle,
neatness, use of cosmetics.
> Surrounding: room size,
lighting, decorations, furnishings
*3.2.2. Body Language
> facial expressions, gestures,
*3.3.3. Sounds
> Voice Tone, Volume, Speech

*4. Elements of Communication

*Communication is only successful when both the

sender and the receiver understand the same

information as a result of the communication. The
communication process involves the following
*The communication process involves:

*4.1. Context
*4.1.1 Physical context setting which includes

where and the communication process takes place

*4.1.2 Social context relationship between
communicators and interlocutors
*4.1.3 Cultural context group customary at
looking at the world and judging a behavior
*4.2. Sender / Source source of information; the
person who initially sends off the message
*4.3. Message the idea or information being shared
or transmitted

*4.4. Channel medium used in delivering the

*4.5. Receiver the one who receives or gets the
message being transmitted and who interprets the
idea being conveyed
*4.6. Feedback the signal that allows the
communication participants to monitor or evaluate
the success of their exchange of thoughts.

*5. The Communication Process

*According to Niklas Luhmann, communication is the

operation, which (re-)produces social systems, it is

the central last element (specific operation) for the
definition and the retention of society. A change of
communicative possibilities by a new medium also
changes society.

*Communication is a synthesis of three components:

message, information and understanding:
communication comes into being, when it is
understood that information is imparted.

*In the social dimension, these components are

ascribed to at least two abstracted person. Person a

(= ego), who understands, and person b (= alter),
who imparts. The imparted information can't be
identical to the understood information. A process
of communication comes into being, if the
preceding communication is followed by a
succeeding communication. By these,
communicative connections constitutes meaning to
every process of communication by selecting one
certain connection to all possible connections.
Communication needs a spreading medium like
speech and writing.

*The Communication Process

*5.1. Thinking a thought originates in the mind of

the speaker which he wishes to convey.

*5.2. Symbolizing the speaker converts the idea
into mental language symbols, words, phrases and
*5.3. Expressing - having selected his words, the
speaker translates them into audible speech and
appropriate physical action.
*5.4. Transmitting the idea is represented in sound
waves in the atmosphere surrounding the speaker.

*5.5. Receiving neural impulses stimulated by the

sound and light words are conducted to the auditory

and nerve senses of the listener.
*5.6. Decoding the brain of the listener translates
the nerve impulses into meaningful language
symbols and then into thought.
*5.7. Reacting or giving feedback the listener
responds by further thought and/or feeling tone or
emotional state.
*5.8. Monitoring from watching the behavior of
listener, the speaker makes necessary adjustments
in language, content, rate, tone, loudness and


*Why is it necessary to study and understand

Effective Oral Communication and its Process?

*Research on the various Models of

Communication. Illustrate and explain

the Models of Communication in a short
bond paper. The explanation should be
handwritten in cursive form.
*On another sheet of bond paper, explain
the following functions of

* Direction:
* 1. The class shall be divided into three groups.
* 2. Each group shall choose one of the given cases and make a

short role-play to present their suggestions in resolving the issue

they have chosen.
* 2. Each group shall choose a leader to facilitate the
brainstorming / discussion of their storyline. Each leader shall also
be given rubric score cards to evaluate the other groups
* 3. Each group shall be given 5-7 minutes for brainstorming and 3
minutes for their presentation.
* 4. Each group will be asked to make a short role-play to present
their suggestions in resolving the issue.

*English Communication Challenges

among Filipino Students

* Given the following scenario, will the Filipino students and future

professionals still be able to keep up with the demands of

globalization and the advent of modern technological advancement
based on the current state of their English proficiency? What
suggestions could be proposed to resolve these issues?

Fact: According to Wallstreet Journal in January 2015, a survey of
business owners by the American Association Colleges and
Universities found that nine out of 10 employers judge entry level
applicants (recent college graduates) as poorly prepared for the work
force in such areas as critical thinking, communication and problem


*Fact: Aspiring Minds, an independent NGO focusing on

nations' economic growth, conducted a study on English

Learning Levels for Engineering Graduates in 2011-12 to
analyze which specific areas of English skills are most
deficient in engineers and the implications of these
deficiencies. Some key findings of the report are:

*@ More than 25% engineers do not possess the English

comprehension skills to understand engineering school

*@ Only 57% engineers can write grammatically correct sentences
in English.
*@ Around 42%-45% demonstrate capabilities in English required
for the knowledge-based industry
*@ Not more than 27% engineers show capabilities in business

Fact: The Philippines used to be one of the
most sought after English-speaking countries
in the world. It even ranked second among
non-native English speaking nations in terms of
English, Science and Mathematics literacy
until year 2000. However, current standing of
the countrys literacy rate gradually
decelerates due to deteriorating educational
system and lack of initiative.

* Rubrics for the Role-play Activity:

(10 points)

(10 points)

(10 points)


(1-3 pts.)
The message was
poorly presented
and vaguely

(4-7 pts.)
The message was
quite clearly
presented and

(8-10 pts.)
The message was
clearly presented and
easily understood.

The presentation
was chaotic and the
delivery was much
There was lack of
teamwork since the
group members
seemed to be
and lack of
ownership /
responsibility was

The presentation was

somehow smooth and
the delivery was
Effort in terms of
teamwork was
observed as the group
members were able to
share their thoughts
during the
However, execution of
the plan was a bit
inconsistent with the
plan made.

The presentation was

very smooth and the
delivery was wellorganized.
Teamwork was very
evident as the group
members exhibited a
great deal of
cooperation and took
responsibility on their
respective parts.



End of Presentation
Thank You!!!

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