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In many fluid problems fluid is at rest or moves as a rigid body

When fluid is at rest (hydrostatic condition), the pressure variation is due only to
the weight of the fluid and may be calculated by integration. Important applications
pressure distribution in the atmosphere and oceans;
the design of manometer pressure instruments;
forces on submerged flat and curved surfaces
buoyancy on a submerged body
behaviour of floating bodies

If the fluid is moving in a rigid-body motion, the pressure also can be easily
calculated, because the fluid is free of shear stress

Pressure at a Point

Pressure is the normal force per unit area at a given point acting on a given plain
within the fluid mass

How pressure at a point varies with the orientation of the plain?

Consider free body diagram obtained by removing a small triangular wedge of fluid
from some arbitrary location within a fluid mass.

Since there are no shearing stresses, the only forces are due to pressure and weight.

To generalize the case allow fluid element to move as a rigid body with nonzero

Apply Newtons second law to fluid element

Pressure at a Point

Pressure at a Point
Equations of motion in y and z direction

x y z
x y z
x y z
Fz pz x y ps x s cos 2 2 az

p y x z ps x s sin

With y s cos and z s sin

equations of motion reduce to

p y ps a y


p z ps a z


At a point, as x, y and z approach zero: ps p y pz

The pressure at a point in a fluid at rest, or in motion, is independent of

direction as long as there are no shearing stresses present (Pascals law)

Basic Equation for Pressure Field

How the pressure in a fluid at rest varies from point to point?

Consider a small rectangular fluid element

Two types of forces acting on this element are

surface forces due to pressure, and
a body force equal to the weight of the element

Basic Equation for Pressure Field

How the pressure in a fluid at rest varies from point to point?

Consider a small rectangular fluid element

Two types of forces acting on this element are

surface forces due to pressure, and
a body force equal to the weight of the element

Applying Newtons second law of motion to the fluid element we obtain general
equation of motion for a fluid in which there are no shearing stresses

p k a

Pressure Variation in a Fluid at Rest

For a fluid at rest a = 0 and

p k 0
Pressure does not depend on x or y and depends only on z


For liquids or gases at rest the pressure gradient in the vertical direction at any point in a
fluid depends only on the specific weight of the fluid at that point
Pressure decreases as we move upward in a fluid at rest
Specific weight does not necessarily be a constant, and for gases may vary with elevation

Pressure Variation. Incompressible Fluid

For liquids constant specific weight is assumed. Pressure variation is obtained by direct

Pressure Variation. Incompressible Fluid

For liquids constant specific weight is assumed.
Pressure variation is obtained by direct integration



dp dz

p2 p1 z2 z1
p1 h p2

- hydrostatic pressure distribution

Pressure head, h, is the height of a column of fluid that would give the specified
pressure difference
p p2
h 1

For fluid with a free surface, pressure p at any depth h below the free surface:
p h p0

Pressure Variation. Incompressible Fluid

p1 h p2

p h p0

Pressure in a homogeneous, incompressible fluid at rest depends on the depth of the fluid
relative to some reference plane, and it is not influenced by the size or shape of the tank or
container in which the fluid is held.

Fluid equilibrium in a container of arbitrary surface

Pressure Variation. Incompressible Fluid

The transmission of pressure throughout a stationary fluid is the principle upon which
many hydraulic devices are based (hydraulic jacks, lifts, presses, hydraulic controls on
aircraft and other types of heavy machinery)

Transmission of fluid pressure

Pressure Variation. Compressible Fluid

Density of gases can change significantly with changes in pressure and temperature.
But specific weights of common gases are comparatively small, therefore pressure gradient
in vertical direction is correspondingly small
In problems involving gases in tanks, pipes, and so on effect of elevation changes on the
pressure can be neglected.
If variations in heights are large (thousands of feet) variation in specific weight must be
accounted for.
For gases

p RT

p2 dp
g z2 dz
p1 p ln p1 R z1 T

To integrate last equation, temperature variation with elevation must be known. For
isothermal condition
g z2 z1
p p1 exp


Standard Atmosphere
Standard atmosphere is an idealized representation of mean condition in the earths
Properties for standard atmospheric condition at sea level are listed in Table
Temperature profile for the U.S. standard atmosphere is shown on Figure

Since temperature variation is represented by a series of linear segments, equation


g z2 dz

R z1 T

can be integrated to obtain pressure variation

Pressure Measurement (Figure)

Pressure is designated as either absolute pressure of gage pressure

Absolute pressure is measured relative to a perfect vacuum (absolute zero

pressure), gage pressure is measured relative to the local atmospheric pressure

Negative gage pressure is referred to as a suction or vacuum pressure

In this course pressure will be assumed to be gage pressures unless specifically

designated absolute

Pressure difference is independent on the reference, so that no special notation is


Pressure is measured in Pa (SI) or psf, psi (BG).

Pressure can also be expressed as a height of column of a liquid

Barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure


Manometers use vertical or inclined liquid columns to measure pressure.

Three common types of manometers include

piezometer tube,
U-tube manometer
inclined-tube manometer

Piezometer Tube

Piezometer Tube
p h p0
p A 1h1

- pA must be greater than p0
- h is limited
- fluid in container must be liquid

U-Tube Manometer

U-Tube Manometer
p A 2 h2 1h1

Advantage: gage fluid can be different

from fluid in container

If fluid in container is gas

p A 2 h2

For high pA mercury is used

For small pA water or other light liquids

can be used

pair 440 lb/ft 2 3.06 psi

Differential Manometer

Differential Manometer
p A pB 2 h2 3 h3 1h1

p A pB h2 2 1 2.9 kPa

Inclined-Tube Manometer

Inclined-Tube Manometer

p A pB 2l2 sin 3 h3 1h1

for gases
p A pB 2l2 sin

Mechanical and Electronic Pressure

Measuring Devices

Manometers have some disadvantages:

they are not well suited for measuring very high pressures, or pressure that are changing
rapidly with time;
they require the measurement of one or more column heights, which is time consuming

Bourdon tube pressure gage uses a hollow, elastic, and curved tube to measure

Aneroid barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure;

Pressure transducer converts pressure into an electrical output:

pressure transducers using Bourdon tube
strain-gage pressure transducers
piezoelectric pressure transducers

Problem 2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is attached to the ocean floor at a

depth of 10 m as shown in Fig. P2.38. A mercury barometer located inside the shell
reads 765 mm Hg, and a mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water
pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these
data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface?

Problem 2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is attached to the ocean floor at a

depth of 10 m as shown in Fig. P2.38. A mercury barometer located inside the shell
reads 765 mm Hg, and a mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water
pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these
data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface?

pa absolute pressure inside shell

patm surface atmosphere pressure
sw specific weight of seawater

Problem 2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is attached to the ocean floor at a

depth of 10 m as shown in Fig. P2.38. A mercury barometer located inside the shell
reads 765 mm Hg, and a mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water
pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these
data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface?

pa absolute pressure inside shell

patm surface atmosphere pressure
sw specific weight of seawater

Manometer equation
patm 10 sw 0.36 sw 0.735 Hg pa
So that

patm pa 10.36 sw 0.735 Hg


0.765 m 133 3 10.36 m 10.1



94.9 kPa

Problem 2.42 The manometer fluid in the

manometer has a specific gravity of 3.46. Pipes A
and B both contain water. If the pressure in pipe A
is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure in pipe B
increases by 0.9 psi, determine the new differential
reading of the manometer.

Problem 2.42 The manometer fluid in the

manometer has a specific gravity of 3.46. Pipes A
and B both contain water. If the pressure in pipe A
is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure in pipe B
increases by 0.9 psi, determine the new differential
reading of the manometer.

Problem 2.42 The manometer fluid in the

manometer has a specific gravity of 3.46. Pipes A
and B both contain water. If the pressure in pipe A
is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure in pipe B
increases by 0.9 psi, determine the new differential
reading of the manometer.



p A 2 H 2O 2 gf 1 H 2O pB


p A 2 a H 2O 2 2a gf 1 a H 2O pB

Subtract (2) from (1)

p A p A a H 2O 2a gf a H 2O pB pB

Increment a

p p p p

1.03 ft

New differential reading

2 H 2O gf

h 2 2a 4.06 ft

Problem 2.44 The inclined differential manometer

contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure
differential between pipes A and B, which contain
a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the
figure. It is desired that the manometer give a
differential reading of 12 in. (measured along the
inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi.
Determine the required angle of inclination,

Problem 2.44 The inclined differential manometer

contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure
differential between pipes A and B, which contain
a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the
figure. It is desired that the manometer give a
differential reading of 12 in. (measured along the
inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi.
Determine the required angle of inclination,
p A pB increases to p A pB

Problem 2.44 The inclined differential manometer

contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure
differential between pipes A and B, which contain
a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the
figure. It is desired that the manometer give a
differential reading of 12 in. (measured along the
inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi.
Determine the required angle of inclination,
p A pB increases to p A pB

For final configuration

p A hi a br a b sin CCl4 hi b sin br pB


p A pB br CCl4

Differential reading along the tube

From (1)

a b sin 0

p A pB br CCl4
p A pB
h br CCl4

h sin 0


Problem 2.44 The inclined differential manometer

contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure
differential between pipes A and B, which contain
a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as illustrated in the
figure. It is desired that the manometer give a
differential reading of 12 in. (measured along the
inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi.
Determine the required angle of inclination,
p A pB
h br CCl4

With p A pB 0.1 psi for h 12 in. sin 0.466



Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface

When a surface is submerged in a fluid, forces develop on it due to fluid

We are interested in the direction, location and magnitude of those forces

For fluids at rest force is perpendicular to the surface

Pressure varies linearly with depth if fluid is incompressible

For horizontal surface force calculation is straightforward

When determining the resultant force on an area, the effect of atmospheric

pressure often cancels

If submerged surface is inclined determination of the resultant force is more


Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

Consider plane surface with area

of arbitrary shape submerged in
the fluid and inclined with respect
to fluid surface

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

Consider plane surface with area

of arbitrary shape submerged in
the fluid and inclined with respect
to fluid surface

Assume that fluid surface is open

to atmosphere

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

Consider plane surface with area

of arbitrary shape submerged in
the fluid and inclined with respect
to fluid surface

Assume that fluid surface is open

to atmosphere

Let the plane in which the surface

lies intersect the free surface at 0
and make an angle with this

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

Consider plane surface with area

of arbitrary shape submerged in
the fluid and inclined with respect
to fluid surface

Assume that fluid surface is open

to atmosphere

Let the plane in which the surface

lies intersect the free surface at 0
and make an angle with this

Define coordinate system so that

0 is the origin and y is directed
along the surface

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

Consider plane surface with area

of arbitrary shape submerged in
the fluid and inclined with respect
to fluid surface

Assume that fluid surface is open

to atmosphere

Let the plane in which the surface

lies intersect the free surface at 0
and make an angle with this

Define coordinate system so that

0 is the origin and y is directed
along the surface

We wish to determine the

direction, location, and magnitude
of the resultant force acting on
one side of this area due to the
liquid in contact with the area.

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

The resultant force of a static fluid on a plane surface is due to the

hydrostatic pressure distribution

The magnitude of the resultant fluid force is equal to the pressure acting at
the centroid of the area multiplied by the total area (details)

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

The resultant force of a static fluid on a plane surface is due to the

hydrostatic pressure distribution

The magnitude of the resultant fluid force is equal to the pressure acting at
the centroid of the area multiplied by the total area

FR hc A

The resultant fluid force does not pass through the centroid of the area but
is always below it

The point through which the resultant fluid force acts is called the center of
pressure. Coordinates, yR and xR, of the center of pressure are:

Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

The resultant force of a static fluid on a plane surface is due to the

hydrostatic pressure distribution

The magnitude of the resultant fluid force is equal to the pressure acting at
the centroid of the area multiplied by the total area

FR hc A

The resultant fluid force does not pass through the centroid of the area but
is always below it

The point through which the resultant fluid force acts is called the center of
pressure. Coordinates, yR and xR, of the center of pressure are:

yR xc yc
yc A


I xyc
yc A


Hydrostatic Force on Inclined Plane Surface

If the submerged area is

symmetrical with respect to an
axis passing through the centroid
and parallel to either the x or y
axes, the resultant force must lie
along the line x = xc , since Ixyc is
identically zero in this case

As yc increases the center of

pressure moves closer to the
centroid of the area..

Centroidal coordinates and moments

of inertia
for some common areas are

Example 2.6 The 4-m-diameter circular gate is located in the inclined wall of a large
reservoir containing water ( = 9.8 kN/m3). The gate is mounted on a shaft along its
horizontal diameter. For a water depth of 10 m above the shaft determine: (a) the
magnitude and location of the resultant force exerted on the gate by the water, and (b)
the moment that would have to be applied to the shaft to open the gate

Example 2.6 The 4-m-diameter circular gate is located in the inclined wall of a large
reservoir containing water ( = 9.8 kN/m3). The gate is mounted on a shaft along its
horizontal diameter. For a water depth of 10 m above the shaft determine: (a) the
magnitude and location of the resultant force exerted on the gate by the water, and (b)
the moment that would have to be applied to the shaft to open the gate
(a) Magnitude of the force
FR hc A 1.23 MN


I xyc
yc A

xc 0

since area is symmetrical, and

center of pressure must lie along
diameter A-A

Example 2.6 The 4-m-diameter circular gate is located in the inclined wall of a large
reservoir containing water ( = 9.8 kN/m3). The gate is mounted on a shaft along its
horizontal diameter. For a water depth of 10 m above the shaft determine: (a) the
magnitude and location of the resultant force exerted on the gate by the water, and (b)
the moment that would have to be applied to the shaft to open the gate
Moment of inertia

I xc

I xc
yc 11.6 m
yc A

distance below the shaft to the

center of pressure
yR yc 0.0866 m

Example 2.6 The 4-m-diameter circular gate is located in the inclined wall of a large
reservoir containing water ( = 9.8 kN/m3). The gate is mounted on a shaft along its
horizontal diameter. For a water depth of 10 m above the shaft determine: (a) the
magnitude and location of the resultant force exerted on the gate by the water, and (b)
the moment that would have to be applied to the shaft to open the gate
(b) Moment

M FR yR yc 1.07 105 N m

Example 2.7 A large fish-holding tank contains

seawater ( = 64.0 lb/ft3) to a depth of 10 ft. To
repair some damage to one corner of the tank, a
triangular section is replaced with a new section
as illustrated. Determine the magnitude and
location of the force of the seawater on this
triangular area.

Example 2.7 A large fish-holding tank contains

seawater ( = 64.0 lb/ft3) to a depth of 10 ft. To
repair some damage to one corner of the tank, a
triangular section is replaced with a new section
as illustrated. Determine the magnitude and
location of the force of the seawater on this
triangular area.
Force magnitude
FR hc A 2590 lb

Force location 3
81 4
I xc

36 36
yR xc yc 9.06 ft
yc A
I xyc

ba 2

b 2d ft 4


I xyc
yc A

xc 0.0278 ft

Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface

Development of a free-body diagram of a suitable volume of fluid can be used to

determine the resultant fluid force acting on a curved surface

Consider curved section BC of the open tank, which has a unit length perpendicular
to the plane of slide

Find resultant fluid force acting on this section

Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface

Develop free-body diagram

Determine magnitude and location of forces F1 and F2 using relationships for

planar surfaces

Weight acts through the center of gravity of fluid contained within the volume

Forces FH and FV represent components of the force that the tank exerts on the fluid

Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface

For this force system to be in equilibrium:



Magnitude of resultant force




Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface

Resultant force FR passes through the point O, which can be located by summing
moments about appropriate axis

Resultant force of the fluid acting on the curved surface BC is equal and opposite
in direction to that obtained from the free-body diagram

Example 2.9 The 6-ft-diameter drainage conduit is half full of water at rest. Determine
the magnitude and line of action of the resultant force that the water exerts on a 1-ft
length of the curved section BC of the conduit wall.

Solution Develop free-body diagram and determine forces

Solution Develop free-body diagram and determine forces

F1 hc A 281 lb
Weight vol 441 lb
FH F1 281 lb

FV =Weight 441 lb

Solution Magnitude of the resultant force

FR =

FH FV 523 lb

The force the water exerts on the conduit wall is equal, but opposite in direction, to the
forces FH and FV
Note, the line of action of the resultant force passes through the center of the conduit.

Buoyancy, Flotation, and Stability

Archimedes Principle
A body immersed in a fluid experiences a vertical buoyant force equal to the weight of
the fluid it displaces

Archimedes Principle
Magnitude of buoyant force

Archimedes Principle
Magnitude of buoyant force

Archimedes Principle
Buoyant force passes through the centroid of the displaced volume. The point through
which the buoyant force acts is called the center of buoyancy

Archimedes Principle
Buoyant force passes through the centroid of the displaced volume. The point through
which the buoyant force acts is called the center of buoyancy
Summing moments of forces with
respect to axis passing through D

FB yc F2 y1 F1 y1 Wy2
on substitution for forces:

Vyc VT y1 VT V y2

If a body is immersed in a
fluid in which varies
with depth, such as in a
layered fluid, the buoyant
force passes through the
center of gravity of the
displaced volume

Example 2.10 A spherical buoy has a diameter of 1.5 m, weighs 8.50 kN, and is anchored
to the sea floor with a cable. Although the buoy normally floats on the surface, at certain
times (waves, rising tide) the water depth increases so that the buoy is completely
immersed as illustrated. For this condition what is the tension of the cable?

Example 2.10 A spherical buoy has a diameter of 1.5 m, weighs 8.50 kN, and is anchored
to the sea floor with a cable. Although the buoy normally floats on the surface, at certain
times (waves, rising tide) the water depth increases so that the buoy is completely
immersed as illustrated. For this condition what is the tension of the cable?

FB V 17.85 kN

T FB W 9.35 kN

Submerged or floating bodies can be either in a stable or unstable position.
Stable equilibrium when displaced body returns to its equilibrium position
Unstable equilibrium when displaced body moves to a new equilibrium position

Stability of Completely Immersed Bodies

For a completely submerged body with a center of gravity below the center of
buoyancy rotation from equilibrium position will create a restoring couple.
If center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy, resulting couple will cause the
body to overturn and move the a new equilibrium position

Stability of a completely immersed body

Stability of Floating Bodies

When floating body rotates the location of the center of buoyancy may change

Stability of a floating body- stable configuration

Stability of Floating Bodies

When floating body rotates the location of the center of buoyancy may change

Stability of a floating body- unstable configuration

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Even though a fluid may be in motion, if it moves as a rigid body there will be no
searing stresses present
For such a fluid the general equation of motion

In component form

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Even though a fluid may be in motion, if it moves as a rigid body there will be no
searing stresses present
For such a fluid the general equation of motion
p k a

In component form




Consider two classes of problems; rigid-body uniform motion, and rigid-body rotation

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Linear Motion
Consider an open container of a liquid that is translating along a straight path with a
constant acceleration. Apply general equation of motion

Linear acceleration of a
liquid with a free surface

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Linear Motion
Consider an open container of a liquid that is translating along a straight path with a
constant acceleration. Apply general equation of motion

Slope of line of constant pressure, dp = 0, is given by

g az

Linear acceleration of a
liquid with a free surface

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Linear Motion
If ay=0, az0, fluid surface will be horizontal, but pressure distribution is not
g az

For a free falling fluid pressure gradients in all directions are zero

Linear acceleration of a
liquid with a free surface

Example 2.11 The cross section for the fuel tank of an experimental vehicle is shown in
figure. The rectangular tank is vented to the atmosphere, and a pressure transducer is
located in its side as illustrated. During testing of the vehicle, the tank is subjected to a
constant linear acceleration, ay . (a) Determine an expression that relates ay and the
pressure (in lb/ft2) at the transducer for a fuel with a SG = 0.65. (b) What is the
maximum acceleration that can occur before the fuel level drops below the transducer?

Example 2.11 The cross section for the fuel tank of an experimental vehicle is shown in
figure. The rectangular tank is vented to the atmosphere, and a pressure transducer is
located in its side as illustrated. During testing of the vehicle, the tank is subjected to a
constant linear acceleration, ay . (a) Determine an expression that relates ay and the
pressure (in lb/ft2) at the transducer for a fuel with a SG = 0.65. (b) What is the
maximum acceleration that can occur before the fuel level drops below the transducer?
(a) Slope of the surface

change in depth

0.75 ft


z1 0.75 ft


Pressure at the transducer

p h 0.5 ft z1 20.3 30.4


Example 2.11 The cross section for the fuel tank of an experimental vehicle is shown in
figure. The rectangular tank is vented to the atmosphere, and a pressure transducer is
located in its side as illustrated. During testing of the vehicle, the tank is subjected to a
constant linear acceleration, ay . (a) Determine an expression that relates ay and the
pressure (in lb/ft2) at the transducer for a fuel with a SG = 0.65. (b) What is the
maximum acceleration that can occur before the fuel level drops below the transducer?
(b) Maximum acceleration


0.5 ft 0.75 ft






for a standard acceleration of gravity

y max

21.5 ft/s 2


p1 p2

Problem 2.92 An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of a truck that is traveling
along a horizontal road at 55 mi/hr. As the truck slows uniformly to a complete stop in 5
s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of constant deceleration?

Problem 2.92 An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of a truck that is traveling
along a horizontal road at 55 mi/hr. As the truck slows uniformly to a complete stop in 5
s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of constant deceleration?

V 55 5.280 ft/mi

16.1 ft/s 2
5 3600 s/hr

dz a y

dy g

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Rigid-Body Rotation
A fluid contained in a tank that rotates with a constant angular velocity about an axis
will rotate as a rigid body

Rigid-body rotation of a
liquid in a tank

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Rigid-Body Rotation
A fluid contained in a tank that rotates with a constant angular velocity about an axis
will rotate as a rigid body
r 2

Pressure gradients (details) :

Differential pressure

Rigid-body rotation of a
liquid in a tank


dr dz





dp r 2 dr dz

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Rigid-Body Rotation
Along a surface of constant pressure dp = 0, so that

dz r 2


and equation for surfaces of constant pressure is

2r 2

Surfaces of constant pressure are parabolic

Pressure distribution in a
rotating liquid

Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Rigid-Body Rotation
Pressure distribution
2 r 2
z constant

Pressure varies with the distance from the axis of rotation, but at a fixed radius, the
pressure varies hydrostatically in the vertical direction

Pressure distribution in a
rotating liquid

Example 2.12 It has been suggested that the angular velocity, , of a rotating body or
shaft can be measured by attaching an open cylinder of liquid, as shown in figure, and
measuring with some type of depth gage the change in the fluid level, H h0 , caused by
the rotation of the fluid. Determine the relationship between this change in fluid level
and the angular velocity.

Example 2.12 It has been suggested that the angular velocity, , of a rotating body or
shaft can be measured by attaching an open cylinder of liquid, as shown in figure, and
measuring with some type of depth gage the change in the fluid level, H h0 , caused by
the rotation of the fluid. Determine the relationship between this change in fluid level
and the angular velocity.

Example 2.12 It has been suggested that the angular velocity, , of a rotating body or
shaft can be measured by attaching an open cylinder of liquid, as shown in figure, and
measuring with some type of depth gage the change in the fluid level, H h0 , caused by
the rotation of the fluid. Determine the relationship between this change in fluid level
and the angular velocity.
Height, h, of the free surface

2r 2
Initial volume of fluid
Vi R 2 H

Volume of rotating fluid

dV 2 rhdr
V 2

2r 2

2 R 4
h0 dr
R 2 h0

Example 2.12 It has been suggested that the angular velocity, , of a rotating body or
shaft can be measured by attaching an open cylinder of liquid, as shown in figure, and
measuring with some type of depth gage the change in the fluid level, H h0 , caused by
the rotation of the fluid. Determine the relationship between this change in fluid level
and the angular velocity.
Volume of fluid in tank remains constant
Vi V

2 R 4
R 2 h0


2 R2
H h0
Note: relationship between the change in depth and speed is not linear one

Problem 2.101 A closed, 0.4 m diameter cylindrical tank is completely filled with oil
(SG= 0.9) and rotates about its vertical longitudinal axis with an angular velocity of 40
rad/s. Determine the difference in pressure just under the vessel cover between a point on
the circumference and a point on the axis.
Answer: 28.8 kPa

Chapter 2 summary

Pressure at a Point
Basic Equation for Pressure Field
Pressure Variation in a Fluid at Rest
Measurement of Pressure. Manometry
Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface
Hydrostatic Force on a Curved Surface
Buoyancy, Floatation, and Stability
Pressure Variation in a Fluid with a Rigid body motion


Supplementary slides

Forces on an arbitrary wedge-shaped element of fluid


Surface and body forces acting on small fluid element


Resultant surface force

Fs p x y z
Weight of the fluid element

W k x y z k

Surface and body forces acting

on small fluid element



Variation of temperature with altitude in the U.S standard atmosphere


Pressure Measurement

Graphical representation of gage and absolute pressure


Pressure Measurement

patm h pvapor

Mercury barometer


Liquid-filled Bourdon pressure gages for various pressure ranges


Internal elements of Bourdon gages. The C-shaped Bourdon tube is

shown on the left, and the coiled spring Bourdon tube for high pressure
of 1000 psi and above is shown on the right


Pressure transducer which combines a linear

variable differential transformer (LVDT) with a
Bourdon gage



Pressure and resultant hydrostatic

force developed on the bottom of an
open tank

Resultant force


If atmospheric pressure act on both sides of the bottom the resultant force on the bottom
is simply due to the liquid in the tank
Since pressure is constant and uniformly distributed over the bottom, the resultant force
acts through the centroid of the area


Magnitude of Resultant force

At given depth, h, force acting on dA
is dF= hdA and is perpendicular
to the surface
Magnitude of the resultant force

Magnitude of Resultant force

At given depth, h, force acting on dA
is dF= hdA and is perpendicular
to the surface
Magnitude of the resultant force

FR hdA y sin dA

For constant and

FR sin ydA

In terms of first moment of the area

ydA yc A

Resultant force

FR hc A


Location of Resultant force

Moment of resultant force must equal
moment of distributed pressure force

Location of Resultant force

Moment of resultant force must equal
moment of distributed pressure force

FR yR ydF sin y 2 dA


FR Ayc sin



y 2 dA
yc A

or in term of moment of inertia, Ix


yc A

By use of parallel axis theorem

I x I xc Ayc2
where Ixc is the moment of inertia with
respect to axis passing through
centroid and parallel to x axis. Finally:


I xc
yc A


Location of Resultant force

Moment of resultant force must equal
moment of distributed pressure force
By summing moments about y axis
we get

Location of Resultant force

Moment of resultant force must equal
moment of distributed pressure force
By summing moments about y axis
we get

FR xR sin xydA



yc A

I xy
yc A

Using parallel axis theorem we get


I xyc
yc A


where Ixyc is the product of inertia

with respect to orthogonal coordinate
system passing through centroid of
the area and formed by translation of
the x-y coordinate system


Geometrical Properties of Some Common Shapes

back to example 2.6


Parallel Axis Theorem for Moment of Inertia

I x I xc Ayc2

Moment of inertia of an area Ix with respect to x axis is equal to the moment of

inertia Ixc with respect to centroidal axis x parallel to the x axis, plus the
product Ayc2 of the area A and of the square of the distance yc between the
two axes


Parallel Axis Theorem for Product of Inertia

I xy I xyc Axc yc

Product of inertia with respect to an orthogonal set of axes (x-y coordinate

system) is equal to the product of inertia with respect to an orthogonal set of
axes parallel to the original set and passing through the centroid of the area,
plus the product of the area and the x and y coordinates of the centroid of the


1 3 1 3
I xc ba bh

I xyc 0



bh3 2 1 h 2
12 h bh 2 3

xR xc


Pressure variation. Linear Motion

Pressure gradients



Change in pressure between two closely spaced points


g az
dy dz

dp a y dy g az dz

Slope of line of constant pressure

Linear acceleration of a
liquid with a free surface


g az


Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion

Rigid-Body Rotation

Pressure gradient in cylindrical coordinates:


pressure gradients

Rigid-body rotation of a
liquid in a tank

1 p
e + e z

a r r 2 e r

a 0

az 0

r 2





Quizz #4
A 3x3x3 ft wooden cube (specific weight = 37 lb/ft3) floats in a tank of
a) How much of the cube extends above the water surface?
b) If the tank were pressurized so that the air pressure at the water surface
was increased to 1.0 psi, how much of the cube would extend above the
water surface? Explain how you arrived your answer?

Pressure Prism

Pressure prism is a geometric representation of the hydrostatic force on a plane


Consider pressure distribution along a vertical wall of tank with liquid (Fig. a).
Average pressure , pav, occurs at the depth h/2, and resultant force on area A = bh
FR pav A A

Pressure Prism

Volume, shown on Fig. b is called the pressure prism

Magnitude of the resultant fluid force is equal to the volume of the pressure prism
and passes through its centroid (details)
FR volume

h bh A

Pressure Prism

Above-mentioned is valid for surfaces that do not extend up to the fluid surface. In
this case, the cross section of the pressure prism is trapezoidal

Specific values can be obtained by decomposing pressure prism into two parts,
ABDE and BCD. Thus
FR F1 F2

Pressure Prism

Location of FR can be determined by summing moments about some convenient

FR yR F1 y1 F2 y2

Example 2.8 A pressurized tank contains oil (SG = 0.90) and has a square, 0.6-m by
0.6-m plate bolted to its side. When the pressure gage on the top of the tank reads 50
kPa, what is the magnitude and location of the resultant force on the attached plate? The
outside of the tank is at atmospheric pressure.


Solution Resultant force:

F1 ps h1 A 24.4 kN
h2 h1
A 0.954 kN


FR F1 F2 25.4 kN

Solution Vertical location of the resultant force:

FR yO F1 0.3 m F2 0.2 m
yO 0.296 m

Note that the air pressure ised in the calculation of the force was gage pressure

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