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14th-18th March 2016

Alternative therapies to
students problems

Creative Arts Therapy and

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy is a form of

alternative therapy that uses the creative

process of making art to improve a
persons physical, mental, and emotional
Creative interventions have been
formalized through the disciplines of:




Expressive Arts Therapy

a world beyond creative expression
offers an alternative approach to students
may be used as a part of the treatment strategy
for a wide variety of behavioral, emotional,
andmental health conditions
helps students resolve conflicts, manage behaviour,
reduce stress, increase self-esteem and integrate
towards wholeness
facilitates the students growth and positive change

How did Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy became an
established profession in the 1940s when
psychologists became interested in
drawings made by their patients with
mental illnesses
At around the same time, educators were
discovering that childrens art productions
reflected developmental, emotional, and
cognitive growth

Art therapyis the purposeful use of

visual arts materials and media in
intervention, counseling, psychotherapy,
and rehabilitation

Dance/movement therapyis
based on the assumption that
body and mind are interrelated
and is defined as the
psychotherapeutic use of
movement as a process that
furthers the emotional, cognitive,
and physical integration of the
individual. Dance/movement
therapy effects changes in
feelings,cognition, physical
functioning, and behavior.

Drama therapyis the intentional use of theater

processes, products to achieve the
therapeuticgoalsof symptom relief, emotional
and physical integration, and personal growth.
It is an active approach that helps the clients
(students) tell his or her story to solve a
problem, understand the meaning of images, and
strengthen his or her ability to observe
personal roles.

Is a form of supplemental therapy - like art,

music and dance therapy - for medical and

mental health issues.
Is a creative therapy technique that uses
movies, films, particularly videos, as
therapeutic tools.
Is an innovative method based on traditional
therapeutic principles.

How it works? Images speak louder

than words
Give students a new perspective for looking at the
characters in their own lives
Help them to access feelings and cognitions, explore
their minds, achieve their goals
Can motivate them, help to understand the
maladaptive thinking and beliefs
Help understand themselves and others more deeply in
the big picture of their lives
Offer an opportunity for spiritual growth
Access resources and establish positive
habits to help them during times of stress

Music therapyis the prescribed use of

music to effect positive changes in the
psychological, physical, cognitive, or social
functioning of individuals withhealthor
educational problems

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