Who Are Managers

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Who are Managers?

Someone who works with and through other

people by coordinating their work activities in
order to accomplish organizational goals
Levels Of Managers
1.First-line Managers
2.Middle Managers
3.Top Managers
First-line Managers
Managers at the lowest level of
organization who manage the work of
nonmanagerial employees who are
involved with the production or
creation of organizations products
Middle Managers
Managers between the first line and
top level of the organization who
manage the work of first-line
Top Managers
Managers at or near the top level of the
organization who are responsible for
making organization-wide decisions and
establishing the goals and plans that affect
the entire organization
What is Management
The Process of coordinating work
activities so that they are completed
efficiently and effectively with and
through other people
Getting the most output from the least
amount of inputs referred to as “doing
things right”
Completing activities so that
organizational goals are attained;
referred to as “doing the right things
Principles of
Fundamental rules of management that
could be taught in universities and all
organizational situations
Principles of Management
 Division of Work
Specialization increases output by making
employees more efficient.
 Authority
Managers must be able to give orders.
Authority gives them this right. Along with
authority, however goes responsibility.
 Discipline
Employees must obey and respect that
rules that govern the organization
Principles of Management

 Unity of Command
Every employee should receive orders from only
one supervisor
 Unity of Direction
The organization should have a single plan of
action to guide managers and worker
 Subordination of individual interests
to the general interests
The interest of any one employee or group of
employee or group of employees should
Principles of Management
not take precedence over the interest of the organization
as a whole.
 Remuneration
Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.
 Centralization
This term refer to the degree to which
subordinates are involved in decision making.
 Scalar chain
The line authority from top management to the
lowest rank in the scalar chain.
Principles of Management

 Order
People and materials should be in the right place
at the right time
 Equity
Managers should be kind and fair to their
 Stability of tenure of personnel
Management should provide orderly
Principles of Management

Personnel planning and ensure that

replacements are available to fill vacancies
 Initiative
Employees who are allowed to originate
and carry out plans will exert high levels of
 Esprit de corps
Promoting team spirit will build harmony
and unity within the organization

A choice from two or more

A set of eight steps including identifying a
problem selecting an alternative and
evaluating the decisions effectiveness
Eight Steps Of Decision
 Identifying a Problem

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