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Meaning and types of


 Presented by
Correlation –

it is relationship of
quantitative nature,
which analysis of the
co-variation between
two or more variables.
When to Use Correlation
What it Tells Us
 Researchers compute correlation
coefficients when they want to
know how two variables are
related to each other
 Two fundamental characteristics
of correlation coefficients
• Direction of the correlation
• Strength or the magnitude of
the relationship
Meaning of correlation
 It describe the designed to find out if the
statistical relationship between the two
variables exist or not.

 Concept of correlation
 Correlation is a statistical tool which
studies the relationship between two
variables, and correlation analysis
involves various methods and techniques
used for studying and measuring the
extent of the relationship between two
Objective of
 The relationship between two
variables such that a change in
one variable results in a positive
or negative change .
 The correlation express rates
between the groups of items.
What is correlation?

 Correlation statistics allow you to measure the

strength and direction of a association between
two variables
 Correlation provides a single number (correlation
coefficient) that summarises level of variation
between points (It is a standardised measure of
 If a relationship is found, variables are said to be
 Useful for description, but also inferential
Method to study
1)Scatter or dot diagram method
2)Karl Pearson’s or covariance
3)Spearman’s rank method
In case of rank
 ∫= 1- 6ΣD2
X Y R1 R2 D=R1- D2
In the case of repeated
rank correlation
 ∫=1- 6{ΣD2+M1(M12-1)+M2(M22-1)}
12 12
Types :-Positive and
Negative Correlation 100
Negative Correlation

Positive Correlation

 Positive and negative 90 90

80 80
correlations are represented 70 70

by scattergrams

Score on Exam

Score on Exam
60 60

 Scattergrams: Graphs that 50


indicate the scores of each 30 30

case in a sample 20 20

simultaneously on two 10 10

0 0
variables 1 6 11 1 6 11

 r: the symbol for the sample Hours Spent Studying Hours Spent Studying
Pearson correlation coefficient
The scattergrams presented here represent very
strong positive and negative correlations
(r = 0.97 and r = -0.97 for the positive and
negative correlations, respectively)
No Correlation
N o C orre lation B e twe e n H ours S pe nt S tudying and Exam
 No discernable pattern
S core s
between the scores on the
100 two variables
90  We learn it is virtually
impossible to predict an
60 individual’s test score simply
Scores on Exam

50 by knowing how many hours

the person studied for the
20 exam
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Ho u rs Sp en t Stu d y in g
Scattergram representing virtually no correlation
between the number of hours spent studying and
the scores on the exam is presented

 When demand of raincoat

increase in rainy season than, it is
called positive correlation.
 When demand of cold drink
decrease in winter season than, it
is called negative correlation.
Correlation limitations
 With big sample sizes, almost everything is significantly
related in purely statistical terms
 Only works with linear relationships
 Correlation is not causation. A high r may mean any one
of these :
– A causes B
– some other factor causes A and B
– B causes A
– its just chance. another sample will be different
 Need to use your knowledge, experience and common-
sense as to likely underlying process. Is the relationship
what you expect? Is it plausible?
 Correlation is only concerned with the direction and
strength of the relationship between values of two
 Regression analysis determines the nature of that
relationship and enables us to make predictions from it
PESONUM – Lecture – No - 9

The quantity r, called the linear correlation coefficient, measures the strength and
the direction of a linear relationship between two variables. The linear correlation
coefficient is sometimes referred to as the Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient in honor of its developer Karl Pearson.

Karl Pearson

Born: March 27, 1857 in London, England

Died: April 27, 1936 in London, England
The point is that neither the first path nor the second one do withstand the numerical
competition with the so called the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient despite
its complex and apparently non attractive clothes as they are seen below:
Other Important Features
of Correlations
 Simple Pearson correlations are • Example: There is a curvilinear
relationship between anxiety and
designed to examine linear performance on a number of academic
relations among variables. In other and non-academic behaviors as shown
words, they describe average in the figure below
straight relations among variables  We call this a curvilinear relationship
because what began as a positive
 Not all relations between variables relationship (between performance and
are linear anxiety) at lower levels of anxiety,
becomes a negative relationship at
 As previously mentioned, people higher levels of anxiety

often confuse the concepts of

correlation and causation


Performance 50





1 2 3 4 5
 Correlation is an analysis of the mutual
relationship two or more variables.
 It may be positive ,negative or inverse,
linear, perfectly linear, perfect negative
and positive.
 X and y is variables.
 when it is increase in one direction than
this is positive correlation.
 When,
 It is decrease in one direction, than
this is called negative correlation.
 Coff of correlation denoted in x and
y specially for “r”
 r=-1,0 (perfect and negative)
 r=+1,0 (perfect but positive)
 r=0 (no correlation)

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