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Evaluating Emerging

Megan Taylor
ITEC 7445
Spring 2015

What is an iPad?
An iPad is a computer that is in a tablet form. It can do
almost every function a computer desktop can do, but is
An iPad may not be an emerging technology for most
technology users, but when used for educational
purposes in school classrooms, it is as emerging as ever.

How do iPads Support CCSDs

Technology Vision?
The CCSD Instructional Technology staff is committed to
providing the resources, training and support to ensure that all
CCSD schools reach a consistent technology standard that
enhances the teaching and learning process with each
classroom through the effective use of technology.
-CCSD website
CCSD also has listed the NETS standards on their website
iPads can enhance the teaching and learning process by
providing students with interactive, hands-own technology
capable of instant feedback and personalized approaches. It
can allow students to move at their own pace or participate in
a uniform classroom lesson.

Who Can Use the iPad?

Anyone can use the iPad! Because many students either have
or are familiar with an iPhone, transitioning to the iPad in the
classroom will be a breeze.
To ensure access to the iPad for all students and teachers, I
propose a BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) policy that
allows students to bring their own iPads if they have them,
while also supplying classrooms with enough iPads for those
who do not have them.
Students can share iPads by rotating or working in pairs when
absolutely necessary.
Teacher training will be provided at the beginning of the year.

Equipment/Software Required
iPads, or other cost-efficient brands of tablets if the
budget does not allow for iPads.
Only require enough for students who cannot afford to
bring their own

Certain iPad apps may be downloaded for free or at a

cost, subject to the needs of individual teachers and the
administrations approval

Technical Support Available

Most students (and many teachers) have an intuitive
understanding of iPads and other Apple products and
can help each other
IT specialists at the school, as well as Apple
representatives, can offer additional support

Limitations of the iPads

Wi-Fi restriction in schools can prevent students from
surfing unwanted sites on school-funded tablets
However, students with data plans may be able to surf
the internet rather than doing their assignments,
distracting themselves and possibly others
Inappropriate sites could be accessed in this way

iPads have the capability to record images, video and

audio without the other person knowing
Student who are not technologically savvy may be at a
slight disadvantage to those who are

Each 16 GB iPad mini with Wi-Fi costs $239 at Walmart
Because its Wi-Fi enabled, no data plan would be required
This is not the newest or largest iPad, but the most cost
There also is the potential for a discount for buying in bulk

Other brands of tablets available on Walmart.com are

selling for around $60-$100 per tablet
Some apps are free while others may costs anywhere
from 99 cents to several dollars per download

Potential Funding Sources

Innovation grants from the state
PTA fundraisers
A shifting of funds within the current budget
Prioritization of additional funds as the growing
economy provides schools with more resources
Selling outdated school technology, such as current

How to Use in the Classroom

Because of the versatility of the iPad and the numerous apps available, it
can be used to enhance learning in almost any subject
Examples include responsive math problems, interactive anatomy lessons,
exploratory history studies, analyzing Spanish lessons.
It gives students a more personalized approach so that they can focus on
what they need to know at their own pace
Feedback is instant and it can alert students and teachers to problem areas
It can excite and inspire students to learn by putting learning on a familiar
and fund product
Because everything is digital, many items can be revisited at home by
emailing instruction or results to oneself or revisiting the app at home for
those who BYOT

Research Available of its Effectiveness

According to Henderson Yeow (2012), teachers find the
iPad a very useful tool in the classroom, students are
eager to use the device, and everyone enjoys its size
and portability.
85.2% of students showed a preference for moderate to
extensive use of e-learning with technology, according
to Diemer (2012).
Karsenti T., and Fievez, A. (2013) found the top two
benefits of iPads are increased student motivation and
greater access to information.

Plan for Implementation

Teachers need to be surveyed about interest at the end of the
previous school year, and classroom sets would need to be
purchased in the summer to give time to prepare.
At the beginning of the year, teachers who wish to use iPads
in their classroom would be provided a seminar on how to use
them, as well as some possible applications.
Teachers using the iPads will be instructed to give students a
crash course within the first couple of days of class, as well as
additional instruction throughout the year.
Requests for app downloads should be submitted to the front
office at least 10 days prior to the start of the semester

What Did I Learn?

I learned a great deal about the use of iPads in the
classroom and especially how much positive research
there is on its effectiveness. Also, if I ever wanted to
pursue this request or request for another piece of
technology, it is great to realize the kind of research I
should include when seeking its approval, showing
implementation, cost, proven research, and more.

Diemer, T., Fernandez, E., and Streepey, J. (2012).
Student Perceptions of Classroom Engagement and
Learning using iPads. Journal of Teaching and Learning
with Techology. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.13-25
Henderson, S. & Yeow J. (2012). iPad in Education: A case
study on iPad adoption and use in a primary school. 2012
45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Karsenti, T., & Fievez, A. (2013). The iPad in education:
uses, benefits, and challenges A survey of 6,057
students and 302 teachers in Quebec, Canada.

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