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Parents input: toilet training, speech is more clear
Building Child As confidence in toileting, encouraging her to remove her own nappy and
sit on the toilet unassisted as well as washing her hands without verbal prompts.
Child A has shown a great increase in her toileting. She is confident in using the toilet and
the steps involved including flushing the toilet and washing her hands. She is able to do
this mostly without verbal prompts but occasionally will need them. Child A is doing very
well with her toileting, and is now without nappies (except for at rest time). Child A does
still need some reminding to go to the toilet and prompting to wash her hands but each
time she goes to the toilet she is very proud of her achievements.
Focusing on building Child As verbal communication skills through group and individual
experiences with songs and discussions.
Child A is continually increasing her verbal communication skills and participating in group
experiences. She has been
Building Child As confidence in her social interactions, supporting her to build
friendships and explore the environment with other children.
Child A shows great confidence with her social interactions with others, but mainly with her
brother. She engages with many children and is able to express herself, he knowledge and
her interests. We are still encouraging Child A to broaden her relationships with engaging
her in group experiences with other children.



Today we had a fabulous group time. Our new educational goal is about verbal communication and expression. We are
using our communication skills as we express our knowledge and follow simple instructions. I asked the group what
they would like to draw. Child S replied mummy Child C said daddy Child E said me. So I suggested we draw a
person, it was a unanimous yes. I ensured to use simple instructions and stated one instruction at a time. I firstly
gave each child a piece of paper and then asked what colour texta they would like to use. I showed each colour and
asked them to put their hand up if they wanted their colour, there was lots of screaming me me me. I said I will give
the colour to who is listening nicely. Then when I showed a colour they put their hands up nicely. We then looked at the
paper, I wrote each childs name on their page and placed my paper on the art easel so everyone could see. We started
by drawing a circle. It was great to see that most of the children were able to draw a circle. I noticed that many kept
drawing on their page more and more circle so I said when your finished put your hands up in the air and I modelled
this. There was lots of laughing as we waved our hands in the air. What do we need next I asked. Child S said eyes.
So we drew two spots for eyes. Then I asked again a mouth said Child O and we made a big smiley mouth. Next we
needed a body so we drew a line for our body, then two lines for our arms and two lines for our legs. Once we were
done I asked them to put their lid on their texta and place their picture in the centre.
Critical reflection: It was great to see the concentration and ability to follow instructions by most of the children. They
showed excitement and enjoyment out of their drawings and pride in their work. Child A showed an excellent ability to
follow the step by step instructions during this small group experience. She drew two circles around one another for the
first step, she was able to draw the two dots for eyes and a smiley mouth. She was able to use lines to create a body.
EYLF: We are expressing ourselves through creativity and verbal communication (EYLF 4.1). We are building our
vocabulary, verbal communication skills and social skills as we learn to listen carefully and follow simple instructions
(EYLF 5.1).
Theories: Being able to draw with purpose is the starting of the preschematic stage where the first conscious creation
of form occurs around age three and provides a tangible record of the child's thinking process. The first representational
attempt is a person, usually with circle for head and two vertical lines for legs. Later other forms develop, clearly
recognizable and often quite complex. Children continually search for new concepts so symbols constantly change.
Teaching Strategies: modelling, explaining
Extension: Drawing people and sticking googly eyes.
By: Cassy

Child Es Half Yearly Report 2016

Outcome 1 Children have a strong sense of identity.

Child E has a strong sense of identity. He has built secure relationships with all of his educators. He shows a
great interest in other children and has established relationships with others especially Child C. He is confident in
initiating interactions with both educators and peers and demonstrates his interest in areas, topics and toys
through verbal communication ohh a blower vac, the whipper snipper. Child E is learning about negotiation
and sharing. He is learning how to take turns with friends and share the toys at Eurambie Park.
Outcome 2 Children are connected and contribute to their world.
Child E is connected to his world. He is beginning to show concern for others; such as when other children are
upset or fall over he asks you okay?. Child E uses play to investigate and explore new ideas. He is growing his
appreciation and care for the natural environment as he learns about how to care for it such as by watering the
plants, planting new herbs and vegetables and feeding the worm farm.
Outcome 3 Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
Child E demonstrates trusts and confidence in his environments. He is able to share his humour, happiness and
satisfaction with others as well as being comfortable in times of solitude. He is beginning to recognise and
communicate his bodily needs such as hunger and thirst. He is beginning to engage in increasingly complex
patterns of movement using both his fine and gross motor skills such as during dancing and moving about the
obstacle course. He is learning to orientate himself safely within his environment using his spatial awareness.
Child E is showing increasing independence in his personal hygiene and care for himself. He is confident in
removing his nappy and sitting on the toilet, and is often successfully using the toilet after nappy changes. Child
E is competent in washing his hands with minimal prompts from educators to use soap, water and handtowels.
Outcome 4 Children are confident and involved learners.
Child E is a confident and involved learner who expresses wonder and interest in his environment. He uses play
to investigate his ideas. He is learning to persist when his finds a task difficult. He is beginning to manipulate
objects, experiment with trial and error and motion.
Outcome 5 Children are effective communicators.
Child E is becoming an effective communicator. He is confident in using verbal communication to express his
interests, knowledge and needs. He is able to participate in our group times answering questions, singing and
responding to texts. He shows enjoyment in texts and songs.
Written by Cassy
NQS 1.2.3 Critical reflection on childrens learning and development as individuals.


Today during group time there was talk about the beach. In the afternoon Child F
was in the sandpit and heard Archer talking about going to the beach and he
added his own story.
Child F: I go beach
I asked Child F which beach Coral beach
With who? mummy, daddy and Flynn
What did you do? build sandcastles with spades
Child F began playing with the sand wheels. I see sand more here, sand in big
hole, that rolls, theres sand I see sand
Child F began talking about the beach again I swim to mummy, I build it up build
it up, dig it up dig it up
Child F then placed the sand between his fingers and watched it fall down, he
continued this over and over flowing the sand between his fingertips.
EYLF: Child F shows a great ability to remember and explain his knowledge through
his verbal communication skills (EYLF 5.1). Child F is a confident and involved
learner who shows curiosity, persistence, enthusiasm and confidence in his play
and discussions (EYLF 4.1)
Philosophy: Working collaboratively with Child F to explore his interest and discuss
this with him, providing a link between his home and care environments.
NQS: 1.2.2 Educators respond to each childs interests and play.
By: Cassy

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