Water Resource

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Spillways are structures constructed to provide safe release of flood waters

from a dam to a downstream are, normally the river on which the dam has
been const

Every reservoir has a certain capacity to store water. If the reservoir is full
and flood waters enter the same, the reservoir level will go up and may
eventually result in over-topping of the dam. To avoid this situation, the flood
has to be passed to the downstream and this is done by providing a spillway
which draws water from the top of the reservoir. A spillway can be a part of
the dam or separate from it.ructed.

Spillways can be controlled or uncontrolled. A controlled spillway is provided

with gates which can be raised or lowered. Controlled spillways have certain
advantages as will be clear from the discussion that follows. When a reservoir
is full, its water level will be the same as the crest level of the spillway.

This is the normal reservoir level. If a flood enters the reservoir at this time,
the water level will start going up and simultaneously water will start flowing
out through the spillway. The rise in water level in the reservoir will continue
for some time and so will the discharge over the spillway. After reaching a
maximum, the reservoir level will come down and eventually come back to
the normal reservoir level.

The top of the dam will have to be higher than

the maximum reservoir level corresponding to the
design flood for the spillway, while the effective
storage available is only up to the normal
reservoir level. The storage available between
the maximum reservoir level and the normal
reservoir level is called the surcharge storage and
is only a temporary storage in uncontrolled
spillways. Thus for a given height of the dam,
part of the storage - the surcharge storage is not
being utilized. In a controlled spillway, water can
be stored even above the spillway crest level by
keeping the gates closed. The gates can be
opened when a flood has to be passed.



The inflow design flood hydro-graph


The type of spillway to be provided and its capacity


The hydraulic and structural design of various components and


The energy dissipation downstream of the spillway.

As water passes over a spillway and down the chute,potential

energyconverts into increasingkinetic energy. Failure to dissipate the water's
energy can lead to scouring and erosion at the dam's toe (base). This can
cause spillway damage and undermine the dam's stability.To put this energy
in perspective. The energy can be dissipated by addressing one or more parts
of a spillway's design.


1. Free Over-fall (Straight Drop) Spillway

2. Overflow (Ogee) Spillway

3. Chute (Open Channel/Trough) Spillway

4. Side Channel Spillway

5. Shaft (Drop Inlet/Morning Glory) spillway

6. Tunnel (Conduit) spillway

7. Siphon spillway

Free Over-fall (Straight Drop) Spillway

In this type of spillway, the water freely drops down from the crest, as for an
arch dam. It can also be provided for a decked over flow dam with a vertical
or adverse inclined downstream face. Flows may be free discharging, as will
be the case with a sharp-crested weir or they may be supported along a
narrow section of the crest. Occasionally, the crest is extended in the form of
an overhanging lip to direct small discharges away from the face of the overfall section. In free falling water is ventilated sufficiently to prevent a
pulsating, fluctuating jet.

Cleveland Dam

TheCleveland Damis a concrete dam at the head of theCapilano

RiverinNorth Vancouver, British Columbia,Canadathat holds backCapilano
Lake, also known as Capilano reservoir. Part of theCapilano River Regional
Park, it is not used for generatinghydroelectricity, but rather for storing a
portion of theLower Mainland'sdrinking water.It was started in 1951 and
completed in 1954, and is named afterErnest Cleveland, first chief
commissioner of theGreater Vancouver Water District.

Overflow (Ogee) Spillway

The overflow type spillway has a crest shaped in the form of an ogee or Sshape. The upper curve of the ogee is made to conform closely to the profile
of the lower nappe of a ventilated sheet of water falling from a sharp crested
weir. Flow over the crest of an overflow spillway is made to adhere to the
face of the profile by preventing access of air to the underside of the sheet of
flowing water. Naturally, the shape of the overflow spillway is designed
according to the shape of the lower nappe of a free flowing weir conveying
the discharge flood. Hence, any discharge higher than the design flood
passing through the overflow spillway would try to shoot forward and get
detached from the spillway surface, which reduces the efficiency of the
spillway due to the presence of negative pressure between the sheet of water
and spillway surface. For discharges at designed head, the spillway attains
near-maximum efficiency. The profile of the spillway surface is continued in a
tangent along a slope to support the sheet of flow on the face of the
overflow. A reverse curve at the bottom of the slope turns the flow in to the
apron of a sliding basis or in to the spillway discharge channel.

Sardar Sarovar Dam

TheSardar Sarovar Damis agravity damon theNarmada

rivernearNavagam,GujaratinIndia. It is the largest dam
and part of the Narmada Valley Project, a largehydraulic
engineeringproject involving the construction of a series
of largeirrigationand hydroelectricmulti-purpose dams
on the Narmada river. The project took form in 1979 as
part of a development scheme to increase irrigation and
produce hydroelectricity.

Address:Narmada River, Navagam,

Gujarat, India
Opened:June 2006
Impound:Narmada River

Chute (Open Channel/Trough) Spillway

A chute spillway, variously called as open channel or trough spillway, is one

whose discharge is conveyed from the reservoir to the downstream river level
through an open channel, placed either along a dam abutment or through a
saddle. The control structure for the chute spillway need not necessarily be
an overflow crest, and may be of the side-channel type, as has been shown
in. However, the name is most often applied when the spillway control is
placed normal or nearly normal to the axis of the open channel, and where
the streamlines of flow both above and below the control crest follow in the
direction of the axis.

Generally, the chute spillway has been mostly used in conjunction with
embankment dams, like the Tehri dam, for example. Chute spillways are
simple to design and construct and have been constructed successfully on all
types of foundation materials, ranging from solid rock to soft clay.

Chute spillways ordinarily consist of an entrance channel, a control structure,

a discharge channel, a terminal structure, and an outlet channel. Often, the
axis of the entrance channel or that of the discharge channel must be curved
to fit the topography.

Mosul Dam
Mosul Dam, formerly known as
Saddam Dam, is the largest dam in
Iraq. It is located on the Tigris
river in the western governorate of
Ninawa, upstream of the city of



Construction began:January
25, 1981

Construction cost:1.5billion

Side Channel Spillway

A side channel spillway is one in which the control weir is placed

approximately parallel to the upper portion of the discharge channel. When
seen in plan with reference to the dam, the reservoir and the discharge
channel. The flow over the crest falls into a narrow trough opposite to the
weir, turns an approximate right angle, and then continues into the main
discharge channel. The side channel design is concerned only with the
hydraulic action in the upstream reach of the discharge channel and is more
or less independent of the details selected for the other spillway components.
Flow from the side channel can be directed into an open discharge channel,
or in to a closed conduit which may run under pressure or inclined tunnel.
Flow into the side channel might enter on only one side of the trough in the
case of a steep hill side location or on both sides and over the end of the
trough if it is located on a knoll or gently sloping abutment.

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam, once known asBoulder Dam, is

aconcretearch-gravity damin theBlack
Canyonof theColorado River, on the border
between the U.S. states ofNevadaandArizona. It
was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during
theGreat Depressionand was dedicated on
September 30, 1935, by PresidentFranklin D.
Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a
massive effort involving thousands of workers, and
cost over one hundred lives. Thedamwas
controversially named afterPresidentHerbert

Address:United States

Construction started:1931



Shaft (Drop Inlet/Morning Glory)


A Shaft Spillway is one where water enters over a horizontally positioned lip,
drops through a vertical or sloping shaft, and then flows to the downstream
river channel through a horizontal or nearly horizontal conduit or tunnel. The
structure may be considered as being made up of three elements, namely, an
overflow control weir, a vertical transition, and a closed discharge channel.
When the inlet is funnel shaped, the structure is called a Morning Glory
Spillway. The name is derived from the flower by the same name, which it
closely resembles especially when fitted with antivortex piers. These piers or
guide vanes are often necessary to minimize vortex action in the reservoir, if
air is admitted to the shaft or bend it may cause troubles of explosive
violence in the discharge tunnel-unless it is amply designed for free flow.

Ladybower Reservoir

Ladybower Reservoiris a large Yshapedreservoir, the lowest of three in

theUpper Derwent ValleyinDerbyshire, England.
The River Ashopflows into the reservoir from the
west; theRiver Derwentflows south, initially
throughHowden Reservoir, thenDerwent
Reservoir, and finally through Ladybower


Surface elevation:204m



Lake type:Reservoir

Outflow location:River Derwent,


Tunnel (Conduit) spillway

Where a closed channel is used to convey the discharge around a dam through
the adjoining hill sides, the spillway is often called a tunnel or conduit
spillway. The closed channel may take the form of a vertical or inclined shaft,
a horizontal tunnel through earth or rock, or a conduit constructed in open
cut and backfilled with earth materials. Most forms of control structures,
including overflow crests, vertical or inclined orifice entrances, drop inlet
entrances, and side channel crests, can be used with tunnel spillways. When
the closed channel is carried under a dam, it is known as a conduit spillway.

With the exception of those with orifice or shaft type entrances, tunnel
spillways are designed to flow partly full throughout their length. With
morning glory or orifice type control, the tunnel size is selected so that it
flows full for only a short section at the control and thence partly full for its
remaining length. Ample aeration must be provided in a tunnel spillway in
order to prevent a fluctuating siphonic action which would result if some part
of exhaustion of air caused by surging of the water jet, or wave action or

Mazvikadei Dam

Mazvikadei Damis adaminZimbabwewhich provides water for

farmirrigation. It is the third largest dam in Zimbabwe.



Construction began:1985

Opening Date: 1988

Impounds: Mukwarzi River

Length: 320 meters

Siphon spillway

A siphon spillway is a closed conduit system formed in the shape of an inverted

U, positioned so that the inside of the bend of the upper passageway is at
normal reservoir storage level This type of siphon is also called a Saddle siphon
spillway. The initial discharges of the spillway, as the reservoir level rises above
normal, are similar to flow over a weir. Siphonic action takes place after the air
in the bend over the crest has been exhausted. Continuous flow is maintained
by the suction effect due to the gravity pull of the water in the lower leg of the

Siphon spillways comprise usually of five components, which include an inlet, an

upper leg, a throat or control section, a lower leg and an outlet. A siphon
breaker air vent is also provided to control the siphonic action of the spillway so
that it will cease operation when the reservoir water surface is drawn down to
normal level. Otherwise the siphon would continue to operate until air entered
the inlet. The inlet is generally placed well below the Full Reservoir Level to
prevent entrance of drifting materials and to avoid the formation of vortices
and draw downs which might break siphonic action.

Another type of siphon spillway designed by Ganesh Iyer has been named
after him. It consists of a vertical pipe or shaft which opens out in the form of
a funnel at the top and at the bottom it is connected by a right angle bend to
a horizontal outlet conduit. The top or lip of the funnel is kept at the Full
Reservoir Level. On the surface of the funnel are attached curved vanes or
projections called the volutes.

Norfork Dam

Norfork Damis a largedamin

ofMountain Home. It damsNorth
Fork Riverand creates Norfork
Lake. The top of the dam
supports a 2-lane roadway, part
ofAR 177

Location: Baxter County, Arkansas,

United States

Type: Reservoir

Surface Area: 8900 ha

Max Depth: 178 ft. (at normal pool)


Asluicegate is a mechanism used to control water flow. These devices are often used in
water treatment plants, mining, dams, rice fields, andcranberrybogs, among other
places. The gates are typically made of wood or metal, and often slide vertically on a
frame to open or close, allowing water to flow out of a space or to be contained in it.
For this reason, they are also known as a sluice gate valve.

Sluice gate design is not only limited to a vertical sliding system, however. One kind of
sluice gate acts like a flap and is moved by water pressure being greater on one side
than the other. Others are even cylindrical in nature.

The wordsluiceindicates a man-made channel or modified natural waterway that

conducts water. This kind of gate regulates how and where that water is moved. This is
especially useful for controlling flooding or water levels in farming and other industries.

Many sluice gates are moved by means of a threaded rod system, which needs to be
regularly cleaned and greased. Often, when these gates are used in applications with a
large amount of water pressure, such as dams, they are raised and lowered by hydraulic
systems to control the sluice gate flow. Sometimes in smaller uses, such as incranberry
bogs, the gates are raised and lowered manually. At other times, an electrically-driven
hoisting system is used

Types of Sluice Gates

Flap sluice gate - A fully automatic type, controlled by the pressure head
across it; operation is similar to that of acheck valve. It is a gate hinged at
the top. When pressure is from one side, the gate is kept closed; a pressure
from the other side opens the sluice when a threshold pressure is surpassed.

Vertical rising sluice gate - A plate sliding in the vertical direction, which
may be controlled by machinery.

Radial sluice gate - A structure, where a small part of a cylindrical surface

serves as the gate, supported by radial constructions going through the
cylinder's radius. On occasion, a counterweight is provided.

Rising sector sluice gate - Also a part of a cylindrical surface, which rests at
the bottom of the channel and rises by rotating around its centre.

Needle sluice - A sluice formed by a number of thin needles held against a

solid frame through water pressure as in aneedle dam.

Logging sluices/Stoplogs - are frequently used to temporarily block flow

through a spillway or canal to enable dewatering of the area for routine
inspection and maintenance of the main equipment. Operation is usually by
mobile/gantry crane using fixed slings or an automatic lifting beam. Stoplogs
can be single or multiple units dependant upon the size of channel being

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