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Andrew Goodwins


Goodwin's Theory
Goodwin's theory states that there are 5 key aspects to a
music video. These include
1) The Beat ( what the lyrics mean in your head)
2) Relationship between the song and visuals
3) Narrative and performance of the song
4) Technical aspect of a music video
5) Star image

The Beat
There are three steps and stages to understanding what
the beat of a music video means to you.
The first step of this understanding process is to analyze
the structure of the music's, by doing this you will
understand the chorus and the verses within that music
The second step is looking at the main voice of the song.
This voice will be different to the voices from other music
videos so the audience can form an identification related
to the stars voice
The Third Step is the story of the artist within the music
video. The music video can create a story for the audience.

Relation between the music

and Visuals

There are also three different ways in which the lyrics

and visuals are used to promote a song
Illustrate: This is when the lyrics
are exactly the same as what's
happening on the scree. This is
used to illustrate meaning to the
audience so they understand what
is happening on the screen
Amplify: This is when the level
of emotion is increase within a
music video. The camera shots
are manipulated and shown
repeatedly to express this.
Contradict: This is when the
visuals on the screen are the
complete opposite to what is
going on the screen. The
meaning of the song is
completely ignored

This is shown in
Adele's song Adele as
the conversation she
is having is illustrated
from a phone call
This same shot is
shown repeatedly to
show Zayn Malik
In this music video
the lyrics are talking
about how money
although the image
shows money

Andrew Goodwin believed that it was important for an Artist
to be involved in the video either by appearing as the main
actor or by being the main actor in the Narrative.
This makes the song sound and look more realistic as it is
coming from the artist themselves allowing the audience to be
able to relate with the artist in a deeper way
One good example of this is Jason Derulos Whatcha say. The
Singer appears in the majority of the music video in both a
narrative and performance

Technical Aspect
Andrew Goodwin stated that the technical aspect is what helps
to hold a music video in place. He says that the Mise-Enscene , The sound and the Editing are the the main factors.
The Lighting and the color also helps to set the scene in music
videos as it creates mood and emphasis on different more and
less significant parts to a song. This connotation is used to
make the audience feel different ways at different points
The Mise-En-scene is also a vital inclusion when producing
and planning music videos. The Mise en scene is used to
establish the artist within the music video. A good Mise En
Scene also gives the music video a more professional look.

Star Image

Goodwin also referred to the star image being a very vital

aspect of music video production. The Star Supposedly
makes the music look more appealing to the audiences. The
Star image can also be linked to the uses and gratifications
theory as the audience are suppose to relate and identify
with the Artist.
Many world Famous music videos use the star image idea
put forward by Goodwin. Beyonc and One Direction
especially as they both feature hugely in large amounts and
are always center of attention in there music videos

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