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Why Join SITE?

Elise Hackl
FPR 6010
Summer 2016
Dr. Katie Wozniak

Why Join a Professional Organization?

We must grow alongside our students
Professional organizations give us the tools to be better educators
Collaboration with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and

How Will it Impact Me?

Illinois State Board of Education has a professional development
Danielson Model evaluates participation in PD and professional

What is SITE?
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
A warm, welcoming international society for all (SITE, 2016).
Aimed to integrate technology into the classroom and further into
teacher education programming

What are the benefits of SITE?

Yearly conferences (in fun locations)
Subscription to Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
Also includes online subscription of previous issues

Collaboration with educators across the globe

Participation in special interest groups under 3 umbrella topicsinformation technology, teacher education, and consulative

What are the costs?

Annual Costs
Current teachers: $125
Students: $45

Members: $395
Virtual Members: $195

How has this helped me as an educator?

Opportunity to understand what is happening globally
Participate in conversations about the future of teacher education and
integration of technology
Focus on specific content within teacher education
Grow in my confidence to integrate technology into my classroom

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