DNS Final

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Domain Name System / Services

Introduction of DNS:-User Friendly Name :1> Host Name (Computer Name)
2> FQDN Name (Full Computer name include
domain name)
User identify only user friendly name and all computer and
technology identify IP address and MAC address.
We can use the DNS to solve this problem because DNS is
convert host name, FQDN to IP address and IP address
to host name, FQDN.
We can also called Name Resolution this process

Why Need of Name Resolution

Exp:-- User can not remember lot of number of IP
address like but user easily remember
user friendly name like yahoo, hotmail, gmail and
another name.
But computer identify only IP address
So easy to make this technology before reaching user
DNS is convert IP address to Host Name.
Note :- Network is completely work without DNS but
difficult to use.

DNS System
DNS is a services that maps domain Name to their IP address.
DNS is a complete system and lot of computer work in this system
Part of DNS system:Host Name, Domain Name, Namespace DNS Server.
Host Name:- Host name is a computer name. host name is also called
NetBIOS name (Network Basic Input/Output System) we can identify
of the computer but we can not identify of the location of the
computer. If we use the IP address than we identify network with the
help of Net Id.
Note:- we can identify of computer with host name on small network but
we cant identify computer with host name on large network or
internet work. This is a disadvantage of the internet.

Rule of IP Address
IP Address has divided in two parts
Host ID:- Identify of the computer.
Net ID :- Identify on the network (Complete Location)
IP address is use on internet because IP address has two
part host id and net id. MAC address is use only for identify
of the host name (computer name) So we can not use
MAC address on internet work.

Domain Name:- Domain name is the identify the internet

site. You can identify the location without having to
remember the IP address of every location EXP:-Yahoo.com, hotmail.com

Domain Namespace
Domain namespace enable user to easily locate the network service
and resources. The domain namespace include the root domain, the
top level domain and second level domain of the organization and
organize these domain in hierarchical Tree Structure.
(ICANN) Internet Corporations Assigned Name and Number.
(Root Domain)








(Top Level Domain)

gmail (Second Level Domain)


(Sub domain)

DNS Server
Any computer providing domain name service is a DNS server. DNS
server is convert host name FQDN into IP address and IP address
into host name FQDN.

Components of the DNS Server :--DNS Query:

DNS Server Cache:
DNS Zone:
DNS Resource Record:
DNS Query:- DNS is a request for name resolution that is
send to DNS server by the client in a network. A client can
send query to a DNS server or DNS server can also send a
DNS query to another DNS server.

DNS Query Are Two Types


Recursive DNS Query: In this query DNS server did not take
responsible to find best answer for client. DNS server can forward
this query to next another DNS server.

2) Iterative DNS Query: Is a query in which the client accept the best
available answer from the DNS server. In case if the server does
not know the answer , it may direct forward this query another
DNS server. All Burdon on local DNS server.

DNS Server Cache: Is the temporary storage area in the DNS

server that store the most frequently or recently access records.
This cache is clear when DNS service is stopped.

DNS Zone:

zone is a part of DNS database that contain record of

domain or multiple domain. Zone also contain a list of host name
to IP address mapping for that domain.

Type of Zone:1) Forward lookup Zone:- It convert FQDN into IP address.


Reverse Lookup Zone:- It convert IP address into FQDN.

Types of Zone
Primary Zone: All DNS record are created in it. This is first zone in
the network. We can addition, the DNS record are created and
modified in the primary zone.

Secondary Zone: Is the DNS zone that contain a read only copy of
the DNS record that are store in the primary zone. The record store in
the secondary zone cannot be modified. It also called backup of
primary zone.

Stub Zone: This is copy of the primary zone but it contain only those

resource records those are necessary to identify the server

authoritative for the master zone. Stub Zone is a zone which contains
three important records, that is, start of authority (SOA) record, name
server(NS) record and the glue host (A)record of another DNS server.

Active Directory Integrated Zone: This zone is created

automatically when we install and configure Active Directory.

DNS Resource Record

Start of Authority (SOA) Record:- The first record in
any database is represents the SOA record.
Name Server (NS) Records:- Name server (NS)
record contain the domain name server.
Host (AorAAAA) Resource Records:- These
record map the DNS domain name of the
computer (or host) with their IP address. Exp.. If
the host name server1.abc.com has the IP
address is
server1 A

Alias (CNAME) Records:- This is the short name of the

FQDN like this pc1.row1.lab18.floor2.o7services.com
these IP address is this CNAME is
www.o7services.com these IP

Mail Exchange (MX) Record:- Used by e-mail

applications to locate mail servers with in zone.

Pointer (PTR) Records:- Used only to support reverse

lookup zone. It convert IP address into host name.
Note:- WINS (Windows Internet Naming Server) it convert
NetBIOS into IP address. WINS is old version of the DNS

Install DNS Server Role

Step of DNS Server installation and un installation
Start Server Manager
Select Roles
Add Role
Check box of DNS (Domain Name System)
Some time next and Finish
For un installation just uncheck the DNS box and ok
and finish

Some DNS Commands

C:>tracert www.yahoo.com :--Command is use to check the
path a data packet follow from one router to another router.

C:>Nslookup :-- Command is display the Domain name with


C:>Ipconfig /all :-Display the IP address with FQDN, IP

address MAC address.

C:>ipconfig /flushdns :- Flush and reset the DNS resolver


C:>ipconfig /displaydns :- Display the contents of DNS

resolver cache.

C:>ipconfig /registerdns :- Register any DNS names.

Thank You
Anoop Sharma
Microsoft Trainer

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