The Evolving Customer Journey

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The Evolving Customer Journey

Who am I?
• Social Media Manager at Off Madison Ave
• Consumer and social media aficionado nerd
• Digital native – online since age 12 13
I saw this great video on YouTube the other day…
Later I saw this ad and figured out it was the same family from YouTube
Got on my
laptop to
search for
Toyota Sienna
and see what
else there
was on this

Went to YouTube to see if there were more funny videos…

Oh here it is! Same videos and family I was looking for. The whole channel is
dedicated to this. Wonder if there’s anything more on the Facebook page…
Cool! Here’s exactly what I was looking for – Facebook personality is just like the videos…
The path I took wasn’t linear
like our traditional purchase
funnel. I bounced around from
place to place. Toyota kept me
going because each place I
went fit with the others, but
could also stand on it’s on. I
never got lost.
Possible Brand Touch Points
Brands Think Like This

Digital Media


Social Media

Radio Mobile
Consumers See It Like This
Brand Interactions Look Like This
Forget Website Design – we need
Webpresence design
We think it’s about
Traditional Media Vs. New Media
But really it’s about
Traditional Media + New Media
• 60% of Americans surf the internet
while they watch TV
• The amount of time they spend
online while watching TV is up 34%
from last year
• During the Olympics, 40% of online
panelists were on Facebook.
Let’s try another story. This time I saw this ad first. I love Mike Rowe so I go to find more online…
I try Facebook first because I was already on it while watching TV…he’s not here
Maybe YouTube?

Where is he?
Stuck in one
tiny playlist
up there…
only on the
microsite that
they made. If
I don’t follow
the specific
path they
want me to I
can’t find it.
From the microsite I click videos but instead of going to YouTube I get
here where I can’t share…unless I’m technical enough to embed…
how do I embed on Facebook?
It’s not just TV and Internet….

45 million US
30% of mobile cell phones
users use the are smart
browser while only phones.
28% use apps. That’s 17%.
38% of people say
mobile ads/info
based on location
make them more
likely to act.
I’m on vacation and want to find somewhere to eat. We ask the front desk and they give
us a recommendation…
Look it up on my phone on Yelp – looks
good but when I go to the site it won’t
work on my phone so I can’t see the
So I search again and find one I CAN see.
Cool! Sign up and get a
coupon in my email – email
continues the same branding
and messaging.
Go to the restaurant and check-in – people
leave tips about the email deal
And now that social info I put in from the location is searchable…

Social media is taking up some of the most valuable search

engine result page spaces:

Real time updates can take up space above the fold.

Videos and images fill the first page of results.

Results from the users’ own social network can take up

space below the fold.

In fact social sites themselves are being used for search –

YouTube is now considered the second largest search engine
after Google itself. Facebook has introduced web search
through it’s platform and Twitter search provides people
with the most up-to-date news.
So what if I search for your brand? Will that be consistent? When I look at recent
results they’re almost all Tweets
So say I get to your Twitter page first – pretty bland, doesn’t look like there’s a big promo
But when I go to your site there is.
And it’s on Facebook.

Why not Twitter?

Don’t get
frustrated! I know
it sounds like I’m
saying you need to
be everywhere all
the time

But I’m not – I’m saying you need to be where your customers are
and be consistent across those channels. Everything needs to stand
alone, and work together so no matter what touch point I start at I
can find the others, and not feel lost.
Mapping YOUR Customers’ Journey
• Ask them
– Surveys
– Social Listening
– Technographic studies + demographic assumptions
• Track them
– Web Analytics
– Email Mining (Rapleaf, Flowtown)
• Test them
– Discounts
Shaping YOUR Customers’ Journey
• Links
– Order by importance
– Cross-link Networks
• Promotions
– Mention in commercials
– In-store signage
• Nielson Three Screen Report (Mar 2010)
• eMarketer Mobile Audience Insights Report: Q1 2010 (May 2010)
• Top Mobile Content Usage (Mar 2010)
• comScore February Marketshare Data (Feb 2010)
• comScore October 2009 US Search Rankings (Oct 2009)
Photo Credits
(in order of appearance)

• ADoseofShipBoy (Flickr) - confetti

• Hawkin Kings (Flickr) – iPhone
• LGEPR (Flickr) – TV
• Search Engine People Blog (Flickr) – Laptop
• Cote (Flickr) – Laptop2
• Jose and Roxanne (Flickr) – Front desk
• Piez (Flickr) – Cat
• Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL (Flickr) - Map

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