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Indian Politics

Indian Political System

India is a federal parliamentary
democratic republic.
It is based on the parliamentary
model as is found in countries like
the United Kingdom.
We have a multi political party
system, instead of the more
commonly seen bi party one.
The leaders are chosen by national
and state elections

Structure of the Indian

There is a bicameral Union
Bicameral legislature is one in which
the legislators are divided into two
separate assemblies
In our case, these assemblies are the
Upper House, Rajya Sabha and the
Lower House,Lok Sabha

Single Party and Coalition

The political party which commands the most seats
in the Lok Sabha or the Vidhan Sabha in the states,
forms the government of that state.
Till 1977 Indian National Congress was the lone
dominating party in the elections, but it was in this
year that the first non congress government was
The 1990s saw the end of single party domination
and with the rise in the number of political parties,
coalition governments began being formed.
Even today, a coalition government NDA (National
Democratic Alliance) is in power at the centre.

Left vs Right
Each party has its own ideology and on
the basis of these ideologies parties are
classified into left-right political
Left includes anarchists, communists ,
socialists, progressives etc.
Right spectrum consists of Nazis,
fascists, nationalists, religious
fundamentalists etc.

Indian National Congress

The first political party of India, formed on
28 December 1885, by A.O Hume, a retired
British officer.
Mahatma Gandhi had asked the leaders to
dissolve the INC and form a new
organization to govern the nation.
However, the party was divided into
Congress (O) and Congress (R) when Indira
Gandhi was asked to leave the then INC for
not acting according party ideals.

Bharatiya Janata Party

It is one of the major political parties of
India and is a right wing party.
Its origins lie in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh,
formed in 1951 by Syama Prasad
It defeated the Congress party in 1977
general election.
It is also the current ruling party but has
formed a coalition government under the
name NDA

2015 Indian Science Congress
ancient aircraft controversy
JNU sedition controversy
Agra religious conversions
IPL fixing
Assam election controversy,
Citizenship Act

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