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Current Scenario

• Mobile subscriber base grew by 48%

in 2008 (
• GSM players constitute 75% of
market (BS, April 2009)
• Airtel is market leader with 23.2%
market share (HT, June 05, 2009)

Growth of Industry
• the Indian mobile service is expected to
grow at a compounded annual rate of
• exceed 700 million subscription base by
2012 (Gartner Inc.)
• mobile penetration to increase by 38%
by 2011 (
• ARPU will fall to $59.5 from $82 by
2011 (The Financial Express, July 19, 2007)
• Telephone subscribers in India
increased from 509.03 mn at the end
of Sept. 2009 to 562.16 mn at the end
of Dec. 2009 – teledensity 47.88% (BS,
April 07, 2010)
• to understand various factors that
are affecting the buying pattern of
consumer of mobile service
• to understand the usage behavior of
consumer of various mobile
services provided by mobile service
• to understand various growth drivers
that can be used by mobile service
providers for growth of the
Research Methodology
• Research Design
– exploratory
• Sampling Procedure
– Random Sampling (New Delhi,
Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Raipur,
• Data Collection
• Questionnaire Design
– Combination of open and close ended
for suggestions, needs and ratings
Questionnaire and Research
1. Listing the name of mobile service

Questionnaire and Research
 2. Description of mobile service provider
B ar 5:
C o n su m e rs
kn o w a b o u t
e ve ry se rvice
p ro vid e rs,
th e ir o ffe rs
a n d w h a t th e y
a re b u yin g
Questionnaire and Research
 3. Importance of various parameters while
buying a sim
Questionnaire and Research
 4. Money spend on mobile recharge per
Questionnaire and Research
 5. Time spend per hour talking on
mobile phone
Questionnaire and Research
6. Rating on the basis of number of calls

made to different individuals on weekly

Questionnaire and Research
7. Rating for time preference for a call made by

individuals on weekly basis

Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
 8. Topic or Subject of discussion for a
Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
 9. Parameters on which duration of
call depends
Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
10. Subject of SMS

Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
11. Individuals to whom SMSs are send

Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
12. Is the phone used GPRS enabled

Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
13. Do customers use GPRS in GPRS

enabled phone
Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fi n d in g s
14. Amount of data downloaded per

week Fig.
Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
15. Purpose of using GPRS

Q u e stio n n a ire a n d R e se a rch
Fin d in g s
16. Plans of GPRS used

• Plans for Roaming
• Advertisements related to buying sim
• More efforts should be taken to increase
Minutes of Usage (MoU) to increase the
Average Revenue per Usage (ARPU)
• calls and SMSs are rarely been made for
family and relatives
• calls done from 1am to morning 7am are
done in very rare cases
• 60% of people use GPRS enabled phones
but are not using GPRS
• net downloads per week are less than 9 MB

• Low tariff rates resulted in low ARPU
($8 compared to golbal $21)
• Lacks behind in Per minute Cellular
tariffs (2.5c per min)
• More emphasis should be given to
other VAS services
• Needs more detailed segmentation,
targeting, sub-strategy to increase

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