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STRESS - A complex series of reactions, both

psychological and physical, in response to demanding or
threatening situations

STRESSORS - Events that produce physical and

psychological demands on a person-

A role (also role or social role) is a set of connected

behaviors', rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as

conceptualized by people in a social situation. It is
an expected or free or continuously changing
behaviour and may have a given individual social
status or social position.

The Host: Somebody has to be willing to entertain all these guests. The
host's job is to put on a great event, maintain the peace, and clean up after
the party is over. On top of that, the host has to make sure everybody is
having a good time by keeping your glass full, the food coming, the music
playing, and the entertainment lively

The Facilitator: the facilitator plays a different and very important

role. The facilitator genuinely wants to make sure everyone is happy. They
have a curious nature and truly enjoy a good conversation. Without the
facilitator, conversations would grow quiet and stagnant -- people would
stop mingling and meeting other people.

Popular One: This is the most important person in the community. Yes,
the popular one makes it all about "me," but they also bring a whole bunch
of people with them. Some people show up to see them. Some people show up
to be able to say they saw them. Some people show up because they might see
them. The popular one has a tight-knit set of friends and a large group of
pseudo-friends that show up wherever they go. If you don't get the popular
one(s) to show up, you're going to have a tiny, boring, and listless

The Instigator: Somebody needs to stir the pot. Somebody needs to be

willing to say the things others won't and do the things that make people
shake their head. That's what's great about the instigator -- they keep things
interesting. People simultaneously love and hate the instigator. They love
watching what comes next, but they hate all the attention he/she gets.

The voyeur: They don't cause problems, usually lend a hand to

the host, never overstay their welcome, and always tell everyone what a
GREAT time they had. In some circles they're known as wallflowers,
but that's not really giving them their due. Wallflowers don't interact
and seldom even show up. The voyeur shows up. It's that showing up
that helps the community out tremendously. They make an impact
without actively participating, because they can be counted. The host
can say/claim 500 people showed up, even if 420 of them were voyeurs.
Without the voyeur we'd all be in trouble.

Role stress is the stress experienced by the persons

because of their role (job) in the organization. They

assume a role based on the expectation of the self and
others at work place. The family members try to adjust
their roles within the family and a change is being felt in
their attitudes.


Occupational stress is defined as harmful physical and emotional
responses that occur when the requirements of a job do not match
the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker and can lead to
poor health and even injury.

to the individual effects of stress get manifested as minor complaint of
illness serious ailments such as heart disease, or social problem such
as alcoholic and drug abuse
Increase pace of life stress is increasingly implicated in a range of
illness. Contend that that in the developed world, stress is directly
implicated in four cases (heart disease, strokes, injured and suicide
and homicide) and indirectly involved in further three (cancer,
chronic liver-disease and bronchial complaints emphysema)


All of the potential stress outlined so far lessen the satisfaction
obtained from work and reduced on the job performance
Work has dramatically change since the early 1990s,with more
and more workplaces downsizing, merging and restructuring
Certain occupational, such as mining, piloting, advertising and
acting are believed to provide the highest stress levels. Stress
on the job becomes an occupational hazard for certain
helping professional, such as physicians, dentist, nurse and
health technologies,


Stress related illness is not confined to either high or low status workers.

Every jobs has potential stress agents. Researchers have identified seven
major sources of work stress . Common to all jobs, though these factory
vary in the degree for a particular role
A. Factors intrinsic to the job;
B. Role in the organization;
C. Personalities and coping strategy;
D. Relationship at work;
E. Career development;
F. Organizational culture and climate;
G. Home-work interface;
Role conflict and role ambiguity are among the most widely studied role stress
variables and generally are negatively related to job outcomes

Arises when individuals do not have a clear

picture about their work objectives, their coworkers expectations of them and the scope and
responsibilities of their job. Often this
ambiguity results simply because a supervisor
doesnt know how he or she fits into the
organization and unsure of any rewards no
matter how well he or she may perform

Role conflict exists when an individual is torn by

conflicting job demands or by doing things that he

or she does not really want to do, or things which
the individual does not believe are part of the job.
Conflict situations can clearly act as stress factors
upon the individuals involved. research

Responsibility has been founded to be another organizations role
Types of Responsibility

Responsibility for people

Responsibility for things

Part of the responsibility for people acts as a stressor, undoubtedly

results from the specific nature of the responsibility, particularly
as it relates to the need to make unpleasant interpersonal
decisions. Another part of the reason is that people in
responsibility positions lend themselves to overload, and perhaps
role conflict and ambiguity

Workplace stress today is caused by overload, job insecurity, and a

management style that punishes rather than places
Relationships at Work
At work, especially, dealings with bosses, peers and subordinates can dramatically
affect the way we feel at the end of the day. Selye (1974) suggested that learning
to live with other people is one of the most stressful aspects of life

Relationship with Superiors

physicians and clinical psychologists support the idea that problems of emotional
disability often result when the relationship between a subordinate and a boss is
psychologically unhealthy for one reason or another

Relationships with Subordinates and Colleagues

They way in which a manager supervises the work of other is critical aspect of his
or her work. They must learn to delegate and manage by participation.
However , todays emphasis on participation can be a cause of resentment and
anxiety and stress for the managers involved

Career Development
Lack of job security, fear of redundancy, obsolescence or retirement, and
numerous performance appraisals can cause pressure and strain. In
addition, the frustration of having reached ones career ceiling or having
been over-promoted can result in extreme stress

Organizational Culture and Climate

Broadly speaking, organizational climate is about employees perception of
how their organizations functions, while organizational culture refers to the
valve, assumptions and norms that are shared by organizational members,
and which influence individuals collective behaviour.

Critiques of Stress
Much of the literature seems to construe stress as entirely negative. Yet in
some circumstances it is possible for both stress and positive emotions to
arises from the same experience for example workers may be coping with
heavy pressure but also experiencing quite high job satisfaction

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