Analysis of Hyperactivity Children Brain Waves

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Analysis Of Hyperactivity

children Brain waves

What is ADHD
A medical condition caused by genetic
factors that result in certain neurological
Behavioral Characteristics
1.Problems with attention
2.Lack of Impulse Control
3.Motor Restlessness




Is ADHD on the Rise?

Market flooded with new drugs
Number of legitimate cases has remained
5% in adults
3% in children


Drug exposure in-utero

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(FAS)
Expectant Mothers:

~5% report using illicit drugs*

>20% report using alcohol*

*Source: National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Neurometric Analysis
Development of Neurofeedback Therapy for ADHD


Able to distinguish Learning Disabled

from non-Learning Disabled children
based on EEG differences
97% successful diagnosis?
High Hopes
Should be possible to use home
computersto carry out neurometric
analysis right in the schools

Brain waves and their

Delta: 0.1-3 Hz

Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions,

Theta: 3-8 Hz
Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus,
creativity, lucid dreaming
Alpha: 8-12 Hz
Light relaxation, super learning, positive thinking
Low Beta: 12-15 Hz
Relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities
Midrange Beta: 15-18 Hz
Increased mental ability, focus, alertness, and IQ
High Beta: above 18Hz
Fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress and anxiety
Gamma: 40 Hz
Associated with information-rich task processing and highlevel information processing

Brainwaves in ADHD
Lubar suggested that children with
hyperactivity + an attention deficit
Less beta activity above 14 Hz
Excessive theta (4-8 Hz) activity

Suggests that these children are

less able to shift from resting states
(theta/alpha dominant) to excited
states (beta dominant)

Brainwaves in ADHD
A case study of 6 such patients
showed that SMR (12-15 Hz) training
followed by beta training with theta
inhibition produced significant and
sustained improvements in school
performance and psychometric
Letter grades improves, and SMR and
beta production improved with
decreases in theta

What areas/systems are

affected in ADHD patients?
Frontal lobe
Attention to tasks
Focus concentration
Make good decisions
Plan ahead
Learn and remember what we have
Behave appropriately in situations

What areas/systems are

affected in ADHD patients?
Limbic system
Base of our emotions
If over-activated, a person might have
wide mood swings or quick temper
Might also be over-aroused: quick to
startle, touching everything around,
hyper vigilant

What areas/systems are

affected in ADHD patients?
The Reticular Activating System
Connected at its base to the spinal cord
Receives information projected directly
from the ascending sensory tracts
Brainstem reticular formation runs all
the way up to the mid-brain
Serves as a point of convergence for
signals from the external world and from
interior environment

What areas/systems are

affected in ADHD patients?
Functional imaging techniques have
pointed to 3 areas related to the
basal ganglia
Prefrontal cortex
Caudate nucleus
Globus palladus

Problems with the circuit between

these three regions may be the
underlying mechanism that causes
ADHD symptoms

EEG Biofeedback procedure

One or more sensors are put on the

scalp and one on an earlobe
No pain

Computer translates brainwaves into

controls for a video game
Practice can allow the child to gain an
increased control over their brainwaves

Number of sessions varies

Can take from 40-60 sessions to
eliminate ADD, may need more than 60

Thank you

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