Medical Term Skeletal 1

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Skeletal System

Medical Terminology

Skeletal System Word

Ankyl/o - crooked bent or stif
Arthr/o - joint
Chondr/o cartilage
Cost/o - rib
Crani/o - skull
Kyph/o - bent, hump
Lord/o - curve, sway-back, bent
Myel/o - spinal cord, bone marrow
Oss/e, oss/I, ost/o, oste/o - bone
Scoli/o - curved, bent
Spondyl/o - vertebrae, vertebral column
Synovi/o, synov/o synovial membrane,synovial fluid

Functions of the skeletal system

Support and protect the internal organs
Red bone marrow

Structures of the Skeletal

Bursa (cushion that helps movement at a

Tissues of bone
Periosteum- the tough fibrous tissue that
forms the outermost covering of bone
Compact bone- hard, dense and very strong
bone that is in the outer layer
Spongy bone- lighter with many open
spaces, usually found in the inner portion of
the bone
Medullary cavity- located inside the shaft of
a long bone
Endosteum - tissue that forms the lining of
the medullary cavity

Anatomic features of bone

* Smooth, rubbery, blue-white connective
tissue that acts as a shock absorber
between bones

Types of cartilage
Articular cartilage - covers the surface of
the bone where the joint is formed
Meniscus - fibrous cartilage, usually has a
curved shape


Meniscus tear

Also known as articulations
Basically point at which two bones connect
or meet

Types of joints
Cartilage joints
Synovial joints

Types of joints

Suture- (immovable joint) bones meet at a

jagged line to form a joint that doesnt
(ex. Skull)

Types of joints

Synovial joint
these are the movable joints of the body
Two types
Ball and socket joint example??
Hinge joint example??

Structure of synovial joints

Ligament band of fibrous tissue that

connects one bone to another bone

Ligament of the knee

Synovial membrane/fluid

Bursa- this is a fibrous sac that contains the

membrane and synovial fluid
Acts as a cushion to help movement in areas that
could have increased friction
Ex. shoulder, elbow, kneeplaces that tendon
passes over a bone


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